Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 235 Azkaban without Prisoners

In the garden of the guest house, Malfoy walked around in the garden quite novelly.

Lucius and Narcissa were sitting not far away, finishing a dinner that, although not in line with their dining habits, tasted pretty good.

Most of the guesthouses under Zhao Yuanxu's jurisdiction are only used for internal affairs, so the entire guesthouse is in an ancient style.

The garden of the guest house is a typical southern garden. Known for its sophistication and elegance.

Although Lucius and Narcissa didn't understand what it meant to change scenery as they moved, they could feel the cultural heritage contained in the landscape.

Narcissa fell in love with this unique garden almost immediately. She looked at the rockeries, ponds, flowers and trees.

I felt a kind of peace in my heart. The stress and hesitation accumulated during this period seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment.

She whispered: "Lucius, if I want to settle in China during this period, I hope to live in a house like this."

Lucius made a "hmm" sound from his nose, and his cold gray-blue eyes narrowed slightly.

As the most adaptable pure-blood family, he has already begun to consider his plan to live in China permanently in case the Dark Lord returns.

Things in the Chamber of Secrets were in a commotion, and it was difficult for Lucius to explain to the Dark Lord that he had revealed the whereabouts of the diary.

"Narcissa, I think," Lucius said slowly, "We can consider opening up new business here.

Although they are all Muggles, the feeling of Muggles here to me is completely different from that in the UK. "

He looked at the tower cranes in the distance that were as dense as a forest. The whole city was like a huge construction site. Even if it was approaching evening, they were still working non-stop.

"There seems to be something gestating in the air here that wants to burst out. There seems to be light in the Muggles' eyes."

Lucius was silent for a while and said with some uncertainty:

“It should be said that they seemed to be full of hope and confidence, like a burning flame.

I have a hunch that here, I will push the Malfoy family's wealth to a new peak! "

Narcissa looked at her husband who suddenly became excited again, her eyes were as gentle as water. She could see Lucius' anxiety and fear during this period.

Now that he can cheer up again, that's the best thing.

"I listen to you, Lucius."

Malfoy didn't know what his parents were worried about. Brother Drag, who had a sensitive and delicate heart, liked this garden very much, just like his mother.

Just as he was about to suggest to his father that he should have such a garden at home, he heard a loud cry from the horizon.

Malfoy, who was very familiar with Qingluan, immediately raised his head and looked at the sky.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, it was like a bucket of orange-red paint spilling over in the sky.

The dense color dyed most of the sky red, and an invisible pen dipped it in and smeared it twice, and then drew a flaming cloud.

Two black dots shot straight down from the sky, and Malfoy stared at them for a moment.

One of them is the familiar Qingluan, while the other one is like a falcon.

I saw the peregrine falcon rushing to the ground, but when it was still a few meters above the ground, it suddenly spread its wings and slowed down, changing its direction like a fake move in Quidditch.

In Malfoy's surprised eyes, the peregrine falcon with its wings spread turned into a person in almost an instant.

Wearing a flowing and loose white robe, the wide sleeves were trembling in the air.

Like a feather, it fell lightly from the sky and stood firmly on the ground.

Who is it if it’s not Zhang Xiao?

"Zhang? Have you learned the Animagus?" Malfoy rushed up in a few steps, excited and wanted to give him a hug.

But then he remembered something, coughed slightly, and performed a standard gentleman's etiquette:

"Long time no see, dear president."

Zhang Xiao took two steps forward with a smile and hugged him:

"Long time no see, Draco! At this time, there is no need to be reserved."

Friendship is really a very strange relationship. Sometimes, it seems that two good friends have become dull after not seeing each other for a long time.

But when we met, the feelings were like old wine, but a little more mellow.

After a brief chat with Malfoy, Zhang Xiao patted Malfoy on the shoulder and told him to wait a moment.

Lucius and Narcissa are still here, no matter what their private feelings about Lucius are.

In front of friends, parents should be given enough respect. This is also respect for friends.

"Mr. Lucius, Mrs. Narcissa, welcome to China. I hope you have a pleasant stay here."

Lucius had a complicated look on his face. This was not the same attitude a few months ago when you held the wand and asked me why I wasn't afraid of you and Dumbledore.

Narcissa didn't know what her husband was thinking, but she liked this child very much, ever since Draco and Zhang became friends.

The whole person has become much more cheerful, no longer like the way he always imitated his father before, but truly like a child.

“Thank you, kid, this place is very beautiful, I like it very much, to be honest, I plan to build such a yard for my own home, or even settle down in China.

Every year when Draco is on vacation we can come and stay for a while. "

"Welcome." Zhang Xiao bowed slightly politely again.

Then he looked confused:

"Mr. Lucius, has my father arrived?"

"MR Zhang?" Lucius raised his eyebrows. He also wondered why he didn't see Zhang's father.

Although Zhang's performance has always been perfect, Lucius still feels that it is useful to talk to adults about important matters. No matter how good a child is, he will always be a child.

"Although I was also looking forward to meeting Mr. Zhang, unfortunately, he did not come."

Didn't come? behind me?

It's impossible. It took quite a while to fly here. It's only a few hundred kilometers away. With dad's movement, we should have arrived long ago.

Zhang Xiao made an apologetic gesture to the Malfoy family and took out his mobile phone.

"Hello? Dad, where are you? I'm here."

"Xiaoxiao, I'm just about to call you. I guess you'll be here soon."

A scary scream and Zhang Chengdao's calm voice came from the other side of the phone:

"I've been here a long time ago, but just now your Uncle Zhao asked me to do a favor. There is a place called Hebang Hotel here that they can't handle.

As a Shaotian Master, this kind of thing is my responsibility, so I came over to take a look. "

The strange screams suddenly turned into screams, and the overwhelming ferocity could be felt through the phone.

The Malfoys who were quietly listening to the phone couldn't help but shudder.

"Dad, how's the situation over there? Do you need my help?"

Master Zhang Xiaotian easily defeated Leng Qianyu, who was no longer weak. After being taught, he was now extremely confident.

It's like having a hammer in your hand and wanting to find a few nails to hit it.

"No, it's a small scene. There are just so many ghosts that it almost becomes a ghost nest." Zhang Chengdao said in a relaxed tone: "Okay, I'll hang up now. You can take care of the Malfoy family's affairs.

It’s not like I don’t have the ability. I’ll go over there after I’ve taken care of it. "

Zhang Xiao hung up the phone and shook his head at the Malfoy family:

"Mr. Lucius, my father can't come over for the time being. If you have anything, please tell me.

I can decide. "

Lucius was silent for a while, took a deep breath, stared at him, and said in a helpless tone:

"Zhang, I want you to fulfill your promise and ensure our safety."

Malfoy, who was standing quietly aside, suddenly looked surprised, but he didn't know when his father made such an agreement with his good friend.

Lucius didn't pay attention to Malfoy's surprise. He paused and said seriously:

"A few days ago, the Wizarding Prison of Azkaban was breached, and all the prisoners, including those - those Death Eaters."

Zhang Xiao slowly opened his eyes, as if wondering if he heard wrongly.

Azkaban prison was breached?

Are those dementors just decorations?

Yes, those who can release the Patronus Charm are not necessarily good people, but except for the spy Snape, no one among the Death Eaters seems to be able to release the Patronus Curse.

Because it's not needed.

It is difficult for dementors to draw enough happiness from dark wizards.

So they are natural allies, but if they want to break the prison, the first thing they have to do is find Azkaban, right?

The second is the huge number of dementors.

He watched Lucius quietly waiting for the next step.

As a Death Eater, Lucius knew a little better, and he quickly added:

"According to the warden of the Ministry of Magic, after he obtained the door key and was preparing to conduct a routine inspection, he was attacked by someone and the door key was taken away.

In fact, the Ministry of Magic is covering up its own incompetence.

The truth is that the Ministry of Magic quietly captured a group of non-human creatures and briefly imprisoned human wizards, and prepared to send them to Azkaban to feed the Dementors.

The wizards who were briefly detained somehow managed to break free of their shackles and even hid their wands. "

Zhang Xiao nodded, thoughtfully.

That's no wonder. Judging from my last experience with Dumbledore when I went to Azkaban, it was considered to be heavily guarded there.

The production and distribution of portkeys, as well as the warden, all have their own duties, and they are all at the core of the Ministry of Magic.

It's hard to play tricks here.

So the only window period was the period after the wizard who was shackled and had his wand confiscated was sent to Azkaban.

He glanced at Malfoy:

"Mr. Lucius, let's talk somewhere else."

A secluded meeting room in the guest house.

Lucius whispered what happened next:

"Now the entire wizarding world is panicked, and Fudge is already very worried, but he can't do anything and is trying to suppress the news.

Under pressure, he has announced that he will expand the number of Aurors and grant greater enforcement powers to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Commit to rearrest all fugitives as soon as possible.

But what he doesn’t know is.”

A trace of fear appeared on Lucius's pale and thin face, and his voice was a little lower, with a slight tremor:

"Bella and Anthony have contacted me, saying that the Dark Lord's most loyal subordinates have gathered together again.

The great Dark Lord will surely return. Let me beg the Dark Lord for forgiveness as soon as possible with loyalty. "

If it were before, Lucius would have knelt before the Dark Lord again without hesitation with his so-called 'loyalty'.

No matter what the final result is, at least save the lives of your family first.

The good people represented by Dumbledore do not kill people randomly.

But the Dark Lord does.

But it was different now, because Malfoy actually noticed it with great interest.

What to say, choose C, join them!

Then look for opportunities to do something powerful for the Dark Lord, or simply become a double agent.

This is simply pushing the Malfoy family into the fire pit!

Double agent?

Who can escape the Dark Lord's Legilimency?

During the years when the Dark Lord was active, it was not that there were no spies, but without exception they all died miserably.

Malfoy's tendency completely cut off Lucius's original attempt to beg the Dark Lord's forgiveness by dedicating his wealth and so-called loyalty.

Having made up his mind, Lucius was very quick to act and put the business into trust in just two days.

He came to China with the collection of the Malfoy family and a large sum of gold galleons.

Of course, Lucius didn't completely believe what Zhang Xiao said.

He vaguely asked Dumbledore's opinion.

But he didn't expect Dumbledore to give him a very positive reply - "Lucius, I have to admit that you made a very good decision.

If you want to stay out of trouble and keep your family safe.

Zhang's hometown is a perfect choice, at least from what I have seen so far, there is a group of very powerful people in the far east.

To be fair, I don't think Tom can deal with Zhang's grandfather, not to mention that there seems to be a very deep understanding of the soul there.

If I were Tom, I wouldn't want to be in front of them. "

It was Dumbledore's reply that finally made Lucius make up his mind.

Zhang Xiao's status and importance are also constantly improving through Dumbledore's replies.

Zhang Xiao pondered for a while and felt that the situation was complicated and very messy.

Who robs the prison? What does it have to do with the Dark Lord? Did it appear in the original novel?

What subsequent changes are possible?

There is just so much to consider.

There are no clues that can be analyzed just by relying on the news brought by Lucius.

The top priority is to resolve the Malfoy family's affairs first.

“Since I have made a promise, of course I will fulfill my promise.

Mr. Lucius, you can live in China until the end of the matter or until you want to leave.

I wonder what specific requests you and Mrs. Narcissa have?

Are you looking for a quiet place where no one will disturb you, or do you want to experience the excitement of being crowded? "

The small conference room fell silent. Narcissa and Malfoy said nothing, just waiting for Lucius's answer.

This is also the tradition of the Malfoy family. Outside, everything is decided by the patriarch.

Lucius touched the round and cold head of the snake staff, but said something that Zhang Xiao did not expect:

"I want to do business in China. Just Muggle business."

Doing business? Zhang Xiao was a little surprised. If his identity hadn't been different now, he would have wanted to go into business or something.

"What aspect of the business?"

A faint blush appeared on Lucius's pale cheeks. This expression of excitement seemed unique to the Malfoy family.

"Real estate, I noticed that there seem to be a lot of Muggles in China, but the houses are not high. I think real estate must be a good direction.

In addition, I also want to invest in textiles, and by the way, I also own shares in a drilling rig company.


Therefore, it is not unreasonable for some people to get rich.

What a keen business acumen!

After learning that Lucius had only prepared a "mere" 500 million pounds of funds this time, and said that if it was not enough, he could continue to raise several hundred million more.

Zhang Xiao silently dialed Zhao Yuanxu's phone number:

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, I wonder if you have any mission to attract investment. Do you really have one?

No, Uncle Zhao, are you trying to recruit monsters to invest?

Oh, the unit that sets the shell has it.

I have a rich man here, with 500 million, pounds, and foreign exchange.

right away?

OK. "

After making an OK gesture towards Lucius.

Zhang Xiao put away his phone and his expression became serious. The next thing to consider is the more important issue.

"Mr. Lucius, have they found the Dark Lord?"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

I feel like I have a cold. Go to bed first and push yourself tomorrow. At least 8,000

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