Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 333 Braving Gringotts

Although Dumbledore said that time waits for no one, the actual situation was obviously more serious than what he said, and they needed to prepare many, many things.

Even Grindelwald went out for a long time and asked Dumbledore for a lot of galleons.

"I'm going to save some more money and see for myself." He told Dumbledore.

Dumbledore asked for many galleons from Nico and transferred them to Grindelwald.

But Zhang Xiao clearly saw him taking the money and going to the 'Tuofan Clothing Store' and the 'Psychedelic Cigar Store'.

Confirming the location of the gold cup made Zhang Xiao feel happy. The sooner Voldemort was killed, the better. Who likes a mentally ill man with strong martial arts to hide behind his back?

An exciting life full of ups and downs and dangers is indeed good, but stable days also have a unique charm.

Just like in my previous life, I only experienced the club bar once and felt bored. It is more comfortable to be an otaku at home and play games.

This happy mood lasted for at least a week.

However, there was no movement for a week, and Zhang Xiao began to wonder if Dumbledore was planning not to take him with him in this operation.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. There was no need to take him there. Could it be that he was there to watch the boss operate it, acting as a personal camera and shouting 666?

As time goes by, it has arrived in May, the weather has become comfortable and refreshing, the sky is cloudless, and many flowers have begun to bloom.

The young wizards at Hogwarts just want to take a walk outside, take a few pints of ice-cold pumpkin juice and lie down on the grass, maybe play a game of pebbles or watch the giant squid dreaming on the lake. go ahead.

But they can't do that. The exams were approaching, and instead of lazily passing the time outdoors, the students had to stay in the castle and endure the temptation of the summer breeze blowing from the windows, forcing their brains to work hard.

Even Fred and George are working hard, they are about to participate in 0. w. Ls (ordinary wizard level) exam.

Percy the Pretender is preparing to pass N. E. w. Ts (The Ultimate Wizarding Examination), which is the highest academic qualification Hogwarts can offer.

Everyone knew that Percy had been given the opportunity a long time ago. As long as he passed the Ultimate Wizarding Examination, he would be able to work in the Ministry of Magic.

"He (Percy) is absolutely crazy! That's the common room! Not his study room - Dean was just playing crackle and blast and he jumped up and took points off Gryffindor!"

Ron complained about his brother, looking ashamed to be with him. Even Hermione, who had always had a good relationship with Percy, did not defend Percy.

But Harry was a little absent-minded, with a faint smile on his face, and Zhang Xiao noticed that there was hairspray on his hair again.

What can dilute one emotion is often another strong emotion, such as falling in love?

After all, the Slytherin girl captured Harry's heart with her enthusiasm, determination, perseverance, and pretty face.

Oh - poor Ginny, she is obviously very beautiful but Harry just can't seem to see her.

Malfoy felt that Percy was like an idiot, and Malfoy never commented on idiots, so he started a new topic:

"This summer's Quidditch World Cup, will we go together then?"

He paused and said confidently: "I should be able to get my dad some reserved tickets, such as the top boxes."

This topic quickly aroused the interest of the young wizards, especially Harry. No one even told him about the Quidditch World Cup.

"Really?" For the first time, he felt that Malfoy's showing off didn't make him so uncomfortable. Quidditch World Cup!

It would be great to watch the game from the best box!

Ron was stunned for a while, and then became excited: "Yeah, why did I forget about it? Let's go together. My dad can always get tickets from the department. It would be good if you have tickets to the top box."

The corners of Malfoy's mouth rose so much that he could no longer suppress it, and he nodded reservedly:

"Then it's settled."

Quidditch World Cup? Zhang Xiao remembered this incident, which could be said to be a major turning point for the entire HP, and immediately became filled with resentment.

When the idiot director from a previous life filmed the fourth film, he filmed unimportant things, and deleted the Quidditch World Cup, which was obviously one of the highlights.

There are also appearances and the Triwizard Tournament. The two good schools were suddenly filmed as Beauxbatons School of Arts and Durmstrang Sports School.

After watching the movie, I got up in the middle of the night, patted my thighs and shouted: Is this director stupid?

They were chatting and exchanging homework. Ron held the homework sheet with a frown on his face. Hermione's previous homework of 'English to English' became the focus of attention after it was exposed by Professor McGonagall.

Harry looked at him sympathetically, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky, because the original homework was written during the Quidditch training session. Fred, George, Angelina, and Wood all talked about it. The tongue gave a lot of opinions.

All in all, he hasn't had time to 'translate' Hermione's homework yet

At this moment, Zhang Xiao found that beautiful cursive characters suddenly appeared on his parchment, and they looked very familiar:

"Get ready, meet at Nico's cabin at noon tomorrow."

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a sense of relief. Fortunately, Dumbledore was not prepared to play without him!

This line of words flashed for a while and then slowly disappeared. Zhang Xiao calmed down and picked up the pen again to start his homework.

The next day, when Zhang Xiao went to find Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall to ask for leave, he discovered that Dumbledore had already arranged all this.

Not only that, Professor McGonagall also led him to the fireplace in the principal's office. Along with the flames of Floo powder, Zhang Xiao's figure disappeared.

"Well, he is obviously still a child, Dumbledore. Why are you so anxious?"

"Ahem -" I accidentally opened my mouth while rotating and teleporting, and my throat felt like it was on fire.

He snapped his fingers and used the cleaning tool to clean himself up.

But the dust in the throat cannot be solved by cleaning it.

"Floo vertigo?"

A cunning and dry voice sounded, and Zhang Xiao stopped coughing. When he raised his head, he saw a short, older-looking goblin sitting at the table, with two short legs dangling in the air.

A golden Galleon rotated flexibly between his fingers.

Beside the goblin, Dumbledore was holding a cup of tea and looking at him with a smile. Newt was not seen next to the table, but an old-looking suitcase was opened and placed in the center of the table.

"Mr. Grindelwald?"

Zhang Xiao asked tentatively.

"Did you see it?" The goblin suddenly bounced Galleon up high, and then caught it with his fingertips like a juggler.

"But Polyjuice Potion can't transform into something other than a human. Is this a transfiguration spell?"

Zhang Xiao looked at Grindelwald in astonishment and almost came out, transfiguration?

Of course, Transfiguration can transform people and take on the appearance of living creatures, but since there is such a convenient magic as Transfiguration, why do we need a magic potion like Polyjuice Potion?

Isn’t it just because it’s difficult?

Compared with animals, it is extremely difficult to transform humans, let alone transform into other humanoid races to communicate with others.

This requires allocating some energy at any time to maintain the deformation, and also requires maintaining normal communication skills.

All in all, this hand deformation technique is truly shocking.

Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered that Grindelwald once played a high-ranking official of the Magical Congress of the United States of America. He relied on the magic of transfiguration. It turned out that he had a criminal record.

"Okay, since Zhang has arrived, we don't have to wait, let's get ready to start!"

Dumbledore spread his hands, took out several earring-like objects, and said concisely:

"Put it on your ear."

Zhang Xiao curiously took one, pinned it on his right ear after thinking about it, and asked by the way: "Where is Mr. Scamander?"

"I'm here--"

Newt's slightly dull voice came out of the suitcase. First, a hand came out of the suitcase, and then the gray-haired Newt complained:

"Dumbledore, this is not an easy job. They are so noisy."

"But you are the best expert on magical animals." Dumbledore smiled cheerfully, and he gave the other earrings to others.

He put on a small pendant that looked like a small silver wine bottle. He happily summoned a mirror to look at it and made a joke:

"I think it suits me quite well."

Zhang Xiao was quite speechless. Dumbledore's hair was so long that it completely covered his ears, so he couldn't see him at all.

“Test—can you all hear it?”

As if someone was speaking softly in his ear, Nico Flamel's thin voice came, and Zhang Xiao immediately realized that it was Nico's gadget.

"No problem, it's clear, Nick—"

Dumbledore put on a brand new pair of half-moon glasses.

"Okay, my side is also very clear. This is the only two-way mirror I have left. Albus."

"If the old things don't leave, the new things won't come. Nico, this is what I learned when I was studying Chinese, and I deeply believe it."

Awesome, Dumbledore can use common idioms!

Zhang Xiao acted as a perfect human camera and decided to write down this story in the future. Several of the world's top wizards went to the heavily guarded Goblin Bank to steal the gold cup from the deepest vault - a piece of equipment to defeat the devil. key props.

A proper blockbuster style, okay, this introduction alone must be worth hundreds of millions at the box office, or US dollars.

Dumbledore stood up and tapped Zhang Xiao's head gently with his wand. A cold feeling suddenly spread from the top of his head at an extremely fast speed.

This feeling is quite familiar, like the Illusion Curse, but the feeling of the Illusion Curse is far less intense.

"The Invisibility Charm - you will know it when you are very proficient in using the Disguise Charm." Dumbledore gave a simple introduction.

Well, this should be what Snape complained about, the curse the principal often used when hiding behind the bushes in the garden to observe others, right?

Zhang Xiao glanced around. After just a short while, the whole room was empty, but in fact they were all here.

"Let's go, don't lose track, use your earrings to confirm your position at any time."

The door suddenly opened, and Grindelwald's voice suddenly sounded at the door and in the earring:

"Why - do you have to start becoming invisible here? Can't you wait until Gringotts to become invisible again?"

"Maybe this is more private?" Dumbledore's voice sounded behind Grindelwald.

Grindelwald whispered something in German and walked out of the cabin first.

Nico's voice came from the earring:

"Guys - then... let's get started!"


At the bottom of the marble steps of the bronze door, four invisible people stood at the door, looking at the goblins in uniform on both sides of the bronze door and a slender golden rod in their hands.

"The Honesty Detector - very primitive - but very effective! It can detect shadow hidden spells and magical objects, but this thing has been out for a long time. Albus, if you move more than one meter away from it, it will be ineffective."

Dumbledore said "Hmm", and then Zhang Xiao saw that the ground under the feet of the two goblins suddenly bulged up quickly and then retracted quickly.

The goblin was caught off guard and could only lose his balance in panic, waving his hands randomly, and fell to the ground on both sides.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Xiao pursed his lips, master! This is a master!

Confusion spells and soul-stealing curses are all rubbish. As the saying goes, the passing geese leave a sound and the passing people leave traces. As long as you use magic to directly control the goblins, you will always leave traces.

There will be a moment when the confusion spell fails, and Dumbledore's way of dealing with it is so ingenious to the extreme, great!

Zhang Xiao sighed and used a pious learning attitude to learn the operations of the big guys. He suddenly understood what Dumbledore meant by bringing him here.

That is to watch and study hard! A rare opportunity!

They passed the first gate almost without stopping. When they arrived at a relatively remote hall, Grindelwald's voice sounded:

"Okay, follow my command, boy, you can let out those nasty little pets of yours."

"Correction." Newt said slowly, accompanied by the sound of the lock popping up: "They are not annoying, nor are they pets, but my friends."

As the only bank in the entire wizarding world, Gringotts' business is always very busy.

Goblins and wizards walked in and out of the dense arches.

The goblin tellers in the hall weighed the various treasures that the wizards used to exchange for galleons, and controlled the quills to carefully record the prices in the account books.

Days are always like this. Bogrod sat in the main seat, watching the lively scene, and felt peaceful in his heart.

The disputes in the wizarding world have nothing to do with goblins. As long as these days of counting money continue, even if the Dark Lord comes to power immediately, it will have nothing to do with goblins.

Bogrod sighed with contentment. He lowered his head and wanted to admire an extremely exquisite Pharaoh's gemstone gold beetle that had just been sent back from Egypt.

Wait a minute, where is my baby?

Where is the golden beetle that was placed here just now, the size of a goblin's hand, with six edges on all sides, and eyes made of carbon-fire rubies inlaid with gold and black gems?


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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