Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 427 Six Drill Methods

On the way back, the excitement brought by the different scenery at the bottom of the lake gradually faded away.

The problems encountered underwater gradually occupied their attention, which made the little wizards less interested.

No one expected that the second round of projects would be so difficult.

The problems caused by this location in the deep sea made their scalp numb.

They kicked the pebbles on the road anxiously, thinking desperately about any good ways to solve those difficult problems.

But just as Hermione was worried, these guys usually didn't read, and their heads were empty.

Now besides coming up with some obscure solutions (Malfoy, you go buy a Muggle submarine)

There is almost nothing we can do about the current problem.

Fortunately, Hermione took a look at the gray weather. The January night wind was frighteningly cold, like a knife.

Just blowing on her face made her feel a burst of pain. Remembering the cold and biting feeling just under the water, Hermione couldn't help but shiver and wrapped her clothes tighter.

Malfoy saw her worried look and comforted her in a low voice:

"Hermione, don't be so nervous. At least we have cracked the secret of the golden egg at the beginning, and we still have enough preparation time.

Think about it, if we make it to the end—"

As he spoke, Malfoy fell silent. He was frightened by his assumption.

Two experiences in the water, not to mention the second time, just talking about the first time, it was really not a pleasant experience.

The cold lake water, the dark environment, the sounds that were far away yet seemed very close, those strange sounds surrounding me.

The heart was beating loudly, and it seemed that the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels could be heard.

The whole person seemed to have fallen into an abyss, that feeling was terrible!

In the following time, the little wizards used various methods to find out if there was any way to make them feel more comfortable underwater.

Hermione boldly asked McGonagall and Flitwick.

Professor McGonagall looked at her with a strange look. The vice-principal seemed to have noticed something, so she made various suggestions very seriously.

"Miss Granger, my proposal is to transform, a fairly perfect human transformation, such as a shark or other fish.

This gives you considerable freedom in the water. "

Professor McGonagall's light blue eyes flashed with concern. She thought about it and lowered her voice:

"Listen, if you need extra lessons in this area, I think - you can come to me at any time, and I will do my best to help you."

When the little witch relayed Professor McGonagall's answer to the others, what greeted them was not cheers and joy, but a sad face.

"Why are you like this?" Hermione was very difficult to understand. She frowned and said loudly:

"Professor McGonagall is willing to give us individual tutoring lessons for our sake!"

"Ah, I'm very grateful for the professor's kindness -" Harry scratched his head: "But Hermione, even a sixth grader can't do human transformation well. Cedric said he can only complete a small part of the transformation.

This is already the best result in the entire sixth grade. "

Ron took up the conversation and said exaggeratedly:

"Think about it, in one month we need to master the Transfiguration Charm better than the best sixth-year students - Hermione, this is making things difficult for us!"

Malfoy and Neville did not dare to speak, but looking at their expressions, it was obvious that they agreed with what Harry and Malfoy said.

On the contrary, Cedric was very interested in Professor McGonagall’s special improvement class:

"Maybe I can take part. I think I might be able to master the complete human transformation in the last month.

How about I transform you then? "


"Sed, I leave it to you!"

"I knew that Cedric was the most trustworthy!"

The young wizards quickly confirmed this matter, and Hermione could only shake her head helplessly and talked about Professor Flitwick's suggestion:

"The professor said that wizards generally lack the means to explore the ocean. They use the Bubble Charm to dive into the water and it is used for exploration.

So he feels that a simple magic spell cannot help us, so——"

Hermione pursed her lips and said with some embarrassment:

"He suggested we start with potions."

"Clang" The cup in Harry's hand fell to the ground, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at Hermione in disbelief:

“Magic potion?????

Come on, Snape would happily hand me a large bottle of poison and tell me it was an underwater potion! "

"Professor Snape is not that bad!" Hermione argued. Since Snape gave her a point last time and defended Malfoy during the Slytherin gang fight, she was not satisfied with Snape's behavior. There has been a certain improvement in the senses.

I feel that although he is fierce and often mocks the little wizard, he is a responsible teacher.

Harry and Ron often discussed this privately and felt that Hermione must be confused.

"Okay, I can try this -"

Malfoy stood up. He could vaguely feel that Snape seemed to treat him a little differently. Although he was good to him before.

But Pony always felt that Professor Snape was not sincere, but rather pretended to take good care of him.

However, after the gang fight incident, the pretended concern became more sincere. Although I don’t know why, this is a good thing.

Seeing that Malfoy took the initiative to take over the matter, Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief, but then felt a little embarrassed, as if everyone was trying to think of a solution.

Just a few of them are of no use.

So Ron thought for a while and decided to find another way to highlight his role.

“Guys, listen, I’ve been watching the other Warriors these past few days, but they haven’t changed much from before.

If they also learned about the contents of the second round of projects, they would definitely be very upset, right?

So I guess they haven't cracked the secret of the golden egg yet, and we're still ahead. "

Everyone thought about it and felt that what Ron said made sense, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

Finally, Zhang Xiao put down the purchase order in his hand and introduced to the little wizards:

“In terms of material rationing – we need high-strength diving masks and diving flashlights.

The brightness of the wand alone is certainly not enough.

And most importantly, wetsuits and other gear. "

He introduced it to the little wizards in detail:

“Wetsuits are divided into dry and wet types, but the wet type is suitable for various waters with water temperatures above 25°C, while the dry type does not matter, but the dry type is very bulky.

When the time comes, I will buy one set of each and choose which one to wear depending on the situation. "

The little wizards nodded crazily. They didn't understand it at all, so they could only leave it to Zhang Xiao.

"Muggles' things are very useful, but we can't use many of them. I will think about them again and let you know if they are useful."

Zhang Xiao stood up and looked around: "How about this first, everyone rests first."

After everyone left, Zhang Xiao slipped to a secluded place and quietly took out the telescope.

I stopped pretending and let my cards show down. Everyone was looking for the teacher, so it made sense for me to look for my dad, right?


The telescope only rang twice and was immediately connected. It seemed that Dad was relatively free.


Mom's soft voice came through the telescope.

Zhang Xiao agreed. In fact, the chats with his parents were not frequent, but not many.

Basically every day or two I would have a ‘phone call’ to talk about the current situation.

Anyway, the feeling it gives me is the same as studying in college outside my whole life.

The difference is that there is no need to ask whether the living expenses are enough.

We chatted animatedly for a while, mainly because my parents always wanted to ask me some information about the Glove Lady.

It’s not that he thought he had any hidden secrets with Ms. Gloves.

The main reason is that they are a little curious about the person who can use the spirit paper man so well.

Finally, Zhang Chengdao took the telescope and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, your kid has something to do today, tell me, what can't be done?"

"Hey, it's nothing. It's just the second round in the sea. Dad, you know that I have achieved a little success on the ground.

But it really doesn't work in this sea. The water-avoiding talisman can avoid water, but it's not efficient.

So I wanted to ask my family if there is any way to make me feel more comfortable in the water. "

"Your question is really interesting." Zhang Chengdao's voice became a little hesitant:

“We don’t have much deep water inland. Generally, when we encounter something underwater, it’s enough to directly launch the net or separate the waterway.

I really haven't thought much about gambling and fighting in the water. If I have time to go into the water, I might as well build an altar on the shore. "

Zhang Xiao sighed twice. This was indeed the truth. The main reason was that the inland water was rarely used.

To deal with the spirits in the water, just find the right place and directly raise the altar and call your soldiers and horses. Some of them are the heavenly officials of the water department, which are suitable for dealing with the spirits.

If that doesn't work, those water ghosts who have become weathered will directly calculate the location of the body, separate the waterway, go down and drag it out.

There is nothing the water ghost can do. Why, do you still want to reach out to Longhushan?

"But we don't have it in Longhu Mountain, but there are other places."

Zhang Chengdao pondered for a while and finally found something more suitable. China is so big that if you want to look for it, you can probably find it.

He introduced to his son: "You know what kind of grave digger and tomb robber you are."

"You know, you know, touch the gold captain! Some Xiling warrior or something like that."

Zhang Xiao immediately said, he has watched Ghost Blowing the Lamp several times, he is a die-hard fan!

"Absolutely, we have a lot of big rivers, and a lot of treasures have sunk underneath them. Some people just focus on these treasures and specialize in this area.

But there is no sect, there are just a few families who make a living from this profession.

Each family also divided into different water systems, such as the Yellow River, Lancang River, Yangtze River and so on.

They don't cross each other's boundaries, and they are not strong, but they are skilled in underwater activities. "

Mom’s voice also came over:

"Hey, when you said that, I kind of remembered it. Are they the families who often come here to ask for talismans?

He has a good attitude and speaks nicely. "

"Seeking amulet? What kind of amulet?"

Zhang Xiao keenly grasped the key points.

"How can you keep your shoes from getting wet when you often walk along the river? Things underwater are good, but they are also prone to evil spirits. Sometimes the things passed down from their families cannot deal with those dirty things.

Just come to us. "

Zhang Chengdao's voice was a little helpless:

"Anyway, every time we find something powerful somewhere, you guys, Longhu Mountain, just don't care.

There is no way, there is really something powerful and we must take care of it.

However, they are also sensible, and they just seek some wealth from the world. In the past, some people went abroad to sell goods for money. After being taught a few times, they became honest, and occasionally they could find some classics or clues.

So we didn't care about him much. The main thing was that your Uncle Zhao was watching them. "

After chatting for a while, Zhang Xiao finally figured out that these people who called themselves Mandrills were somewhere between ordinary people and extraordinary people.

Not everyone in their family can walk smoothly in the water, and only Lingzi can become a mandrill.

Once you have mastered it, you will be almost as good as a white stripe in the waves. You can even lurk underwater for seven days and seven nights.

Although they can also touch the transcendent, they are probably just standing by the door, but they are seeking wealth and honor in the secular world.

This is nothing, just like many squibs in the wizarding world who are doing bad things, this is just a choice.

Because there are so many things buried in China's Yangtze River and lakes, their lives have always been easy.

Now that Uncle Zhao is looking after him, he is quite honest. Sometimes he can cooperate with the country's work if necessary, and he can be regarded as a fish in water in the secular world.

"Is it something that needs to be passed down?" Zhang Xiao didn't finish his words. He was rather averse to taking things by force.

Only when strong people are willing to abide by the rules can everyone become better.

"You kid must think that we will force you, right? How is it possible that you think we, Longhushan, are someone else!"

Zhang Chengdao laughed and scolded: "Wait, dad will contact you and reply to you tomorrow.

By the way, your grandpa also saw your performance in the first round and was quite satisfied with it. Keep up the good work! "

The waiting time is always difficult. The time that used to fly by seems to have slowed down now.

After finally waiting until the afternoon, the telescope in the Qiankun bag finally rang again.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly found a secluded place and nervously connected to the mirror:


"It's done. The Yi family was surprised, wondering why we suddenly fell in love with their family's method.

I heard that you wanted to use it, so I happily brought it to you!

It's quite smart. Now that the time has come, this favor can only be passed on. "

Zhang Xiao immediately understood what his father meant. He asked for nothing but a favor. Don’t underestimate this favor. Whether a favor is valuable or not depends on who owes it.

All I can say is that they have made a lot of money out of the favor of the future Heavenly Master.

The father and son just chatted about this matter for a while, and soon came to the main topic.

"I made a rubbing and projected it on you. You can take note of it yourself."

Zhang Xiao agreed and found a shorthand quill and parchment.

The telescope vibrated for a while, and a piece of illusory text was projected from the mirror, slowly floating in the air.

The opening line reads:

"Six Methods of Water Mandrill"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

ps: The mandrill comes from the "Three Line Wheel" adapted from the work of Yu Weiyu.

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