Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 271 Standing on the shoulders of giants, putting forward a new hypothesis after a thousand y

Zhang Xiao hurriedly packed the contents of the suitcase, and once again turned the Room of Requirement back into his usual reading room.

I was too anxious to eat hot tofu, so I made a cup of hot tea and washed my hands. Then I sat down at the table and took out the rolled parchment and put it in front of me.

Magic is always so convenient, the scroll opens by itself and floats in front of you, and the soft light illuminates the parchment, providing a reading experience like natural light.

After just one glance, Zhang Xiao's eyebrows knitted up. Most of the parchments he obtained were the anatomy and research of magical animals and humanoid creatures.

Centaur, Dragon, Troll, Giant, Elf, Goblin, Veela, Leprechaun

The experimental process was quite bloody, but the writing style used by Slytherin when recording was very calm, as if he had abandoned emotions.

Zhang Xiao couldn't understand those experimental data clearly, but occasionally Slytherin would insert some concluding remarks:

"Dragon's blood is hot and poisonous. If mixed into the human body, it will cause serious consequences. Muggles cannot bear dragon's blood.

The dark wizard I captured will have adverse reactions such as crazy bloodthirsty when injected with dragon blood.

One man began to grow scales, but they disappeared within a few days.

Maybe I should try to directly suppress the dragon's heart? "

"The dragon's heart is too big and has a very strong resistance to magic spells. I tried for a long time to use alchemy items combined with magic spells to miniaturize the dragon's heart.

The person who replaced the heart died not long after, and blood overflowed from every inch of his body. Damn it, the power of the dragon heart to pump blood was too strong! "

"Unicorns are very resistant to darkness and negativity. Maybe I should spend more time on unicorns."

"The infusion of unicorn blood into the human body actually produced miraculous effects. The Muggle had a stroke and was still very old, but after injecting the unicorn's blood, he actually recovered.

Not only that - his hair has turned black again, his wrinkles are gone, and his lost teeth have grown back. "

"The Muggle is dead. He said that nightmares surround him every night and he can't sleep. He feels like he is being burned by fire."

"Dark wizards accept unicorn blood surprisingly well, and the effect is similar to that of Muggles. Wizards and Muggles are really different.

He did not die. Although in terms of the result, he still died and ended his own life.

The reason is that all the happiness in the world has left him, and he cannot feel any joy at all.

The dark wizards in the experiment had this symptom at different times. What affected the effect? "

Here Zhang Xiao finally saw a sentence that had nothing to do with the experiment.

Like Slytherin's scrawled complaint:

"The number of dark wizards is running out, so we have to catch more. Gryffindor is really asking him to keep a few more dark wizards, and he will kill them all."

Zhang Xiao:.

After this daily complaint, there is another cold experimental record:

"Giants are interesting because one of the rare things they do during the breeding season is look for non-giants to mate with.

During this period, they will automatically acquire a magical magic that changes their body shape according to the size of their mating partner. "

Hagrid! When Zhang Xiao saw this line of text, he almost immediately thought of Hagrid, and the second thought was Mrs. Maxim.

It seems that Hagrid's mother is a giantess, and Hagrid's father is an ordinary human wizard.

Five times the height difference, I really never thought about this problem before.

Zhang Xiao stared and saw an even more bizarre record:

"Interestingly, I caught two werewolves and fed them magic potion on a full moon night. The two werewolves merged and the child was born a pure wolf.

But this wolf's intelligence is very high, almost equal to human IQ. (Note 1)”


No, what does this mean? Two transformed werewolves were born as wolves?


In other words, even if there is no reproductive isolation, why are things born so random?

I can't watch it. If I continue to watch it, my experience will be damaged.

This is nothing weird! No, why do wizards love hybridization so much?

No wonder Bie Baa is raised on a warship and is not a human son!

Quickly passing through the vivid and vivid pictures, I finally found a few pieces of parchment with no pictures but only conclusions.

Slytherin wrote on it in a serious tone:

“As for the origin of wizards, some scholars hold the view that humans interbred with certain ‘magical animals’ and gave birth to a second generation of humans with certain magical movement characteristics.

Then step by step he evolved into today's wizard.

But this cannot get around several difficult-to-explain doubts, such as how can weak Muggles have sex with magical animals?

According to my research, mating behavior is a privilege of the strong over the weak, and it seems that male magical animals cannot mate with humans to produce offspring.

Only female humanoids produce offspring.

Combined with the murals and other things I saw in the ruins.

Here I propose a brand new hypothesis. Why can't magical animals be born from the intercourse between powerful wizards and ordinary creatures a long time ago? "


Zhang Xiao gradually opened his mouth, feeling extremely ridiculous. Are magical animals a combination of wizards and ordinary animals?

impossible! Absolutely impossible.

Although there is no reproductive isolation, not everything can interbreed.

There are also magical animals in the East, could it be said?

Fortunately, the next line pulls it back:

"Of course, this assumption is very narrow and should only apply to a few humanoid creatures, not all magical animals."

Let’s just say, how is it possible?

Zhang Xiao then relaxed, picked up the teacup next to him, and drank a large cup of it.

I started sweating while looking at the research notes.

Speaking of which, in my previous life, I had seen quite a few false assumptions, saying that the origin of wizards was the combination of magical animals and Muggles.

This is the view of the bloodline wizard sect.

It has almost become a consensus that power comes from blood.

But according to Zhang Xiao's own observations, as well as the most important evidence, Harry, Animagus and ghosts, it is shown that the soul is the foundation of everything.

Harry, who became a Horcrux, was not a descendant of Slytherin, but he could speak Parseltongue and had a high talent for black magic.

Animagus is a true physical transformation, but can still maintain human intelligence.

No matter how many times Muggles die, they will not create ghosts. Only wizards can become ghosts after they die.

These all illustrate that ability comes from the soul, not blood.

But the descendants of wizards are very likely to be wizards, but wizards generally have few children, like Weasley, who has seven children.

It is simply rarer than the giant panda.

No wonder there are rumors that the Weasley family has signed a contract with the devil, and that they will never be rich in exchange for the prosperity of their descendants.

"Duk duk duk" Zhang Xiao tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table and frowned tightly. This was one of his habitual actions when thinking.

Slytherin's research knowledge, what I learned from the East, and the posts I had written in my previous life. These scattered things are like storms, sweeping and colliding in my brain, and countless sparks of inspiration are colliding here. produced in.

The tapping sound disappeared and the finger movements stopped.

Zhang Xiao took a breath and snapped his fingers. The brand new parchment and quill immediately floated over and stopped in front of him, waiting for the master's order.

“Combining East and West, as well as the research of Slytherin seniors.

I stood on the shoulders of giants and came up with a new hypothesis a thousand years later.

Bloodline is just the key, and the soul is the locked treasure house! ——Zhang Xiao, Slytherin House"

The gilded tip of the quill slid lightly on the parchment, leaving behind slightly bulging handwriting that had not yet dried. After the writing dried, the parchment floated up and connected to the parchment with the hypothesis written on it. below.

The lengthened parchment slowly rolled up on its own and was set aside.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the parchment rolls on the table, and there were only a few left.

The water in the kettle had cooled down unconsciously. I tapped the kettle lightly with the knuckle of my index finger. The spring water in the transparent glass pot immediately began to boil.

Zhang Xiao no longer uses a magic wand for this kind of little magic. It can only be said that as time goes by, the wizard is getting closer and closer to the direction of making his wishes come true.

The main thing is convenience.

After making another pot of tea, Zhang Xiao held the teacup and began to read the remaining scrolls.

"The Ministry of Magic finally developed a new thing. They began to train owls to deliver letters.

This kind of owl has been transformed through alchemy, and has been imbued with the Trace and Tracking Charms. It can easily find the recipient. As long as the name is correct and the address is correct, these little things will not get lost.

It's a really useful creation. But the price of the owl surprised me a little. Can ordinary wizard families afford it? "

Um? Is this how the owl came to be?

Zhang Xiao happily connected the owl with the mobile phone. It seems that the price of this communication tool when it first came out was very ridiculous.

After taking a sip of tea, the scroll slowly continued to unfold, just like the app's automatic reading.

"The Ministry of Magic wrote to me to ask what I thought of the newly established Charms Office.

What can I say?

This is necessary, since the opening of Hogwarts I have discovered how chaotic the wizarding world is.

Before many little wizards come to school, they have been taught a lot of messy things by their parents.

I just learned that the simplest floating spell actually has four different ways to recite the spell.

The longest one requires reciting a sentence of 150 words like a prayer!

Listen to 'O omnipresent wind, I beg for your response. Please send down your endless power and blow the pebbles in front of me.'

What bullshit! The child was extremely proud, saying that this hand was a secret that everyone in the tribe would kneel down and kowtow.


Unite! The spell must be unified! "

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but spit out a sip of tea, and burst out laughing, mainly because the spells written on the parchment were so outlandish and funny.

The key is that in such a long paragraph, only one pebble can be moved in the end.

Another scroll floated over, took the place of the original scroll, and slowly unfolded:

“It’s very strange, very strange, I saw a strange picture in the ruins.

A wizard, should be a wizard, right?

He stood above the clouds with his hands open. There was a prostrate person on the ground, whether it was a wizard or a Muggle.

But looking at them, they seemed to admire the man standing above the clouds.

The wizard who pretends to be a magician has the sun in his left hand and the moon in his right hand.

Bah, shameless, did you create the sun and the moon?

Well, the strange thing was the next scene. The wizard seemed angry. He just pointed at the sky, and many curved lines fell from the sky. The Muggles on the ground suffered heavy casualties.

I looked at it for a long time before I figured it out. Could those lines be lightning?

Oh - a powerful wizard, I have searched many books but can't find the magic that can release so much thunder and lightning. Of course, the mural was definitely not painted by this wizard.

It is also very possible that Muggles habitually exaggerate. "

Interesting, lightning magic? Taoism can really release thunder and lightning, because I have seen it, but I don’t think I have really seen thunder and lightning released by magic.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while, but the scroll continued to unfold.

Don’t worry about it for now, let’s talk about it after reading it!

"It's a pity that the mural below is damaged. It would be great if there was magic that could repair it!

How about letting Ravenclaw study repair magic?

Although I know how to repair a little bit, I obviously can't do anything about this mural. "

What Professor Flitwick said in Charms class immediately came to mind:

[Repair Like New] is a spell that can be used to seamlessly repair most damaged objects.

This useful charm was invented by Orabella Nutley before 1754.

The repair spell is effective on most materials, but the damage caused by some rare and powerful curses cannot be repaired by this spell, such as Li Fire.

At the same time, the Restoration Charm can only be used on inanimate objects, and its use on animate objects is completely prohibited. If you attempt to use the Restoration Charm to heal a human or animal wound, severe scarring will result.


Zhang Xiao smacked his lips. No wonder Slytherin complained that there was no easy-to-use repair spell. It must be admitted that the repair spell is an extremely easy-to-use and perfect spell.

I even used this spell to repair an airplane!

"It's great. Ravenclaw is indeed very powerful. In just a few days, she came up with a repair method that looks very reliable.

I went back and tried it, and it worked.

Then it's time to go back to the ruins and take a look.

I asked Gryffindor, but this annoying guy didn't want to come with me.

Okay, okay, then I'll go alone.

I have a hunch that there will be a big secret here! "

The scroll ended here, and Zhang Xiao looked at the empty table in shock. No more?

How could it be gone?

So out of context?

Zhang Xiao quickly stood up and grabbed the scroll floating in the air.

Wait a minute, there seems to be writing on the back of the scroll.


1. If two werewolves mate on a full moon night, the child will be a wolf. This is an official setting.

1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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