Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 437 Sword Qi!

Even in the sea water, the figure of this water man is still clear, and the faint golden light fills it, making it look like a golden man.

Zhang Xiao was suspended on the water man's chest, his body wrapped in blazing golden light, and he focused all his attention on controlling the water man.

Fa Tian Xiang Di is a legendary magical power in Taoism. Zhang Xiao actually doesn't know whether Longhu Mountain has such a magical power.

I actually just came up with this method when I faced the basilisk in my second grade - giant monsters must be dealt with by giant monsters!

Even Dumbledore didn't expect that his original intention was just to let the little wizard use transfiguration flexibly to transform large living creatures into entanglements with the basilisk.

But Zhang Xiao chose to hide herself in the transforming object and became a 'Gundam Pilot'.

(For details, see Why the Secret Room Is Like This in Volume 2 - Chapter 97)

Because of the problem of control, the water man Zhang Xiao condensed was not 50 meters high like the stone statue, but only about 30 meters. It looked like Guo Xiaosi beating two Yao Mings.

The two stone statues seemed to be startled by the sudden appearance of the golden giant in front of them, and they made a strange and low sound again.

The original posture of holding the trident in one hand changed. They stepped forward with one step, holding the trident in both hands, and squatted slightly.

Zhang Xiao's expression became serious, and his eyes with a little golden light narrowed slightly. As a Taoist who specializes in physical arts, he could see the difference in the posture change at a glance.

It was originally a spearing fish, but now it is a battle. The intensity of the two cannot be compared to each other.


Zhang Xiao clenched his fists, and the giant water man moved in sync with him.

Come on then!

Hogwarts Great Hall

The moment the water giant appeared, most of the little wizards had jumped up, raised their hands and cheered loudly.

The little wizards who were only in the first and second grade looked confused and didn't know why the seniors and sisters were so excited.

The other little wizards just waved their fists and roared words that they didn't even know what they meant.

This giant seemed to bring them back to the summer two years ago. On the Black Lake, all the little wizards worked together and rushed into the secret room under the leadership of the professors.

They were so powerful and fearless that even Lockhart, who was possessed by the Dark Lord, was scared away.

In the castle, I watched Zhang riding a dragon and charging towards the basilisk.

I remembered the majestic water giant on the lake, and the dazzling sword light that seemed to make the whole world lose its color.

That was an unforgettable memory for them in their lifetime.

"Come on Zhang!"

"Show them something awesome!"

"You can definitely do it, beat them hard!"

Finally, some little wizards sat down and told the first and second grade little wizards what happened two years ago with cheerful smiles.

Tell us about the legend of that moment

At the same time, the audience was also shocked by this scene. They opened their mouths like fish eager to breathe outside the water.

I originally thought that the little wizard was in danger and had no choice but to run away, but when this giant of water appeared.

It was such a strong shock to them that they felt numb all over and short of breath.

It seems like some were beaten?

In front of the principal's special seat, Da Silva stood up directly, stretched his hands on the table, leaned forward, and raised his eyes.

How can it be?

As a principal, he was very powerful, so he could certainly see what method the little wizard used.

Can transfiguration still be used in this way?

He thought for a while, but suddenly found that this was indeed possible, but it required extremely strong control, and very few could do it.

"If you have followed the Daily Prophet -" Dumbledore picked up the water glass contentedly, took a slow sip, and said with a smile:

"You will find that Zhang used this trick to deal with the basilisk when he was in second grade."

Dasilval took a breath. Of course he had read the Daily Prophet, the largest newspaper in the wizarding world.

Naturally, I have read the lengthy reports from two years ago.

He could still clearly recall his disdain when he saw the report, second grade? Defeated the adult basilisk?

Using transfiguration?

What a joke!

A second-year wizard can do this. Is he the reincarnation of Merlin?

But it's just another trick played by the British media, which they always like to do anyway.

There was a man named Voldemort before, who was praised to the sky by them as a dark wizard who could destroy the world, a dark lord who could rival Dumbledore.

I bother!

I was doing very well in South America, and I didn't even see Voldemort!

If he is really that good, why don’t he come to South America and give it a try? I'll show him why Castrobusche is the number one magic school in the world!

But now Da Silva was silent. He looked at the shocking water giant behind the curtain.

Unexpectedly, the Daily Prophet didn't brag about it that time, it was all true!

The two giant statues raised their feet and took a sudden step forward.

"Boom!" The huge soles left deep footprints on the seabed, mud and sand flew, and water surged.


The dull footsteps were like beating war drums. At first there was only one sound, and then it gradually became continuous, like a dense drum beat.

The steps of the colossi gradually accelerated, and they rushed towards Zhang Xiao with unparalleled momentum.

The sand splashed by their footsteps was carried up by the sea water, forming a turbid current that followed them like a long dragon.

With a heavy step, the giant statue squatted forward and raised its arms.

The tips of the two tridents separated from the water waves, with a dark and dull luster, and whizzed towards them.


The golden light in Zhang Xiao's eyes flashed, and all the orifices in his body opened wide, sucking a large amount of fresh air into his body like a whale sucking water.

Exhale and say: "Ha!"

The waterman also took a step forward, stretched out his hands in the blink of an eye, and grasped the two tridents that were thrust towards him.

The huge impact caused the waterman to slide backwards continuously, and his feet plowed two deep ravines on the seabed.

Feeling the power of the colossus, Zhang Xiao's eyes widened and he shouted again, and the emptiness realm was opened in an instant.

The waterman suddenly grew in size, and his arms seemed to have solidified countless times at this moment, and the muscles were vaguely taut, as if they were real arms.


He controlled the water man to pull back the trident in an instant, destroying the force balance of the colossus, then pressed it down, and then lifted it up suddenly.

Finally, push hard in the opposite direction. This is a common use of force in moves.

The two giant statues seemed to have turned into puppets. They involuntarily followed Zhang Xiao's movements, first moving forward, then squatting, and then staggering.

His whole body took several steps back, and finally he couldn't control his balance and sat down on the sea bed.

The movement when the fifty-meter-high iron lump fell was undoubtedly shocking, and the originally dark but apparently clear seawater was now extremely turbid.

The fight between the three giants is like a blockbuster with extremely gorgeous special effects.

The audience almost went crazy, their faces were red and they were waving their arms, even though everyone usually lives an elegant life with a wand, firing spells and fighting at each other gracefully like gentlemen.

But this kind of physical fighting completely ignited a fire in their hearts.

Fighting is really, really cool!

Ludo Bagman was equally excited. At this moment, he turned into a professional commentator for UFC. Although he knew nothing about fighting, he was full of passion:

"The giants charge forward! They raise their tridents!!

Danger - Although our Eastern warrior Zhang unexpectedly transformed into a water giant, he does not have any weapons! "

"The stone giant's movements are astonishingly fast! It's hard to imagine how such a huge body can move so fast - get out of the way!"

"Wow!!!! Zhang! Zhang! Zhang!"

Ludo Bagman, like Zhang Xiao, took a long breath, and then spoke a long list of words without stopping.

"He grasped the weapon that the enemy thrust at him!

And then?

pretty! so cool! He is like an ancient Spartan warrior. With such exquisite skills, I guess he must have been practicing alone for a long time!

The two stone giants fell directly to the ground - I dare say that even if Dumbledore came over, he would be knocked to the ground with fists compared to Zhang Xiao!

Fighting King! "

The camera suddenly showed Dumbledore. The thin old man was smiling, his eyes turned into crescents, and he seemed to be amused by Bagman's explanation.

He turned his face to Da Silva, who looked confused, and said, "

This is not necessarily true, I also often practice swordsmanship and fighting! "

Da Silva didn't know what to say, so he could only laugh twice, and then looked at the curtain with a complex expression. At this moment, the little wizard who was very unpleasant to him made a new move.

As early as after discovering that the Kongming Realm plus the Golden Light Curse equaled terrifying consumption, Zhang Xiao began to think about how to use this state.

The pre-steps of this transformation attack are undoubtedly powerful, almost consuming all the remaining physical strength and energy in a short period of time in exchange for unprecedented power.

Because there is no suitable means of catharsis, Taoist gates are rarely opened together, but magic is different.

As long as your desire is strong enough, magic will help you realize it.

It is precisely based on the magical properties of magic that Zhang Xiao can become a magic god for a short period of time when his state is fully activated, and is also known as the "Five Second Dumbledore".

However, the consumption was so terrifying that Zhang Xiao had no choice but to use it as a backup. If the opponent was not eliminated after turning on the full state, then he would definitely die.

In order to get rid of the dilemma of being in a full state, it can only be used as a desperate trick.

Zhang Xiao thought of many ways, which were nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Open source is very simple, that is, improving yourself so that you have more physical strength and energy, and can support longer-term consumption.

So in the past few years, he has been improving himself all the time.

This is obviously very effective. From the first time when it was in full state, it could not even deliver a single blow, but when it was against the Basilisk, it was able to have a complete two-hit power.

After the Battle of the Church, he could barely hold on without falling down.

The Room of Requirement and the Glove Lady witnessed his sweat and witnessed him pushing his limits bit by bit.

His efforts were definitely not in vain. During the exam at Longhu Mountain, the clear golden light that shocked everyone was the reward for his hard work.

And throttling was his idea a long time ago. If he can only turn on the full state for three minutes, then why can't he divide these three minutes into units of five seconds or several seconds.

Only turn it on when needed and turn it off when not in use?

This requirement is very high. After all, Kongming Realm is not a buff that can be turned on and off with one click.

But it all depends on people. It took Zhang Xiao two full years from proposing this idea to finally implementing it!

Now he has been able to compress the opening and closing time to 30 seconds!

Zhang Xiao felt the transcendent perspective in the sky and the power of Peng Bai in his body. The blow he just made with the stone statue only took a few seconds.

He did not hesitate to take advantage of the gap when the colossus fell to the sea bed and had not yet stood up, and stretched out his hand towards the side of the body.

The giant that wrapped him made the same movement, and the surrounding seawater also gathered in his hands, forming a huge water sword.

The lightning-struck wooden wand sank into it with a buzzing sound, thunder exploded, and the water sword was suddenly filled with jumping lightning.

The extremely calm brain is running rapidly, can it be split?

It's obvious that it can't be split. If it's Yunjin, you can try it, but this water sword won't work.


A smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Xiao's lips.

The water giant held the sword in both hands. Under the confused and shocked eyes of the audience, he danced the sword and made a graceful gesture in the air.

He walked with the sword, waving the long sword, but there was a distance away from the giant.

You can't kill the giant like this!

The audience shouted anxiously, "You have to get close to the giant. How can you chop it down when it's hundreds of meters away!"

But Snape, who was sitting in the emergency team, suddenly had a strange expression on his face. His gloomy eyes slowly widened and his thick eyebrows furrowed.

I always feel that Zhang's gesture of wielding the long sword looks familiar.

Wait a minute - this isn't -

At this moment, the situation on the curtain suddenly changed.

The water giant suddenly stopped moving, raised his long sword high above his head, and struck down hard in the air.

I saw a crescent-shaped translucent water wave coming out of the sword, cutting through the water wave and rushing towards the giant.

The two stone giants had just stood up, and the water wave was already in front of them!

As if a thunder exploded in the deep sea, the gravel in front of the two giants collapsed and they fell straight back.

Ludo Bagman's already extremely red face even tended to turn purple at this moment.

He opened his mouth and yelled with all his strength:

"Incredible! Incredible!

open! Use magical magic to knock down two giants! ! ! ! "

In an instant, there was thunderous applause and loud cheers!

Snape suddenly smiled softly in the crowd. If he read it correctly, this was his original magic spell - the Shadowless Blade!

"***! Sword Qi???"

"No, this kid Xiaoxiao has already developed sword energy???"

Several uncles jumped up from their chairs and stared at the crescent-shaped water waves with their mouths open, wishing that their eyes were glued to the curtain.

Zhang Chengdao and Li Qingshu were equally shocked, and then their smiles could not be suppressed.

"Sword energy is not that powerful."

The Heavenly Master spat out the melon seed skin and said leisurely: "This is magic, how about it? Magic also has merits, right?

I said at the time that this child’s opportunity lies in the West. One or two of you, jump up and shout to the old man, why should Xiaoxiao go there?

What now? You know how awesome it is. "

Several people were speechless and looked embarrassed. The uncle scratched his head and said embarrassedly:

"Aren't you worried that Xiaoxiao will suffer hardship outside?"

The Heavenly Master snorted, tapped the curtain, and let them go:

"Keep watching, it's not over yet!"

Zhang Xiao closed the Kongming Realm, pursed his lips, and looked at the dirty sea in the distance with a serious expression.

He just clearly sensed that the Divine Blade Wuying, which was originally enough to cut the giant in half, was blocked by something.

The battle is not over yet!


1. Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

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