Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Edward Xiao

Chapter 320 Edward Xiao

"Barty Crouch?"

Zhang Xiao sat up straight. How could Barty Crouch be the minister?

According to my original thoughts, Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Scrimgeour, Director of the Auror Office, were more likely.

Barty Crouch. Although he can be considered a high-ranking and powerful figure, because of Barty Crouch Jr., Barty Crouch is a completely tragic image in the original work.

If it weren't for his son Barty Jr. dragging him down, he would definitely be the Minister of Magic. Fudge just made a big mistake.

Wait a minute, it seems really possible. Zhang Xiao picked up the black tea and sipped it. This time, the Death Eaters could be said to have offended the public, especially by kidnapping the little wizard.

This is simply an unforgivable act in the eyes of parents, and even others who have no stake in it feel the same way.

If you dare to kidnap a little wizard today, will you dare to come and kill someone tomorrow? Well, they do.

Because of fear, the people eagerly hope that a new minister who can give them a sense of security will take office.

Although Susan Bones is also known for her sternness, the female filter makes her naturally weak.

What about Scrimgeour?

He is tough enough, but his resume is weak and he has served in violent departments for a long time. The public has great doubts about his ability to govern.

But Barty Crouch is different. Except for Barty Crouch Jr., he has no stain. He is extremely tough and has superb methods, not to mention that he has given the people a considerable sense of security.

And even for his own son, he acted selflessly and resolutely sentenced Azkaban to life imprisonment.

But that's where the problem lies. Zhang Xiao remembers the situation in the original book in her previous life. Little Barty's mother was seriously ill and her time was running out. She asked her husband to save her child.

Barty Crouch finally relented and used a monkey version of the invisibility cloak woven from invisible animal hair to illegally take his wife into Azkaban.

Then switched with the son, the dementors don't have eyes in the conventional sense, they can only 'see' two people coming in and two people leaving.

That’s why it is said that a loving mother often loses her sons.

It seems too far away.

Zhang Xiao carefully recalled the situation of the Death Eaters in the church. It seemed that there was indeed no Barty Jr.. Could it be that Barty Jr. was still under the control of Crouch's Imperius Curse?

"Zhang, what's wrong? Isn't it good for Barty Crouch to take over?"

Malfoy asked curiously.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and asked:

"Draco, do you think Crouch is in charge?"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, and of course he said for a reason: "Of course it's a good thing. I heard my father say that Crouch is a very tough person, and even if Barty Jr. is a Death Eater, he can't shake his will at all.

It was also he who authorized Aurors to use the Unforgivable Curses when facing Death Eaters.

My dad also said that Crouch gave the Death Eaters a lot of headaches at the time, and he was also very powerful. So if Crouch became the Minister, the Ministry of Magic wouldn't be such an idiot, right? "

This is true. Compared with Crouch's ability compared to Fudge, he really thinks highly of Fudge.

Crouch himself is one of the twenty-eight purebloods. He has no shortage of money and his desire for power is not too strong. What people like them pursue is the so-called high-end taste.

Of course Malfoy is right, but now there is a hidden danger in Barty Jr.

Zhang Xiao was suddenly stunned. Have I actually started worrying about the candidate for the Minister of Magic?

It's none of my business, if the sky falls, Dumbledore will hold it.

"Let's go, Draco—" Zhang Xiao stood up, and the academic robe that was hung on the back of the chair flew up on its own, and was put on softly on his body.

"Where to go?"

"Where else can you go? Of course it's to class. There will be Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class later. Or are you so brave that you dare to skip Professor McGonagall's class?"

"Transfiguration class? Merlin - I remembered the wrong day. I thought it was tomorrow. I haven't finished my homework yet!"

"Attend class?"

The pastor's beard was raised. He looked very old. It could be seen that he was very handsome when he was young. Time has shaped him into what he is now, but it has not damaged his temperament.

On the contrary, it is like a jar of old wine, getting newer over time. Even Dudley can clearly detect its amazing charm.

Because it was only a short street, there were already no less than ten sexy girls ogling him.

This handsome old man's half-length hair was combed back. He was not wearing clerical attire today, but was wearing a suit and tie and holding a cane.

Both stylish and sophisticated.

"Yes. I have to go to school."

Dudley muttered, he lowered his head, his fat body was almost two widths of the old man next to him: "You are right, I really want to take revenge on the people who killed my father.


He raised his head and looked directly into the old man's eyes as pure as the blue sky. It was obvious that this action made him very uncomfortable, so much so that Dudley kept twisting his body unconsciously.

"My father also graduated from Smelting. He hopes that I will graduate from there. What he wants to see most is that I wear Smelting's uniform and leave a similar graduation photo in the place where he once took the graduation photo. According to.

I." Dudley took a deep breath and his voice became firm; "I want to fulfill his wish. "

The old man looked at him in the same way, and the two of them stood on the crowded street without speaking again.

Dudley's back quickly curved down again, and he frowned like a coward. This looked so strange, he thought to himself.

"Is there more?" The old man looked at him and said lightly.

"what else?"

"If you have any other wishes, reasons, excuses, etc., let's tell them together!" The old man twisted his tie impatiently.

"Oh, and - and my mother is the only one left at home now. I...I need to go with her, I can't leave her alone."

"It's really troublesome - tsk" the old man sighed in distress, and held his forehead (this action made the eyes of several hot girls passing by brighten up, and they couldn't help but cast a few fiery looks.)

But seeing Dudley's confused eyes and Dudley's firmness that he didn't even know he had, the old man still shook his head and muttered;

"Okay, okay, I will choose the person myself.

Boy, it’s okay to go to school. You can continue to go to school, of course, only for half a day. The rest of the time, you can come to the chapel next door to Smelting——"

Dudley was stunned for a moment, and after trying hard to recall the school environment, he asked calmly.

“But there’s no church next door to Smelting – and it’s only half a day.”

"It will be available tomorrow! Don't interrupt!"

The old man became more and more impatient and his tone became harsh. Dudley shrank his neck and continued to listen:

"The church will be there tomorrow. It's okay for you to take the first half day, because Smelting is one of the schools of the church. Your report card will be as normal. By the way, what are your test scores? I will let people continue to do it according to your scores. surface."

"UU (unsuccessful)"

"What? Louder, are you a man? Why can a man's voice be so soft?"



The old man looked at Dudley in astonishment. Dudley was familiar with that look, but he didn't like it because he had this look when he saw humanoid creatures in the zoo.

After another silence for a while, the old man suddenly said in a low voice: "I have begun to regret it."

Dudley didn't know what was going on, but he felt a sudden panic well up in his heart. He was worried that the old man would abandon him, so that he would never be able to take revenge on the person who killed his father.

He swallowed hard, summoned up the courage, and said in the same low voice:

"No matter what, sir, please give me a chance. I. I worked hard. Dad said that I can no longer be willful. He hopes that I will become a man. I will definitely become a real man!"

The handsome old man tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly said;

"It's going to be hard and the training will be difficult."

"I'm not afraid!"

"Then arrive at the church at noon tomorrow—"


The old man waved his hand at him, put one hand in his pocket, and walked away gracefully with his cane.

Dudley watched his figure go away, then suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly:

"Sir, I still don't know your name -"

The old man raised one hand and turned his back to Dudley:

"Edward Shaw!"

In the huge hall of the Ministry of Magic, wizards from all over Britain and representatives from the Ministry of Magic from other countries gathered here, waiting for the inauguration ceremony to begin.

Dumbledore stood in the corner, his tall body completely hidden in the darkness, obviously he was so conspicuous.

But the thousands of wizards around seemed to ignore him, just lowering their heads and chatting happily with their opinions.

Dumbledore listened for a while, mostly focusing on Death Eaters, toughness and other topics.

People seemed very optimistic that as soon as Crouch came to power, the situation could be turned around immediately.

Dumbledore didn't know whether Crouch was good or not. After so many years of wasted time, could the popular candidate for the former minister still maintain his previous status?

Dumbledore just wanted the Ministry of Magic to stop being a stumbling block and a hindrance.

The Ministry of Magic should be a helper, not an adversary.

The cheers all around suddenly grew louder, and Barty Crouch appeared at the other end of the golden hall.

People cheered crazily, holding up his photo and name and shaking it, as if they were putting all the expectations in the world on him.

Barty Crouch walked very slowly. He looked about fifty years old, with a straight back and stiff movements.

Wearing a spotless black wizard's ceremonial robe, not even a single wrinkle could be seen on it, and a short mustache that seemed to have been trimmed with a sliding rule.

The shiny leather shoes made a clicking sound on the shiny floor, but the sound was too small compared to the cheers around him.

Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at him, watching his every move, scrutinizing his equidistant steps that seemed to be measured.

Watching Barty Crouch all the way to the podium, he read out the routine oath without emotion.

Yes, these are not the important points. The crowd's voice gradually became quieter, and they were quietly waiting for something.

Crouch read out the oath according to the script without any surprises. There were no heroic words, nor did he announce an immediate hunt for the Death Eaters.

Many people sighed, but soon they began to explain themselves, biting dogs do not bark!

Maybe Barty is holding back something powerful?

The ceremony of inaugurating a minister is actually not complicated. It usually involves taking the oath of office, taking office, passing the test, and finally announcing the end.

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly became sharper because Crouch had already arrived in front of the waterfall.

This is goblin technology, but the Ministry of Magic has never admitted it. They have always claimed that they developed this waterfall that contains extremely advanced magic technology.

However, an interested person discovered that a large sum of money had disappeared from the Ministry of Magic's accounts, and an insider revealed that the money flowed to the goblin's treasury.

He watched Barty Crouch standing in front of the waterfall, walked in without any worries, and let the waterfall wash his body.

The leprechaun's thief-proof waterfall washes away all spells and magical disguises.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief. At least Barty Crouch was not replaced by a Death Eater with Polyjuice Potion.

As for the Imperius Curse - Dumbledore trusted his own eyes.

When Barty left the waterfall and took over the appointment letter from the Wizengamot, the crowd that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst into unprecedented cheers.

They raised their wands and fired fireworks, cheering for the birth of a new minister.

Dumbledore shook his robe, turned back and took a deep look at the lively scene, and walked away in reverse direction.

But Dumbledore didn't expect that not long after he left, he would rush back to the Ministry of Magic again.

Because the first law Barty Crouch wanted to implement after taking office was——

Rekindle the Goblet of Fire!


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

In the past two days, I have been telling everyone about sad things, which also made everyone happy.

What happened was that when I was applying for the certificate, the processing unit required me to provide my lease contract and the property ownership certificate of the house.

This request is actually reasonable. The shop I rented belongs to the developer. Because the surrounding environment is immature, the developer has no plans to sell it in recent years and only rents it out.

This is also very common, because the shops that have been rented out have already started normal business.

Then something strange happened. After communicating with the developer, I still got the property ownership certificate.

As a result, the handling unit did not accept it and asked me to prove that the property ownership certificate I provided really proved the property rights of the store.


The outrageousness of this incident is probably equivalent to "I took my ID card to do business, and he asked me to go to the street or the police station to prove that the person on the ID card was indeed me." ’

Outrageous? Ridiculous?

The most critical thing is that a group of people who don’t understand the property rights certificate plausibly used the residential land on the property rights certificate to say that what I rent is a residence, not a shop (shop certificates can be opened in communities and streets, and other shops have also been opened.)

The defense has been broken, brothers. The property rights of the developer are large property rights. They own the property rights of the entire community or land. How can it be commercial land? Shops are just derivatives of building houses! ! !

Can this kind of business ability be used to serve the people?

The most ridiculous thing in the world

Is this the end? What was even more outrageous was that he actually asked me to go find the developer and apply for a separate property ownership certificate for my shop.

Anyone who knows anything will know how outrageous this is!

They won't sell it, and they haven't even set a price. It's equivalent to asking for a birth certificate for a child who hasn't been born yet! ! ! ! !


Can you understand my feeling of sadness, anger, helplessness, and ridiculousness? It’s just like a dog.

I also called a certain hotline——

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