Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 425 Deep Sea Forbidden Zone

Zhang Xiao ignored Baqian Caoyue's pale face and continued to talk to himself:

"Another thing that's strange is that my Taoist sect has many more divination methods than you. If you can use divination, why can't I use it?

Since you came to me, you are very sure that I did not have any divination. Maybe you can tell me why? "

Yaqian Soyue was silent for a while, and said tremblingly:

"Because. Because I know the rules of Longhu Mountain. The heir of the Heavenly Master is forbidden from divination before he inherits the position of Heavenly Master."

A ban on divination?

impossible! Zhang Xiao's eyebrows were raised. His father's divination skills were so good that he didn't even notice that he was using them less. He was also the heir to the Celestial Master.

It was my turn after my father.

It seems that she believed the random rumors she got from who knows where.

While Zhang Xiao was deep in thought, Baqian Caoyue raised her head and glanced at him furtively, then took out a very simple-looking book from her arms and placed it on the table.

"Sir, this is... the book that I got."

Zhang Xiao came to his senses, put aside the previous question, and picked up the booklet, but I couldn't understand the ghostly Japanese.

Then he turned a page, and Zhang Xiao's eyes widened immediately. The words inside were all Chinese characters. Although it was a bit difficult to read, there was no pressure at all.

Reading this book, Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered a joke. In the previous life, Bangzi Country was the most aggressive in shouting about de-Sinicization, but it also used Chinese characters the most. Many Koreans had to add brackets on their ID cards with their names in Chinese characters. .

Zhang Xiao took a quick look and found that the book was very strange. It only contained some legends about Onmyoji, but no specific techniques or the like.

Some of them are just some divination questions and how to conquer shikigami.

"Sir, I found this concubine in a second-hand bookstore. After entering the magic house, I also went to search for the past and did not dare to lie."

Yaqian Soyue was still trembling with fear and her voice was soft. She could only bet that this little heavenly master was not a very murderous person.

If he really wanted to kill himself, not even the Magic Institute and Japan's Magic Cabinet would dare to have any objections.

God knows how much the world view collapsed when Yachi Sogetsu finally found out the truth about that year, the legendary onmyojis who are extremely powerful.

They master various shikigami, even the legendary Shuten-dōji, Tamamo-mae, and Daitengu shikigami.

However, the Taoist sects that came over the sea were wiped out like chickens. Those Onmyojis who knew that a disaster was coming did not even dare to leave a formal inheritance.

We can only spread the legend of Onmyoji in large numbers.

So Yachi Soyue was really nervous. She didn't dare to come to Zhang Xiao during this period because she had been observing and confirmed that the little Celestial Master was not a violent and murderous person before she decided to take a gamble.

If you lose the bet, you will naturally die, but if you win the bet, you can continue your research, and you don't have to worry about someone from the Taoist sect suddenly appearing in front of you in the magic institute.

Then crush yourself to death like an ant.

Zhang Xiao was still looking at the book, and he guessed the reason why there were no formal spells in it. If the spells were left behind, they would be officially inherited and belong to the group that must be killed.

But as my father said, this thing is like weeds in the field, which can never be killed. It is rooted in culture, so how to deal with it is up to Zhang Xiao himself.

Haha, that was quite a smart move. Zhang Xiao threw the book back out of boredom and stood up:

"Give me the map."

The Eight Thousand Cao Yue was as bright as Meng Dahe. She hurriedly knelt on the ground, holding her share of the map in both hands, and bowed in front of her respectfully.

After waving his hand to pick up the small square, Zhang Xiao left the classroom, leaving behind Yachi Sogetsu, who was panting heavily and dripping with cold sweat.

When Zhang Xiao found Harry and others, several young wizards were staying in the abandoned classroom commonly used by dueling clubs, and they were still making noises there.

Throwing the small square on the table, the noise immediately disappeared. They stared at the small square for a while, and then glanced at the other two they had been holding in their hands.

When the reaction came over, it immediately started boiling.


"Where did it come from?"

"Great! Zhang, hurry up, get together quickly."

Zhang Xiao tapped the small squares one by one with his magic wand:

"It's from the magic institute, don't worry about where it came from, anyway -" He thought for a moment and suddenly laughed. Although I only got the map, Yachisogetsu saved a life!

"It's fine as long as it works."

The little wizards stopped asking questions. Their desire for the map suppressed everything. They held their breath and watched nervously as the three maps attracted each other and were put together.

The blue projection suspended in the air is also quickly approaching and merging.

Ethereal music and illusory singing echoed throughout the abandoned classroom:

"Under the endless sea is a dark world

No one cares about it, no one goes there

The ancient city that has been sleeping for thousands of years is crying

Recalling the glory of the past amid decay

People have forgotten him

go Go


Go ring the bells, light the lighthouse, sit on the throne


To witness the glory of the past and spread the story. "

The singing stopped abruptly here, and repeated itself after a while.

The little wizards listened carefully several times before putting away the small cubes.

Everyone was silent, no one wanted to speak first, but Cedric finally smiled reluctantly:

"I'm afraid we have to go to the water this time."

"The sea." There was a trace of fear on Ron's face, and this fear also appeared on Malfoy's face.

On the contrary, Harry and Hermione were doing better. Their expressions were still serious, but they were more thinking about what to do during the game.

"Yes, the sea, but how do you look?" Hermione looked at the other people strangely, frowning and trying to find a suitable adjective.

"So scared?"

"You don't understand, Hermione -" Malfoy bit his mouth, with a slight tremor in his voice:

"The sea. The sea is the only place that the wizard has not conquered. There are terrifying monsters lurking there!"

"Moreover, it moves very slowly in water, and it is said that Apparition is difficult to use in the sea."

Ron added hurriedly.

Cedric also said:

"The most critical issue is that because you cannot recite the spell loudly in the water, the power of the spell will be greatly reduced."

After listening for a while, Zhang Xiao understood why Malfoy and Ron were so scared.

Because these little pure-blood wizards have grown up listening to the terrifying legends of the sea.

Since there are magical animals on land, are there any in the sea?

Of course there is, and it's bigger and scarier. For example, the giant octopus is not a legend in the story.

They really exist in the deep sea, but they don't like the surface of the sea, so they rarely come out.

Another important reason is that wizards lack the means to detect the deep sea. They cannot bravely explore areas they have never touched by constantly improving their technology like ordinary people.

In other words, wizards simply don't have the adventurous spirit and thirst for knowledge that Muggles have. They stay comfortably in their own small circle.

The wizards can't even enter the deep sea. They rely on their instinctive distortion to ensure that they can only enter a depth of one or two hundred meters.

The unknown represents fear, and the deep sea is the fear of wizards.

Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of Taoism. Taoism was a little better than the wizarding world, but it was not obvious.

After all, there is still a difference between mainland countries and ocean countries. Daomen prefers going up the mountain to going to the sea.

"So our first round is in the ocean?"

Harry tried to pull his friends back through analysis. Looking at Malfoy and Ron, it seemed that he wanted them to challenge the fire dragon.

"It must be in the sea, it's so obvious, so I think the first problem is how to move in the water."

Hermione was equally calm. The little witch took out her notebook seriously and started recording questions:

"First of all, there is the issue of movement in the sea. By the way, how deep do we need to dive? The requirements for different depths seem to be different, right?"

“It won’t be too deep, I suspect it’s about a hundred meters at most.

Because if it is too deep, it will be difficult for the little wizard's body to bear it. The human free diving record is about three hundred meters, but that is after a lot of training.

It's definitely hard for us to do. "

Zhang Xiao finally spoke. He recalled his knowledge base:

"The Bubble Curse is probably the most useful spell, but I don't know how it performs in deep water."

Bubble head curse! Everyone hurriedly memorized this spell, and Hermione and Cedric also explained the function of this spell to everyone:

"This is a very practical spell that you will learn in seventh grade. It is a required spell. It can help wizards breathe in complicated or unable breathing situations."

Seeing Hermione chatting away, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think that in the original book, it was ridiculous that Hermione didn't know the Bubble Curse, so forget it if it was an unpopular spell.

But it was also written later that Peeves used a big dung egg, which made the little wizards intolerable and had to use bubble head spells to avoid the stench.

More importantly, it was also written that Hermione spent half a month searching the spell book to find the breathing spell, but she still couldn't find it!

"Gillweed can also be used." Neville suddenly added, and he patted the "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms" on his hand.

"This herb helps us grow gills to breathe underwater and move around easily."

"Cool! Now we have two options!"

Harry watched Hermione write things down and looked at everyone expectantly:

"Is there any other way?"

"Of course there are, like Animagus, or human body transformation."

"That's so hard!"

"You can try. I should be able to help you transform, but I can't completely transform." Cedric raised his hand.

"Okay -" Ron looked at the lyrics Hermione had just remembered excerpted in his hand and stared at the following:

"Now that we have a way to get into the water, what about the content behind it? What does Hermione mean when she writes, 'This part is hard to hear'?"

Zhang Xiao is also thinking about this part:

"I think this might be our goal, to ring the bells, to light the lighthouses, to sit on the throne

Think about it, we used exactly three blocks, so there are three targets in the song this time.

Ring the bell, light the lighthouse, and sit on the throne, respectively.

What if the more blocks collected, the more targets will appear? "

Everyone thought about it and felt that what Zhang Xiao said made sense and extended it further. This was probably the corresponding target on the map in their hands.

After discussing it for a while, we decided to improvise at the local location and could not determine the target for the time being.

Hermione tore out the things she had compiled, made several copies, handed them to everyone, and warned everyone:

"These are all secrets. I think it's best not to leak them out, otherwise everyone's efforts will be in vain!"

Seeing that everyone had put away the parchment solemnly, Hermione nodded with satisfaction:

"What are we going to do later? Go to the library? Find out more about underwater?"

The little witch has expectations in her eyes. She likes the library the most!

"No -" Zhang Xiao shook his head, came to the window, and looked out at the black lake that looked like a huge mirror:

"I think we can go underwater and try it out now!"

In order to keep it secret, they made a large circle along the Black Lake and found an "inaccessible" place, and then used a lot of magic spells to cover up the traces.

"Do we really want to go into the water?"

Ron swallowed and looked at a big hole drilled into the frozen black lake. Just by looking at it, he felt like a cold air was coming out.

It’s January now! The coldest time!

"Don't hesitate. Even if the official competition starts, it will only be at the end of January and the weather will be similar to now."

Harry had already taken off his coat and was still shivering in the cold wind while wearing a vest, but he still insisted on doing warm-up exercises.

I have to say that after several years of training, Harry has good muscle lines.

"Okay, I'm just saying-" Ron muttered, took off his coat, and started to warm up shakily.

Zhang Xiao said thoughtfully:

"Yes, hypothermia is also a problem. I think we can buy some diving suits. Professional diving suits have very good thermal insulation, as well as diving masks and flippers."

"Good idea! But hurry up, I'm freezing to death."

Malfoy crossed his arms and kept looking at Hermione. The little witch's face was a little red, but she still took off her coat with a straight face, revealing the short sleeves underneath.

Xiao Ma looked disappointed, but quickly adjusted his attention back.

Zhang Xiao released a head soaking spell for everyone. Of course, they must master this spell in the next month.

Now the little wizards feel like they have a big fish tank stuck on their heads, and the bubbles make their faces distorted and look funny.

After leading them to the big hole in the ice, Zhang Xiao jumped into the air after gesturing to them.


Perfect entry into the water.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Oh, the whole family has a fever, and only the little carp is alive and well.

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