Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 435 Only the obedient and brave can enter the City of the Sea

On the dark seabed, wherever Zhang Xiao looked, there were rugged rocks everywhere. These rocks had been lying in the sand for thousands of years.

Sea currents and plants have left mottled marks on their bodies. Even so, the occasionally exposed lines still show the superb skills of the craftsmen.

One of the large and small stones caught Zhang Xiao's attention. Most of the stones on the seabed were peeled off from the statues, but this one was not.

It was boxy, with patterns and weird writing on the parts not covered by seaweed.

The most important thing is that the fracture here is obviously updated and there are traces of friction.

Zhang Xiao turned over and got off the dragon carp, and with just a slight twist of his body, he came to the stone monument as silky as a swimming fish.

After carefully observing the fracture, it turns out that among the six methods of water movement, observing blue waves is a way to identify various underwater situations.

Although I thought it was useless, I took a quick look at it just because I found it all.

Compare the traces of the fracture in front of you with what you recall in your mind.

Zhang Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up. There was indeed something wrong with the traces of the fracture. The attachments on it were not in line with the surface. The age was much shorter!

This is enough to prove that the stone tablet has been tampered with!

I originally thought that the only one that the six water mandrill methods could help me was water fairy, but I didn’t expect that several other methods that I despised could also have unexpected effects!

Sure enough, we cannot ignore the wisdom of the working people!

What people do is to find gold under water, and what they summarized are all good words!

Deciding to go back and learn the six mandrill techniques, Zhang Xiao took out his wand and pointed it at the rocks covered by seaweed and mud.

【Cleaned up new】

This cleaning spell is very buggy in Zhang Xiao's opinion. It doesn't just remove the stains, it directly removes the 'stains' you think of them!

It is equivalent to being exiled to an unknown space or erasing existence.

Zhang Xiao once thought that the development potential of this curse was extremely high, even more outrageous than Avada's Kedavra, until he tried to clean up the experimental rats as stains.

Only then did I realize that there was no change except that the white mouse was pink and tender after being bathed for eighteen times.

Then I reluctantly gave up on this extremely promising curse.

However, the effect of cleaning it up is surprisingly good when it comes to stains. The misty light quickly circulates on the surface of the stone, making the place as clean as new.

(This is also the main reason why Hermione's white shoes always look like they were just bought.)

In just the blink of an eye, the entire stone was displayed in front of Zhang Xiao.

This is something similar to a stone tablet, with several groups of vivid pictures carved on it, but it is incomplete.

Combined with the abnormality of the fracture, the answer is already evident!

Zhang Xiao waved the magic wand again:

"Recover as before!"

The huge stone trembled, as if inspired by something, and flew to another place like a swallow in the forest.

At the same time, there were scattered gravels all around, which were also rolling in the water and flying away with fine bubbles.

This scene immediately attracted Ludo Bagman's attention. He waved his hand to enlarge Zhang Xiao's grid and said loudly:

"Zhang has made a move! Has he already found a way to enter the ruins?

According to our information, the explorers were trapped outside for several days until a coincidence found a way in! "

The principals felt nervous again as they listened to the explanation. Even among them, not everyone knew about the expedition that year.

Many people have only heard about it briefly, but have not paid attention to understand it.

They became more and more nervous. If this Eastern warrior really found a way in just a few minutes, wouldn't this mean another huge lead?

Whether my students can solve this problem in a short time is still unknown!

Driven by this mentality, their backs left the armchairs, their bodies leaned forward slightly, and they looked at the curtain intently.

As another bug-level spell recognized by Zhang Xiao, the repair spell has unlimited potential.

It can be regarded as one of the examples of a small magic spell with great effect, and it is also a place that Muggles cannot reach in the short term.

Zhang Xiao once used it to repair the console of an airplane, and Voldemort also used this spell to hide his own decorations in Gunter's old house.

Slytherin used a similar spell to solve a seemingly important mystery.

But this spell still has an upper limit. The older it is, the longer it is damaged and the harder it is to repair, and the damaged parts cannot be scattered too far.

Even so, the effect of the Restoration Spell is still excellent.

Not far away, a huge stone tablet seemed to be turned upside down. Stones of various sizes were constantly being filled up. After a while, a complete stone tablet, as if it had just been carved, stood in front of Zhang Xiao.

There are still weird words and pictures on it, and the alchemical silver ball is pulled into the camera at the right time, allowing the audience to clearly see the patterns on the stone tablet.

The audience's eyes widened and they watched carefully along with Zhang Xiao.

What is painted on the picture is exactly what the city gate looks like. The sculptor is very skilled. Just simple lines can make the city gate lifelike.

Zhang Xiao recognized it for a while. It seemed that there was a huge brazier on the top of the stone statue. The thing carved on the brazier looked like a ball of fire.

Let the brazier burn?

But this is the bottom of the sea

He pursed his lips and suppressed the doubts in his heart. He moved his eyes downward and continued to read.

Below is a small man, kneeling on one knee on the ground, dragging a big fish with both hands and raising it high above his head, as if he is offering a sacrifice to an unknown existence?

Then the door opened and the villain walked in.

Zhang Xiao's eyebrows were raised. Looking at pictures and talking is a skill that even first-grade children can master. The meaning is obvious.

Light the brazier, kneel on the ground and offer sacrifices (ticket money), and the door will naturally open.

Of course, the sacrifices were easy to find. Zhang Xiao just looked around and found many fat fish. It was not difficult to catch one.

But the problem is

His eyes focused on the little man who was kneeling and holding the sacrifice aloft.

Kneel down?

Do you match the key? Do you deserve it? How many?

If he knelt down here to offer gifts to others, not to mention his father and grandfather, even he himself would not agree.

Forget it, this road is blocked!

Is this the only way to get in?

It's impossible for everyone who enters the city to kneel down.

This city will never sink into the sea by itself, and the people who let it sink into the sea will not want to kneel when they enter.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while, then turned around and walked around to the back of the stone tablet. There was really a pattern on it.

The steps above are exactly the same, they also light the brazier.

But the next step has completely changed. The villain threw the fish on the ground and pulled out something similar to a sword.

Two giant statues also raised their forks.


Zhang Xiao tilted his head and his eyes were already fixed on a big fish that was swimming very fast, but he didn't know what it was called.

With a thought in his mind, the huge dragon carp immediately rushed forward with its head and tail wagging.

The big fish was startled and immediately swung its tail fin and rushed out. The speed was astonishing, and it only took a blink of an eye to escape far away.

But no matter how fast it was, it couldn't compare with the patron saint who ignored the resistance in the water. The dragon carp pulled out a brilliant silver-white light and rushed towards the big fish.

The big fish became more and more frightened. It had never seen such a weird thing in the sea, and it swam without any disturbance from the current.

The dragon carp opened its big mouth and swallowed the fish in one gulp, then ran back happily, spinning back and forth around Zhang Xiao.

The pattern on the stele is very simple and easy to understand. The difficulty is how to find this stele. Not only Zhang Xiao, most people who see the pattern on the stele can roughly guess the meaning.

They picked up the wine glasses with interest, and their mood was calm. There was nothing explosive right now, which was perfect for them to discuss the game with their friends while drinking.

"If it's really like what's carved on the stone, it's quite simple to enter the city gate. All you have to do is offer a sacrifice."

"Yes, the difficult part is how to find this stone, right?"

"Yes, I still haven't figured out how this little guy found the stone."

The audience was relaxed and interested in discussing when other school warriors would discover the stone.

Others are still talking about Hogwarts' unique spherical submarine.

This ruins is too big. There are twenty or thirty such gates. It is extremely easy to lose your way underwater. In addition, the warriors from each school deliberately stay away from others to protect their own secrets.

As a result, everyone was far apart, and there was no one else around Zhang Xiao.

At the principal's table, Dashilval couldn't help but widen his eyes and cursed secretly. This boy actually found a way to enter the ruins.

It's still so simple, all you need to do is kneel down and offer a sacrifice, and it won't cause any consumption to him at all.

He couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at Dumbledore. He must have secretly informed him, otherwise he wouldn't have looked at the other stones in such a large area, but he would have found this one.

Is your luck that good? Only a ghost can believe it!

At this moment, he heard the principal of Ilvermorny, Gilbert Fontana, curiously ask:

"Principal Dumbledore, I don't know much about this ruins. I wonder if the words on the stone tablet have been deciphered?

What does it probably mean? "

Um? The ears of the other principals also perked up. 150 years ago was a very long time ago, and the oldest of all the principals was Dumbledore.

Even if they have heard of this ruins, who would care? So I really don’t know what the stone tablet means.

Dumbledore is different. The entire wizarding world knows that he is a language genius.

Dumbledore was silent for a while, then put down the tea cup in his hand. His thoughts suddenly wandered, and he thought it would be good to drink this kind of slightly bitter but sweet pure tea once in a while.

After being stunned for a while, he said softly: "Only the obedient and brave can enter the City of the Sea."

His blue eyes reflected the scene on the curtain, and the deep sea reflected his eyes with incomparable depth.

"Either humbly bow your head and offer a sacrifice to the king, or take up arms and defeat the guards."

Zhang Xiao gently swayed his body and swam towards the huge statue. Only when he got closer could he realize how huge the statue was.

To put it simply, it was bigger than the statue of Wendy in Mondstadt. As expected, he saw a huge brazier above his head.

Seeing the brazier Zhang Xiao was in trouble, he did know that there is a kind of flame that can burn in water. For example, the cold fireworks used by the frogman troops that often appear in movies can burn in water.

But what about the magic wand?

After thinking about it, he tentatively took out his wand, pointed it at the brazier, and whispered:

[Burning flames]

A stream of hot water shot out from the wand and hit the brazier. Huge bubbles appeared one after another, but the brazier still maintained its original appearance without any change.

Tsk, as expected, Zhang Xiao smacked his lips, but then drank a mouthful of salty and astringent sea water, bah bah bah bah.

After finally making the feeling in his mouth feel better, Zhang Xiao circled around and started to think of a solution.

Use the Bubble Charm to wrap the brazier. Although the Bubble Charm can only last for a few minutes in deep water, it is enough if it is fast.

He extended his wand into the range of the Bubble Curse and used Blazing Flame again.

The red flame burned in the brazier, but the flame went out after a while.

Obviously, this is still not the way to light a brazier.

Zhang Xiao stared at the brazier and fell into deep thought, right?

But if the brazier doesn’t have a fire point, what point should it use?

Not only him, but also the audience became confused. People from other schools were still circling around the protective shield, and some of the quick-thinking ones also headed to other gates.

But they could only wander around the gate in vain, trying to find some corresponding clues.

Just as Da Silva thought, among such densely packed stones, how could one find the most critical stone at a glance?

It must be open!

Other schools have made no progress, so the only one to watch is this warrior from the East.

They became more and more curious whether this magical Eastern warrior could solve this problem again.

Zhang Xiao didn't know what the audience was thinking. Many possibilities flashed through his mind, and finally he tentatively used the repair spell again.

Something magical happened, a soft "bang" sound.

A bunch of light blue flames appeared in the brazier, and then became more and more intense, and finally looked like a huge blue torch.

I don’t know what kind of fire this flame is. Even in the dark seabed, it is still burning quietly.

It actually works!

Zhang Xiao was overjoyed and hurried to another flame, doing the same thing.

After all the braziers were lit, there was finally new movement at the city gate.

The huge statue slowly turned its head, pointed its incomplete head at him, and made a strange sound like thunder.

The audience immediately stopped discussing and waited with interest for the door to open.

"It's not difficult to get into the city, right?"

"Of course, all you need to do is kneel down and offer the sacrifice. The hard part is probably how to find the method."

"Hurry up, I want to see what's inside the ruins."

The alchemy magic ball faithfully performed its duties. It focused the camera on the patron saint swimming over and watched it spit out a big fish from its mouth.

All the spectators looked at him expectantly, waiting to offer sacrifices. The moment the door opened, they gave the warmest cheers.

They held their breath, clenched their fists, and widened their eyes, not daring to miss any detail.

Zhang Xiao took a picture of the fish behind him, raising one hand high above his head, and the thumb of his right hand was already pressed on the tourmaline of the wand.

With a click, the sleeve slid up quickly, and the transformation technique exuded a dazzling brilliance.

He slammed the fish onto the stone slab on the bottom of the sea, and a long sword with cold light appeared in his other hand.

My knees are too hard and I can't kneel down.

I choose to challenge!

There was an uproar.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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