Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 339 God’s divination test

Everyone's last exam was Divination except Hermione's was Muggle Studies.

The four little ones have become numb to the fact that Hermione can take exams at the same time, and have long stopped pursuing it. In the wizarding world, even if Voldemort suddenly gave birth to a monkey, it is normal.

They walked up the marble stairs together, Hermione broke up with them on the second floor, and Zhang Xiao and the others walked all the way to the eighth floor, all the while muttering about going to the Quidditch World Cup during the holidays.

Several people arrived not too early, and many young wizards were already sitting on the spiral staircase leading to Professor Trelawney's classroom, hoping to memorize something at the last moment.

Ron blended into these young wizards at an extremely fast speed, and whispered his 'experience':

"Listen man, no endorsement, it's useless!"

"While waiting for the divination, you should cover your mouth and squeeze out a few tears. Your body should also be shaking, but not too much. Do you understand?"

"Then you try your best to say that you see misfortune in it. The more miserable the better. If your pet dies, you pass, if you break your leg, it's good. If you dare to say that you're dead, my God, it must be excellent!"

Many people dismissed Ron's experience, but they still quietly pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Malfoy stood aside with his arms crossed and looked at Ron sideways, like he was looking at a silly baboon.

As we all know, the Malfoy family has never believed in prophecies, and they will not make any prophecies, right?

Harry didn't want to hear Ron's 'examination experience' because Ron had already told this theory many times yesterday.

He sat next to Neville. The young wizard who had been in the limelight recently was obviously troubled by the attention of others.

I just sat alone with a copy of "Putting Through the Fog to See the Future" on my lap, pretending that I was reviewing seriously.

"Professor Trelawney said she wanted to see us separately." When Neville saw Harry coming, he immediately closed the book, sighed deeply, and whispered.

He thought for a while and then continued: "The professor said that this time she will test everyone very seriously to see if everyone has aura and spiritual vision."

Harry couldn't help but worry, because he didn't seem to have the two things Trelawny said.

"Neville, did the professor say what would happen if you don't have these two things?" he asked cautiously.

"She said that she would give the lowest marks mercilessly, so that - so that she would not take this course by chance and have enough respect for the Divination class."

Harry's face scrunched up, as if he had eaten a bitter and sour orange, because he had always had little respect for this subject.

He sat aside, his ears perked up, and he decided to listen carefully to Ron's 'experience of getting high marks in the divination class'.

Zhang Xiao listened happily to the exchange between the two. He didn't care about this class.

Even a zero score doesn't matter. I don't want to get into the Ministry of Magic, but it depends on my grades in school. As long as I have no desires and desires, nothing can knock me down!

Now it seems that Neville doesn't seem to care very much. He sits next to Neville, picks up the book "Pull Through the Fog and See the Future", and flips through it casually:

"You don't seem to be adapting to your current life?"

"Well, now when I walk on the road every day, countless people greet me. They are so enthusiastic. It makes me a little uncomfortable."

Neville sighed: "I didn't know I had so many friends."

"Hahahaha, don't pay too much attention to these things, those little wizards don't think that much."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but laugh. Neville's words reminded him of someone in his previous life who said, 'When you are poor, no one cares about you. But when you are rich, you will see smiling faces everywhere, and there will be good people everywhere. ’

But the little wizard is naturally different from those people. The world of children is simpler.

It's just that the famous figures in the school are always very popular, and Hogwarts is no exception.

"I know, I just suddenly felt that the surroundings were very noisy, and I almost didn't have time to practice daily."

Neville also smiled, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "To be honest, I still prefer life in the mountains, there are no worries and I don't have to think about many things.

As long as I practice well, Sifu will praise me and bring me delicious food, and Brother Si will also tell me many interesting stories during breaks."

Zhang Xiao was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Neville actually liked the hermit life. Many people couldn't accept this monotonous life on the mountain.

The two of them didn't speak anymore, but watched the noisy little wizards climbing up the stairs one after another to take the exam.

The queue outside the classroom shortened slowly. As soon as someone came down the silver staircase, the rest of the class whispered, "What did she ask? Did you pass?"

But they all refused to answer, looking heavy.

Finally, Lavender Brown took a breath and said in an extremely frightened tone:

"Trelawny said the crystal ball told her that if someone who took the exam revealed the contents of the exam, something terrible would happen to her!"

Ron and Harry, who had arrived at the circular platform and were preparing for the exam, looked at each other.

Ron laughed contemptuously:

"Look, I'm telling you, Trelawney likes to scare people, as long as it's the worst possible thing.

I'm beginning to think now that Hermione said she was right (he pointed his thumb at the trap door above his head), that she was a liar. "

"Yes," said Harry, looking at his watch. It's two o'clock now. "I hope she will hurry up"

Parvati walked down the stairs with a proud look on her face.

"She said I have all the makings of a true seer," she told Harry and Ron: "I've seen a lot of things... Well, good luck to you!"

She jumped up and down the spiral staircase to find Lavender. Listening to her words, she wanted to open a divination house and become a mysterious divination witch.

"Ron Weasley," said the familiar vague voice above them.

Ron made a face at Harry, climbed the silver stairs and disappeared.

Professor Trelawney called people in a very different order. She was not in alphabetical order, but claimed that she had 'seen' the real order of the exams.

Now only Harry Malfoy and Zhang Xiao are left.

The three of them looked at each other, laughed together, and once again confirmed the fact that Trelawney was an old liar.

Not long after, Ron's big feet appeared on the stairs again.

"How did the exam go?" The three people stood up and asked with concern.

"Perfect, unparalleled." Ron's eyes were still red, and he handed over a small bottle.

"Fred and George's sob potion worked so well that I started crying as soon as I got in and had to scream to pretend I saw what I was seeing."

"Then what?"

"She was so happy and felt that my spiritual vision and aura had begun to awaken, so I cried and said that I saw my dear family leaving me.

And I pretended to see a werewolf. Trelawney was very satisfied, gave me a very high grade, and welcomed me to continue taking her class next semester. "

Does this really work? Malfoy and Harry almost popped their eyes out.

They wanted to ask further, but unfortunately Professor Trelawney's voice sounded above them:

"Well, we don't have enough time. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Xiao Zhang, please come together."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect such a change in the end.

"Meet in the common room." He hurriedly said to Ron, then climbed up the ladder.

This tower room is hotter than ever.

The curtains were closed, a fire was burning in the fireplace, and the fragrant, overly strong and almost pungent smell of incense almost made Harry vomit.

Malfoy also coughed in a low voice. As for Zhang Xiao, he had been holding his breath for a long time. He can maintain this breath-holding state for about half an hour now, provided that all activities are kept to a minimum.

The seats in the classroom were arranged in a mess, and the three of them moved carefully between the tables and chairs.

Professor Trelawney sat behind a table with a large crystal ball placed on it.

"Hello darlings."

It felt like she said this with great reluctance. When the three most annoying people in the class were gathered together, they would become even more annoying.

She tried hard to maintain that soft tone, but they still heard the disgust.

"Look at this crystal ball... Now let me time it and tell me what you see in it..."

Harry leaned over the crystal ball and looked as hard as he could, hoping it would allow him to see something other than the whirling white mist.

The same is true for Zhang Xiao. He felt that if he had such a big 'marble' when he was a child, he would definitely look down on the entire textile factory family.

Brother Ma looked at it very seriously. His two light golden eyebrows knitted together, and his face almost touched the crystal ball.

"Hmm?" Professor Trelawney asked punctually and considerately: "So, what did you see?"

The heat in the room was scorching, and Harry's nostrils stung from the scented smoke wafting from the incense burner.

He remembered the experience Ron had taught him before and decided to pretend.

"Oh -" Harry covered his mouth and blinked desperately, thinking about the saddest thing in his life, and his body shook as if he was electrocuted.

He saw that Trelawney's expression seemed to be suddenly filled with surprise, which greatly encouraged Harry.

But in the blink of an eye, he saw Malfoy's face turned funny due to refraction from the surface of the crystal ball.

Harry: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Wild laughter suddenly filled the entire Divination classroom.

Malfoy raised his head with a blank look on his face, looking at Potter who was laughing with tears streaming down his face, and thought that Potter was probably a fool.

Trelawney was shaking, even more than Harry was shaking.

She stood up suddenly, as if she had lost control of her emotions, and screamed loudly:

"Get out! Get out of my classroom! Even if you don't like my class, you can't laugh at divination!

I don't welcome you, not welcome! "

Trelawney's chest rose and fell rapidly. She took off her glasses with thick beer bottle caps, and she didn't know when she was filled with tears.

Harry hurriedly explained: "Sorry Professor, I...I really didn't mean to laugh at me. I just..."

"go out!"

Harry wanted to say something more, but Zhang Xiao had already pulled him back calmly. Now Trelawney was so angry that she wouldn't listen to anything she said.

He could probably guess why Trelawney broke the defense. As a descendant of a famous fortune teller, Trelawny really wanted to become as outstanding a fortune teller as her ancestors.

It’s just a matter of divination. It does depend on talent.

So Trelawney lived in poverty until she met Dumbledore and made the prophecy that changed the entire wizarding world.

Seeing that the prophecy was to protect Trelawney, Dumbledore gave her this position.

But she really didn't have any outstanding performance. She could only rely on pretending to be a ghost and making mysteries to confuse the little wizard. This was indeed effective at the beginning.

But when the little wizards grow up, this trick loses its effect, not to mention the hidden contempt of other teachers.

So when she thought Harry was deliberately laughing in front of her face or laughing at herself at this important moment of the exam.

She finally collapsed

Zhang Xiao pulled Harry again and said in a low voice: "I know, this is a misunderstanding. You go to Professor McGonagall and wait for the professor to recover and apologize and explain."

What else could Harry say? Although he felt that he was wronged, he could only nod helplessly. Under the gaze of Malfoy, who still didn't know what happened and looked confused, he slowly walked towards the stairs. Go.

"One day, you will know that divination is not a joke, no!"

Trelawney was still shouting angrily, Zhang Xiao let out a sigh of relief and released his breath.

Almost immediately, a faint smell of alcohol reached his nose.

Damn it, why do you blame others for laughing at you? Today’s exam, sister, you actually drank?

Zhang Xiao's eyes wandered around an empty sherry bottle behind the desk, feeling that today's entire exam was very painful.

"Professor, I'm sorry!" Harry said with his head lowered. He wanted to leave this classroom and the stuffy heat more than ever.

He did the same, running towards the stairs as if running for his life.

At this moment, a loud, hoarse voice spoke behind him - "Destiny. An inescapable fate is coming."

There was something eerie about this voice.

Harry turned around quickly.

Malfoy raised his head in shock and looked at Professor Trelawney.

She stood up, lowered her head, her messy hair covered her face, and her whole body seemed to be stiff.

His eyes were unfocused and his chin was drooping, making him look weird and terrifying.

Zhang Xiao's eyes narrowed, and his gaze suddenly became sharp. In just a moment, a piece of jade silk that was used for recording in the second grade was ready.

If I guess correctly, Trelawney's great prophecy has been cooled down for ten years at a time, and her CD is over!


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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