Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 254 Malfoy, you have no divination talent at all

Voldemort lazily moved so that the warm firelight could illuminate more of him.

"Dolores, my servant, your plan is very good. You secretly instigate the conflict between the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore and muddy the waters.

Just go ahead and do it. "

Umbridge sobbed exaggeratedly, crouched on the ground, and loudly spoke words of praise, with such a flattering look that even a few Death Eaters standing in the shadows couldn't help but secretly frown.

It's too exaggerated. This woman simply doesn't know what shame is.

No wonder she was able to climb up the ranks in the Ministry of Magic so quickly. It only took her a short period of time to find the most suitable way.

I don't know if it is because of his weakened strength. Voldemort in this weak state likes this exaggerated way to express his loyalty.

As a result, Umbridge's status among the Death Eaters rose, and she quickly gained trust.

The two slits on Voldemort's face opened a little, revealing a hint of scarlet:

"Dolores, there's another thing."

"Master, after receiving your order, I immediately went to check it out personally -" The sobs immediately disappeared, and instead, a respectful report sounded.

Umbridge pointed out ‘order, immediately, personally’ intentionally or unintentionally, and then came the result:

"I dug up the bones in the cemetery. After detailed inspection and comparison, I found that they were the bones of a woman."

The scarlet color expanded a bit, and Voldemort opened his mouth and let out a hoarse laugh, full of joy:

"So, my loyal servant Barty Crouch Jr. has not left me?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Find him, Dolores."

"Your will -"

Umbridge knelt down again, her black cloak stretched tightly around her body.

Like a giant toad ready to spit out venom.


The stove in the dormitory made the sound of wood burning, and bright flames licked the top of the stove. A particularly Chinese-style aluminum kettle was placed on the stove.

Wisps of white steam curled out from the curved spout.

Because the dormitory is underwater, Slytherin's furnace always comes up earlier than other houses.

Zhang Xiao raised his pillow, and the bright light from the lighting technique gave him the experience of reading under natural light.

The brand new pages carry the fragrance of ink, which is intoxicating.

Crabbe and Goyle were among the group who took off the badges. Zhang Xiao did not expect that these two thick-browed guys would betray Malfoy.

But considering that their fathers are considered loyal Death Eaters, it's not unusual to do this.

If the two of them didn't immediately turn against each other and reach the extreme pure-blood camp, it would be considered as if they were more in love with Brother Ma than gold, but Brother Ma had never seen them wearing badges since then.

His face was trembling with anger, and he had ignored the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks for several hours.

Zhang Xiao didn't care. The two of them, brainless and unhappy, joined the enemy camp. This was a double blessing.

Whose dark wizard can burn himself to death with a fire spell, Goyle?

Crabbe lowered his head, twirling the corners of his clothes with his chubby fingers, and looked pitifully at Brother Drag with his small eyes from time to time.

But remembering his father's instructions, he finally turned around with a sigh and climbed into his little bed.

Malfoy glanced at the two of them disdainfully, stretched out his head and whispered to Zhang Xiao in the bed next to him:

"Zhang, I saw Granger's class schedule at the Burrow during the summer vacation. She actually chose all the classes. How did she do this?"

Zhang Xiao glanced at him in surprise. Malfoy didn't know about the time turner?

But I just promised Professor McGonagall to keep it a secret, and now I just turned around and revealed it.

I had no choice but to pull the zipper on my mouth.

Malfoy sighed in disappointment, but did not continue to ask. This is also one of Malfoy's strengths.

She has a very good sense of propriety and knows when to ask and when not to ask.

Instead, he changed the topic:

"Zhang, this is Qingluan Society"

Zhang Xiao closed the book and glanced at the two beds opposite. Without speaking, he gently stretched out his finger and tapped.

A piece of white paper floated over, and after writing a line of words on it, the white paper quickly folded and turned into a paper airplane.

He flew up unsteadily and landed in Malfoy's hands.

Brother Ma opened the paper airplane in surprise and saw what was written inside:

"Seeing him building a tall building, watching him entertaining guests, watching his building collapse."

Malfoy thought for a moment and finally understood the meaning, and couldn't help laughing. That's how Chinese is.

The meaning expressed below those words is the essence of Chinese.

Brother La had no more doubts and said good night before getting into bed.

The green curtain of the four-poster bed fell down, completely covering the small bed.

Illumination is still illuminating this small space.

Zhang Xiao took out the box containing the time turner and tapped the lid with the knuckle of his index finger.

With a soft click, the box opened its lid.

The delicate hourglass and long thin metal chain inside were exposed.

There was also a handwritten card in a familiar font - written by Dumbledore.

"Zhang, you may find many wonderful uses during use, but there is one thing you must pay attention to.

Don't be fooled by illusions, don't think it can predict the future, and don't leave it too far from the place of use.

By the way, I recommend that the use time be controlled within 8 hours a day. "

So what is considered too far away from the place of use?

Dumbledore didn't write it, but Zhang Xiao understood what the principal meant.

It's not that I forgot it, but it's not necessary. Maybe you will know it naturally when you use it or when you reach a certain range.

Zhang Xiao put away the time converter, got into the soft quilt, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of throwing a light rope in the air.

It doesn't matter whether there is a rope or not, what matters is the sense of ceremony.

As the light slowly weakened, it finally darkened completely.

The next morning, when Zhang Xiao and Malfoy arrived at the restaurant, they found that everyone had gotten up very early.

It seemed that the little wizards were very excited about choosing a course for the first time, and were even willing to get up half an hour early.

Zhang Xiao sat in his fixed seat, and the hard-working elves had already arranged his exclusive tableware neatly.

Picking up the bowls and chopsticks and randomly taking some food, Zhang Xiao asked curiously:

"Draco, do you know where the Divination class is this morning?"

He was answered with silence. He turned his head in surprise, only to find Malfoy winking and making faces at the Gryffindor table.

From time to time, he made some gestures that seemed very rude and complicated.

Um? What are you doing?

At the long Gryffindor table, Ron and Harry were seen fighting back with more outrageous gestures and bared teeth.

Zhang Xiao:.

Out of the corner of his eye, Malfoy noticed Zhang Xiao looking at him, and his movements stiffened.

After hurriedly performing a throat-slitting ceremony, he instantly transformed from a young gangster back to the arrogant young master.

"Ahem, the first Quidditch match of this quarter is Slytherin versus Gryffindor.

Porter was very dissatisfied with losing to me last semester and made rude remarks to me many times during the summer vacation.

I decided to show him who the best Seeker was. "

Malfoy explained 'as if nothing had happened', slicing sausages as gentlemanly as possible.

"Actually, I'm British."

Everything you say is right.

The first period is a divination class, which is also a course that the little wizard is looking forward to, in most people's minds.

Wizards are always bound to cauldrons and crystal balls containing strangely colored potions.

Just like when people think of Taoist priests, they always think of peach wood swords and compasses.

If you can't do divination, can you still be considered a wizard?

But what the two of them didn't expect was that the divination classroom would be so far away.

Obviously, apart from Hogwarts wanting the little wizard to exercise more, there is no other reason to explain why the Divination classroom is far away at the top of the North Tower.

It took about ten minutes to walk there. By the time the two of them climbed to the eighth floor, Xiao Ma was already out of breath.

This is an empty and unfamiliar platform. There is nothing there, except for a large painting hanging on the stone wall, which shows a grassland.

"Where should we go?" Xiao Ma held his knees, and his original interest in divination had almost been wiped out.

The tower is not an ordinary residential building. The height of the 8th floor is almost equal to that of an ordinary residential building on the 16th floor.

Zhang Xiao looked around and saw a fat pony with dark gray stripes in the painting opposite suddenly running over from outside the painting.

Eating grass as if nothing had happened.

Only young wizards who have just arrived at Hogwarts would be surprised by this. As a third-year old student, it has long been common for the portraits to wander around and leave the frame to visit each other.

After a while, a short, fat knight in armor entered the scene with a clanking sound, looking for his pony.

Judging by the grass stains on his metal knees, he had just fallen off his horse.

"Aha!" he shouted, looking at Malfoy and Zhang Xiao, full of joy: "How dare you break into my private territory?

Are you laughing at my occasional missteps?

Draw your swords and let us duel! You scoundrels, you bitches! "

The young knight drew a sword like an embroidery needle from its sheath and began to swing it violently, jumping up and down with rage.

"Okay, Sir Cadogan, let us duel!"

Zhang Xiao simply pulled out the wand from his waist, and a silvery white light emerged from the wand, just like pulling out a long sword with cold light from the air.

After just a few swings, the long sword made a whimpering sound, and the sword light filled the air, extremely gorgeous.

Sir Cadogan lowered his head and looked at the three-inch sword in his hand, and then at the long sword in Zhang Xiao's hand that was larger than the horse he was riding.

He neatly hid the sword behind his back:

"Oh, two distinguished gentlemen, I wonder why you are here?

Cadogan will be happy to serve you! "

Zhang Xiao shook his sword and transformed into a wand again:

"Sir Cadogan, may I ask how to get to the Divination classroom?"

"Of course I know!" Cadogan shouted happily, stood up with a clang and shouted: "Come on, follow me, dear friends!"

He went to draw the sword again, but still failed, and tried to mount the fat pony, but failed, so he had to shout: "Then let's go on foot, gentlemen, forward! forward!"

Malfoy and Zhang Xiao followed him and he passed through picture frames. When he passed a group of women in skirts, Cadogan almost couldn't twist his neck.

Unfortunately, he only made the ladies scream.

In the end, Ponyboy couldn't run anymore, and he looked desperately at the seemingly endless tower.

Zhang Xiao snapped his fingers, and Brother Drag felt as if he was light and floating suddenly.

Malfoy suddenly felt an ominous premonition, and then a hemp rope that didn't know where it came from tied his ankles like a snake.

not good! want--

Malfoy's thoughts changed quickly and he shouted hurriedly: "I have -"

But Zhang Xiao suddenly increased his speed and led Malfoy to run quickly.

The intense anger caused Malfoy's remaining words to turn into screams of terror.

I finally found a chance to let you fly my kite when I was in first grade!

A faint golden light even appeared on the surface of Zhang Xiao's body, and the sound when the soles of his shoes came into contact with the ground became louder and louder.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and Malfoy felt that the surrounding scenes were starting to blur.

When he finally stopped, Zhang Xiao put Malfoy down, held his shoulders, and said loudly:

"You're welcome, Draco, this is help from a good friend."

I.I. Malfoy wanted to fight back, but the ground under my feet seemed to have turned into clouds, soft, and there was a double image of Zhang in front of me.

I reluctantly climbed up the last few stairs and boarded a small platform. Most of the people in this class were here. There is no door on the landing;

There is a circular trap door on the ceiling with a bronze plaque on the door.

"Sybill Trelawney, teacher of divination."

Just when the students were wondering how to get up, the trap door suddenly opened and a silver ladder stretched down.

Divination class is a very strange classroom.

Malfoy frowned, looked around, and whispered:

“I think this is not a classroom, but more like an old-fashioned teahouse in the attic. My dad said there used to be one in Diagon Alley, which was very stylish.

But then after the boss died, no one was willing to take over. "

In fact, what Malfoy said is quite appropriate.

Zhang Xiao counted at least twenty small round tables crowded in this classroom.

Around each table were Indian calico armchairs and bulging little cushions.

Everything was lit by a dull scarlet light;

The curtains were drawn, and many of the lamps had crimson shades.

The classroom was breathlessly warm, the fireplace was full, and a large copper kettle was burning on the fire.

A dull, cloying fragrance filled the classroom.

The circular walls were lined with shelves filled with dusty feather ornaments, candle holders, worn playing cards, countless silver crystal balls and a host of tea sets.

Well, a combination of a teahouse and a fortune-telling hut.

Zhang Xiao didn't look like he was here for class, but more like he was here to check in at a tourist attraction.

He still knew very well what Sibyl's abilities were, and he had probably made two or three prophecies in his life.

It is very consistent with Dumbledore's comments about prophecy - some people are extremely lucky to have a glimpse of the future at this moment.

Moreover, China does not have its own divination, there are many schools, and the reliability is much higher than this.

If you want to learn divination, why not learn from China?

Suddenly a voice came from the shadows, a soft and fuzzy voice.

"Welcome," the voice said. "It's so good to finally see you in the physical world."

Professor Trelawney walked into the firelight and they saw that she was very thin.

Thick far-sighted glasses magnified her eyes several times. There were countless necklaces and beads hanging on her slender neck, and bracelets and rings were worn on both arms and hands.

Zhang Xiao touched it for a while, wasn't this the non-mainstream of the past?

In the next class, Zhang Xiao witnessed a large-scale prank scene.

Trelawney first talked about a lot of mysterious things in vague language, such as the 'third eye' and 'sight'.

He also mentioned that he was 'proficient' in several divination methods, and intimidated nearly half of the students in the class.

Especially when Harry was told that he had to stay away from the black dog, Harry's face became very long.

It took a lot of effort to reunite with Sirius, but you just stayed away when you said you would?

Even more hilarious was Malfoy, who was scolded by Trelawney when he tried to make a prophecy based on tea leaves.

Because Malfoy predicted that Trelawney was likely to be fired in the future, but judging from the tea leaves, this fate seemed to have been changed again.

Trelawney used very sharp words and sadly told Malfoy that he was not suitable for divination.

He doesn't even have any talent for divination.

Zhang Xiao couldn't hold back his laughter until his legs were pinched and swollen, especially when he saw Malfoy's confused and pitiful expression.

I even laughed so much that my stomach ached.

Unexpectedly, Trelawney turned around and burned herself.

She looked at Zhang Xiao with her surprisingly big eyes, covered her mouth, and sighed sadly:

"Zhang, you are so pathetic."


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Scratching my head, I have sorted out the outline.

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