Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 366 The Little Heavenly Master No One Invited

The next morning the storm subsided, but the ceiling of the auditorium was still gloomy.

As expected, everyone is talking about the Super Goblet of Fire. They speculate about who the fair referee is and what method he uses to select the warriors.

A huge notice was posted on the bulletin board early, detailing how to participate.

“Squads can form teams freely. The minimum requirement is five substitutes/auxiliary players who can be left vacant. Each member can participate in a maximum of two teams, that is, he can only participate in the preparation of two teams.

Qualified teams should have: team name, member list (full names).


The little wizard who was crowded at the front read the announcement loudly, and the bustling crowd did not dare to breathe and listened attentively.

Malfoy put down his tiptoes and his eyes sparkled:

"It looks like the chances are great, we need to build a team!"

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while:

"That Draco"

"What do you think of being called Team Qingluan? Or is Slytherin the greatest?"


"Or pureblood pride?"

"Ah, wait."

"Okay, okay, I know, you must be talking about unity, then - Hogwarts is the strongest in the world!"

Looking at the excited Malfoy, Zhang Xiao sighed, forget it, let Malfoy be happy first. Anyway, according to his own estimation, many, many people will invite him next.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Zhang Xiao sat at the long Slytherin table, frowning and thinking about what went wrong.

This is a question worth thinking about.

I! The majestic little Celestial Master of Longhushan, the defender of Hogwarts, the savior of ghosts, the revolutionist in the kitchen, the best student in Slytherin, the warrior who kills the basilisk, the dragon knight!

No one asked me to form a team? ? ?

At this moment, the auditorium was full of lively shouts, and the young wizards were discussing team formation.

From time to time you can hear them shouting:

"Seamus! Join my team!"

"McMini, my team needs you!"

"Anthony! You are my most important championship puzzle piece!"

Why, you also have thirty-two concerts?

If you don't understand it, just stop thinking about it. You can't represent Hogwarts anyway.

Zhang Xiao stabbed a piece of beef hard and started studying the class schedule with Malfoy.

Large groups of thick blue-grey clouds were rolling on the magic ceiling above their heads.

At the same table, several second- and third-year wizards, a few seats away from them, were discussing what magical spells they could use to make themselves older, and then get away with it and participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

They were shaking with excitement and expressed their intention to use their wits to participate in the competition, and then used their own strength to prove to everyone that their 'Everyone is a Bastard' team is the real warrior team of Hogwarts.

Well, there shouldn't be a team called "The Good Luck Was Lost by Dogs", right?

When Zhang Xiao heard the weird team names, he couldn't help but think of those amazing team names that he had heard in his previous life.

For example - if there are talented people from all over the world, I will team up with the Africans. If you don’t team up, I will team up.

There are also those that make people shrink their cerebellum: "If you don't have a partner, there's nothing wrong with you. If you have a partner, there's nothing wrong with you." "My partner is very good, and he treats me very well."

"It's okay, there aren't many classes today, herbal medicine, divination - by the way, didn't Professor Strawney say we're not welcome to attend class?"

Malfoy's fingers ran across the class schedule. Compared to that group of classmates, he felt that he had a sure chance of victory. With Zhang here, who else could be the warrior?

"Professor Dumbledore should have communicated with her, and she agreed that we should continue the class."

Zhang Xiao dealt with the beef with a heavy heart. As for Dumbledore's thoughts, he didn't have to guess. Who else besides himself could have the sensitivity to record.

What a pity. Dumbledore didn't know that the CD of Professor Trelawney's prophecy was measured in years.

After eating, they took a short rest and then walked across the wet lawn on a rainy day to Greenhouse No. 3.

Today's herbal medicine class was particularly exciting. Professor Sprout introduced a brand new plant to the class.

"Babo tuber," Professor Sprout told everyone cheerfully, "you need to squeeze it with your hands, and you have to collect its pus-"

Everyone looked at the plants in Professor Sprout's hand with a very disgusted expression. In fact, they didn't look like plants, but more like big black, slimy slugs.

Moreover, each one of them was squirming slightly, and there were many large shiny bulges on their bodies, which seemed to be filled with liquid - this should be the so-called pus.

"What?" Seamus Finnigan asked in a disgusted tone.

"Ich, Finnigan, ichor," Professor Sprout said, "It is extremely valuable, so don't waste it.

Listen, you're going to collect the ichor in these bottles.

Wear your dragonhide gloves, undiluted baba tuber pus can cause unusual damage to the skin. "

Zhang Xiao had just put on his gloves and before he could squeeze in, he heard a strange sound coming from beside him.


? ? ?

Turning his head stiffly, he saw a strange expression on Malfoy's face, which was a kind of grinning disgust mixed with a kind of satisfaction.

Not just him, most people behaved similarly to Malfoy, making strange noises, and soon the entire greenhouse was filled with such sounds.

Professor Sprout didn't seem surprised. She walked around the greenhouse with a smile on her face, and taught the little wizard how to squeeze out the pus more cleanly.

In the eyes of the little wizards with amazement, Professor Sprout squeezed out a huge pustule cleanly with one move. It was astonishingly big.

Parvati didn't dare to do anything at all, she was afraid that the pustule would splash out and burn her skin - this had not happened before.

Dean Thomas accidentally popped a huge pustule just now, and he screamed in pain.

In order to relieve his pain, Seamus pulled out his magic wand, and the little wizards around him squeaked and fled away in fear.

Dean didn't even care about the pain on his face. He rushed forward and hugged Seamus' arm, with tears in his eyes:

"No, it's really not necessary. My face doesn't hurt anymore! Seamus, thank you!"

When Zhang Xiao started to do it himself, he immediately knew why everyone was like this.

The process of squeezing the tuber is indeed disgusting, but it also produces a strange sense of satisfaction.

Whenever a bulge is squeezed, a large stream of viscous, yellow-green liquid will spurt out, emitting a pungent gasoline smell.

Just like watching short videos in my previous life to see horsefly larvae, blackheads, cysts squeezed, cow hooves trimmed, and ears picked out.

Gross, but satisfying.

Finally, they followed Professor Sprout's instructions and collected the liquids in bottles. By the time the class was about to end, they had collected several bottles.

"Now Madam Pomfrey should be happy." Professor Sprout blocked the last bottle and said, "The pus from the tuber of Barbo is the best medicine for treating stubborn acne. This will prevent students from Use drastic measures to remove their pimples."

"Like poor Eloise Midgan?" said Lavender Brown in a low voice. "She tried to charm her pimples away, but her nose fell off."

ah? Female version of the noseless monster? Zhang Xiao was fascinated, wondering if Voldemort would feel friendly when he saw it.

"Silly girl." Professor Sprout shook his head and said, "But Madam Pomfrey finally put the nose on for her."

A deep and deep bell sounded from the castle and across the damp field. This was the bell for the end of get out of class.

The little wizards jumped out of the greenhouse and ran towards the campus at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

They all rush to form their own teams. The longer they delay, the people they have long been interested in will be attracted by other teams.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao finally received the first invitation.

"Well, join your Gryffindor Strongest Warriors team?"

Zhang Xiao scratched his head and looked at Harry and Ron who were very interested. He felt that it was better to ignore this uncreative and aesthetically pleasing team name.

As far as I know, there are at least five teams planning to call this name.


Before Zhang Xiao had time to answer, Malfoy over there had jumped up first.

"Zhang wants to join my 'Slytherin High Glory Team'!"

"3 to 1! There are three of us here!"

Ron puffed out his chest and retorted unwillingly.

"Excuse me!" Hermione raised her head: "Ron, the 3 to 1 you mentioned doesn't include me, right?"

"Of course, Hermione! Aren't you joining our team?"

Ron was shocked. In his and Harry's plan, Zhang Xiao's power plus Hermione's mind were a sure win!

"Of course - no!" Hermione rolled her eyes covertly and sighed: "Pavati and the others invited me to join the 'Her Royal Highness' Team', saying that they wanted to prove that girls are better than boys.

If I don't go, they will decide to expel me from their female status. "

Everyone looked at Hermione dumbfounded, and Malfoy shouted angrily:

"How could they do this? Isn't this a kidnapping in a sense?"

Hermione shrugged and wrinkled her little nose: "If it doesn't work, I can only join you as a substitute!"

Silence fell in the cabin, and Harry suddenly turned to Cedric and Neville who had been silent:

"By the way, Cedric, Neville, have you also received a lot of invitations?"

The two of them nodded together: "Yes, very much."

Cedric spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "It bothers me a lot and I don't know what to do."

Neville looked in agreement. His performance was obvious to all in the dungeon, and he was almost promoted to second place in Hogwarts.

ah? Then why doesn't anyone come to me?

Zhang Xiao became more and more puzzled, and even wondered if something happened that he didn't know about.

When he asked this question, he found that no one was surprised, but thought it was normal.

"Man -" Malfoy said slowly, with an inscrutable look on his face: "In Chinese terms, this is a fan of the authorities."

Hermione said seriously:

"Zhang, the truth is actually very simple. It's not that they don't want to invite you, but that they don't dare!

Because you are too powerful. "


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