Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 202 Glory belongs to each of you

The door of the auditorium suddenly opened. Zhang Xiao had never seen such a scene before. The four long tables were moved far away, revealing a huge open space in the middle.

The little wizards stood on both sides in robes, leaning on their feet and looking towards the door.

Thunderous applause suddenly broke out. They clapped their hands vigorously, whistled sharply, and cheered loudly.

In the innermost teacher's seat, Dumbledore sat in the silver high-backed chair and looked at it with a smile.

The professors were also sitting in their seats, raising their heads and staring here.

Uh, this scene is a bit big, right?

Harry gets big news once every year on average, and he even kills the basilisk (unrevealed version), but he doesn't get such exaggerated treatment!

"You deserve this. When you step up and stand in front of all the little wizards, you deserve it."

Professor McGonagall clapped her hands gently and added: "Professor Dumbledore also agreed, and he also felt that you deserved this praise."

Professor Dumbledore also agreed?

Zhang Xiaomai moved his somewhat stiff legs and walked inside. This was the first time he had experienced such a lively scene.

Of course - if he had not died in his previous life, he would definitely have had such a welcome party.

The moment he stepped into the door, the cheers and applause suddenly became more enthusiastic.

A bright red carpet slowly opened along his footsteps, and various fireworks were displayed on the canopy above his head. Li Qiaodan took the microphone and shouted in a deep voice:

"ladies and gentlemen!

Let us welcome - the defender of Hogwarts, the savior of ghosts, the changer in the kitchen, the best student in Slytherin, the warrior who slays the basilisk, the dragon knight!

Xiao————————————Zhang! "

Various noisy sounds mixed together and rushed over like a tsunami. Zhang Xiao tried his best to imagine that the people around him were curly-haired baboons and came to the rostrum.

There were shouts from little wizards all around, and some distinctive shouts could still be vaguely distinguished:

"Zhang! Can the basilisk be eaten?"

"The front row sells dung bombs, oops - who hits me!"

"Escape from the escape room, whisper curses, seal your mouth, ban Parseltongue, and ban shouting letters. Do you have one together?"

"Barbecue competition! Judge by how much Noble drools!"

Zhang Xiao stopped, Dumbledore had stood up, his hands slightly lowered, and the auditorium quickly became quiet.

"During the time I was away, many, many things happened, and the shadow tried to cast its shadow over Hogwarts again.

However, I saw a scene that made me happy. Everyone did not care about their own safety and stood up bravely. "

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood, no wonder Dumbledore agreed to create such a big scene.

Blocking the basilisk on his own was only part of the story. What was more likely was that under his subtle influence, the four colleges had reduced their barriers and were even willing to stand up and rescue their classmates!

This is what Dumbledore dreams of and wants to see, unity and friendship!

Dumbledore paused, his beard trembling:

“When a crisis occurs, there are many brave actions worth remembering – for example, Harry Potter, when the Chamber of Secrets opened, he forgot his own safety and was the first to jump into the Chamber of Secrets, although this behavior was very reckless.

But it is undeniable that he is very brave and noble! "

The scene that had just been quiet suddenly became lively again. Harry grinned sheepishly, and the little wizards around him patted his shoulders crazily and rubbed his hair.

They are still excited and even miss the scene of the collective charge.

I can't wait for another enemy to charge them.

That's Voldemort! Even though it was a baby version, even the basilisk was scared away by me!

Come together, we are invincible!

Dumbledore chuckled and then said:

"Ravenclaw said that extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind. There is a little wizard who shows us how powerful wisdom can be.

In a short period of time, she deduced the truth and sought verification. In the end, she was even willing to risk everything in exchange for a chance to try.

When the voice of Parselmouth echoed in every corner of the castle.

The secret room she opened was the greatest compliment to her!

Hermione Granger is a little wizard who was born into a Muggle family but is better than a pure-blood.

You should remember this name, because her existence shows us how ridiculous those circulating theories of pure-blood nobility are! "

The cheers that erupted all around almost reached the ceiling, and everyone still remembered the weird hissing sound when they opened the shouting letter.

There were also shouts full of shock and disbelief:

"Here! I have a door open here!"

As well as Hermione crying with relief, no one knew how much pressure Hermione was under.

No one thought about how Hermione would have dealt with herself if the Chamber of Secrets had not been opened. She would have become a laughing stock, and would have been passed down along with this school for a long time.

Hermione's face was as red as a red Fuji. She lowered her head and wiped her tears vigorously:

"Oh, I didn't expect it. I didn't expect Dumbledore to say that. It's actually nothing. It's really nothing, just a little bit of cleverness——"

"Merlin! Hermione, don't say you are clever!" Ron held his head and raised his eyebrows high:

"If you are being clever, then what are we? Trolls?"

The people on the side nodded wildly, fearing that Hermione would insist that she was just a little clever, and then she would just be a troll.

A somewhat ethereal voice suddenly cut through all the chaos:

"Your wisdom shines brightly and puts many in Ravenclaw to shame."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a little blond girl wearing earrings and a necklace made of butterbeer stoppers.

The eyebrows are very light, and the eyes are slightly raised and round, giving people a surprised look.

Everyone looked at each other and showed with their eyes that they didn't recognize her.

This little Ravenclaw girl didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said in a singing voice:

"Luna Lovegood! Hello~~"

After saying that, the little girl stood on tiptoes and turned to the aisle with her hands behind her back, humming softly, looking like she was in a good mood.

Amazing little girl!

Fortunately, Dumbledore's 'recognition meeting' is not over yet.

"Calm down, assess the situation, and no team of friends is better than Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Mr. Malfoy did not panic when the crisis occurred, but chose his best friend without hesitation.

And he calmly added to the plan. I think he excellently showed the qualities that Slytherin should have. "

Malfoy bowed gracefully towards the podium, but his slightly red cheeks still showed his excitement.

Zhang Xiao also smiled and clapped his hands. It's not easy. It has been almost two years, and Malfoy has finally been transformed from an annoying and spoiled second-generation ancestor into the arrogant but reliable 'King's deputy' he is today. .

He didn't seem to have any outstanding performance, but the points Malfoy raised every time were actually very crucial.

For example, he went to Myrtle for confirmation, and after Hermione's request was rejected, he tried to find another way to turn it into a sponsorship operation.

When a road is blocked, Slytherin will not give up easily, but will seriously consider other possibilities.

Malfoy raised his head, raised his face proudly, straightened his chest, and deliberately adjusted the position of the Qingluan Society's badge.

The cheers gradually died down, and Dumbledore continued:

“Some people charge forward, some make suggestions, some check for omissions and fill in the gaps, but some people are willing to do less dazzling work.

Cedric Diggory! "

The cheers from the little badgers were soaring through the sky. Even the little badgers lying flat and eating melons still have dreams of one day being brilliant!

Cedric's handsome face also turned red, and he waved to everyone shyly.

“When someone needs to stabilize everyone’s emotions and prevent panic from spreading, everyone thinks of the gentle and kind-hearted Hufflepuff.

This may not be very conspicuous, but it is always reliable Hufflepuff, our silent friend!

Whenever Hufflepuff is around, you never have to walk alone! "

The little badgers were going crazy. They roared wildly and their hands were almost swollen.

Raising his wand, he wildly fired sparks into the sky.

Professor Sprout wiped away his tears excitedly, grabbed Professor Flitwick beside him, pointed at Cedric and shouted:

"Look, this is Hufflepuff's best student at present. Maybe Hufflepuff won't often produce some dazzling characters.

But as long as it appears, it must be the best one! "

Professor Flitwick was almost pulled off the auspicious cloud by the chubby Professor Sprout, so he had to grab the cloud with both hands and let himself be swayed by Strawney.

It’s not easy. Zhang Xiao clapped his hands. Cedric was like a shooting star. His appearance made the little badgers very proud, but everything turned into sadness with his death.

Now that he can receive recognition and applause in advance, it is indeed a very good thing.

When the little badgers finally calmed down, Dumbledore said calmly.

"A long time ago, there was a Slytherin student. He was extremely gifted and talented, and was loved by everyone.

He believes that only strength can achieve everything. He believes that Slytherin's spirit is to do whatever it takes and power comes first. "

The little wizards fell silent. Some of them didn't know, but there were still many little wizards who understood who Principal Dumbledore was talking about.

"Yes, he is Voldemort, and his name is - Tom Riddle."

There was an uneasy noise in the auditorium.

"Whether it's manipulating Gilderoy Lockhart or opening the secret room to create panic, this time it's all a test for him to come back again!"

The noise became louder again, and Dumbledore's voice had a different emotion:

"Not long ago, there was also a Slytherin student. He was extremely talented and talented, and all the professors also liked him very much——"

Suddenly, all the students in the auditorium focused their attention on Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao felt like there were little ants crawling all over his body. It’s not a good thing if his spiritual sense is strong.

"This Slytherin shows us a completely different side to Voldemort.

There should be no barriers between the four colleges. Unity is more important than anything else. Strength does not only lead to rights, but can protect more people!

When the basilisk comes, the professors are at their wits end and someone has to step up!

Yes, this Slytherin is Zhang!

He gave us one of the most exciting final battles in the thousands of years since Hogwarts was founded. He mounted the dragon and raised the spear, just as many people imagined.

charge! Never retreat!

He risked his life to deal with the basilisk, used the knowledge he learned brilliantly, and accomplished a miracle - defeated the basilisk!

Zhang showed us what true Slytherin is, that is leadership, wisdom, tolerance and the courage to fight to the death when necessary! "

Many Slytherin students puffed up their chests proudly and worked hard to make the badges on their chests shine even more.

Zhang Xiao's face turned a little red, so he was so embarrassed by the compliment!

Dumbledore's voice suddenly became louder, and his eyes filled with water:

"I have always been worried that Voldemort would come back and extend his evil claws to the wizarding world again.

But when you rushed into the secret room one after another, I was convinced of one thing!

No matter how many times Voldemort comes back, he will always fail in front of everyone who believes in love and unity!

I announce that this year’s Academy Cup will be awarded in advance! Four colleges will win together!

Because every one of you deserves the Academy Cup! "

Dumbledore waved his hand, and the entire auditorium completely changed.

The emblems of the four colleges suddenly appeared on the wall, and the decorations changed into four colors.

In the honor room, a line of small gold-plated characters slowly appeared:

"School year 1992-93, House Cup winners - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff"

The auditorium erupted in applause that was louder than before.

The Weasley twins roared loudly, and then launched two special fireworks.

"call out"

"Boom!" The little wizards raised their heads and saw a gorgeous set of fireworks exploding above the sky.

The combination creates a scene where Zhang Xiao rides Norbert and charges towards the basilisk.

Professor McGonagall, who had returned to the classroom seat, immediately pursed her lips again and looked seriously at the fireworks on the ceiling.

The school rules prohibiting the setting off of fireworks in the school and the thought of 'forget it, today is a happy day' kept racing in my mind.

In the end, the idea of ​​letting them go prevailed. She forced her eyes away, and then heard the unmistakable shouts of Fred and George:

"Awesome, the Academy Cup evaluation has ended ahead of schedule!"

“No need to worry about being deducted anymore!”

"Remaining time--"

"We can-"

"Have fun! (Together)"

Professor McGonagall's eyebrows rose. The 'little man who let them go' was immediately smacked to death in his mind, and the school rules came first to occupy his brain again.

"Relax, Minerva!"

Dumbledore looked at the lively auditorium with a smile. It seemed that the place had never been so lively.

All the little wizards, regardless of each other or the school, laughed and laughed together.

Zhang Xiao has also been pulled into the crowd by his companions, and is receiving crazy pats on the shoulders and hugs from his classmates.

"How wonderful, how wonderful." Dumbledore wiped his eyes: "What a beautiful scene."

Dumbledore suddenly felt that it would be a wonderful thing if time could stop at this moment.

He reached out and decided to add something else to this grand party.

It seemed like a blink of an eye.

The long tables on both sides were like a cocktail party, filled with various snacks and drinks.

“Classmates—the party begins!”

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