Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 440: Lightning strikes the wooden wand to show its power

The ruins of the City of the Sea were quiet, a kind of deathly silence.

Zhang Xiao rode the dragon carp and walked more and more carefully, because since he entered the sea city, his spiritual sense had vaguely given him a bad feeling.

And it seemed to be disturbed by something. Not only that, in Zhang Xiao's eyes, the entire sea city seemed to be filled with a thin mist.

How can there be fog under the sea? There must be something weird in it!

The structure of Sea City is very symmetrical, forming a circle as a whole, and the interior is also very neatly planned.

Based on my previous observations from above, I just need to keep walking along the avenue.

Before the game started, Zhang Xiao discussed their respective goals with the young wizards at Hogwarts.

Not surprisingly, Zhang Xiao chose to sit on the throne, while the little wizards hesitated between the lighthouse and the bell for a long time, but chose to ring the bell.

The throne must be in the palace. As for the location of the palace

Either in the center or behind the center. In short, you have to go deep into the ruins first.

Zhang Xiao, who was thinking about how to find the palace, suddenly felt a chill on his side. He suddenly turned his head and saw a dark and mute arrow flying through the sea water towards him in a half-collapsed building.

I don’t know how this arrow works. It moves extremely fast in the water, with a long white trajectory and no movement at all.

At the critical moment, Zhang Xiao suddenly leaned back and let the arrow pass, but this arrow seemed to sound the horn of attack.

Densely packed arrows flew from both sides of the street.

Zhang Xiao felt his scalp numb, and couldn't help but uttered a curse word. With a pull of his hands, the dragon and the carp fell back dozens of meters in a weird posture that was completely inconsistent with physics.

"Duk duk duk" the arrows penetrated deeply into the surrounding buildings, bringing up bursts of filth. The arrows were extremely powerful, and each arrow penetrated extremely deep, leaving only a tail.


Just when this question arose, a group of strange figures suddenly jumped out of the buildings on both sides. They were wearing exquisite-looking armor with smooth lines. They looked like they were made in one go, with few traces of splicing.

Those wrapped in armor were the tall and thin skeletons that Zhang Xiao had seen. They seemed to be swaying, but they refused to fall. They held up a long pipe in their hands, with a pipe inserted into it. The arrows that were sent out before.

Oh boy, a harpoon gun?

But the harpoon gun does not have such speed. Zhang Xiao wanted to push back, but suddenly he found that several figures appeared behind him. This time they no longer held pipes, but A trident similar to the Colossus.

Almost instantly, many armored skeletons emerged from various places in the ruins, surrounding Zhang Xiao.

This scene immediately attracted Ludo Bagman's attention:

"Oh——! Zhang is surrounded! What kind of monster is this? A skeleton? The situation is not optimistic!

It was another tough battle. I have to say that the difficulty of the second round was quite high. No wonder the substitutes were included.

But even Zhang would have a headache facing so many monsters, right? "

Zhang Xiao's expression gradually became serious. He had just fought with the Colossus, and his physical and energy consumption had not yet recovered. The weapons in their hands were also very unique, and most importantly, powerful.

Tsk, smacking his lips a little irritably, he was obviously very careful and moved forward almost at a walking speed.

There is no other way, at least we have to rush out first.

Zhang Xiao pulled out the wand from the outside of his leg. Seeing his action, Bagman became equally excited:

"Are we about to start? Zhang pulled out his wand——"

He quickly scanned the lineup surrounding him. Well, the long-range man holding the tube was protected by a group of people holding shields. Gradually approaching him was a group of spearmen holding tridents.


Before he could think of a countermeasure, the lightning-struck wooden wand in his hand suddenly vibrated violently, as if the owner had only fought half of the fight with himself before, and had accumulated a lot of anger.

"Zila Zila"

Small electric rays flowed on the wand. Even in the deep sea, they did not spread at all, but were extremely clear.

It focuses on metaphysics.

In Zhang Xiao's shocked eyes, lightning suddenly burst out from the lightning strike wooden wand, and a dazzling electric light spurted out from the tip of the wand.

A bright electric grid was formed in an instant, like a branch of lightning, jumping back and forth on the bones surrounding him.

This electric light seemed to have a strong restraint on the bones. It only touched it slightly and turned into a ball of gray ash, which disappeared as soon as it was washed away by the water flow.

Just as the light on the wand lit up, Ludo Bagman raised his voice:

"Zhang! The wand is glowing! Are we going to see his new spell-"

Seeing that all the menacing skeletons in the field were reduced to ashes in just a short moment, only their weapons and armor were lying on the floor.

The host and Zhang Xiao opened their mouths at the same time.


Da Silva in the stands suddenly jumped up, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, and slapped the table hard:

"Cheating, this is cheating! He used props in violation of regulations!"

Dashilval was desperate in the previous wave. The water giant and the power that could defeat two giants with just movements, are other students so powerful now?

Until this time, what did he see?

The wand destroyed seemingly troublesome enemies on its own without the owner's control.

Isn't this a violation? Whose magic wand can do such a thing? Even the legendary Elder Wand can't do it.

Several principals looked at him with strange expressions. The smile on Da Silva's face gradually disappeared, and he frowned and asked:

"Is there something hidden?"

"Principal Da Silva, didn't you pay attention to the previous wand test?"

Madame Maxime asked doubtfully. The wand test revealed a lot of things at that time. Fleur told her when she came back. What's more, Master Nicoléme also said that the little wizard's wand was unusual.

Didn't the students of Kastrobuše say anything when they went back?

Da Silva felt vaguely that something was wrong. He felt that he had made a fool of himself, but how could he know that his favorite student Martins was jealous of Zhang being surrounded by Fleur and Yaqian Sogetsu in Potions class, and wanted to show off and be killed by Sneij Plain tulle.

How could Martins, who had gone crazy with anger, tell others how special the magic wand in Zhang Xiao's hand was? Not only that, he also threatened others not to tell them.

Seeing everyone's playful smiles, Da Silva sat back down as if nothing had happened.

Dumbledore finally added the final blow:

"Ollivander has estimated the price of Zhang's wand, which is at least over one million Galleons. The raw material of the wand is a magical wood that has a strong ability to restrain evil creatures.

I have witnessed dark creatures turn to ash at the mere touch of a wand. "

There was a gentle intake of breath from all around. One million galleons was not a small amount to anyone. They knew that Zhang's wand was special, but they had never seen how 'special' it was so intuitively.

Da Silva's face turned red. He lowered his head and held a wooden cup firmly.

Fortunately, after being a principal for so many years, he still had this skill. After a while, Dashilval adjusted himself and looked at the curtain with a calm expression.

It seemed as if nothing had happened, but there was still an unbreakable gloom in his eyes.

"Damn it, where are the clues to get in?"

Martins patted the square stones under him impatiently. The other stones were either too big or too small, and some were irregular, making it difficult to sit down.

This stone was the only one that was comfortable to sit on. They had been wandering here for almost two hours.

Even though he was wearing Kazan's coat and breathing was no problem, the dark deep sea still brought him a lot of psychological pressure.

This was with a companion. If he was alone, Martins felt that he would probably go crazy.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile proudly. This kind of loneliness must be difficult for the boy who competed alone in the limelight, right?

"Captain - can we, can we go to the sea and rest for a while?"

One of the team members said with a sad face. Kazan's coat was covered with green on his face, which made him look funny.

"No, each school chooses a different gate. We don't know the progress of other schools at all. What if they have all entered and we haven't entered yet?"

Martins flatly rejected the offer.

Castrobshe's first round results were not ideal.

The principal, Da Silva, was furious after the game. This principal had monopoly power, and almost all of Castrobushe had his say, and he was very irritable.

If you make him unhappy, he will keep you from feeling happy for a long time.

It was precisely because the results in the first round were not ideal that Dasilval gritted his teeth and obtained Kazan's seeds and source of life, hoping to use this method to make a splash in the second round.

It costs ten to twenty thousand Galleons for one person, and more than ten or two hundred thousand Galleons for six people, although Dasilval said it lightly when bragging to Ilvermorny.

But everyone knows that it is definitely not easy to come up with more than 200,000 Galleons at once, and Da Silva's heart may be bleeding.

If you still don’t get a good ranking in the second round

Martins couldn't help but tremble, as if he remembered something terrible, and his tone became firm again.

"No, you must hurry up, otherwise you don't want to face the principal, right?"

Thinking of Da Silva, several people's bodies trembled and they walked around silently.

Martins patted the stone tablet under his butt and couldn't help but sigh.

Where is the method to open the door?

"Furong, we are extremely cold."

Ron's girlfriend tried her best to cast a head bubble spell and used the short gap to speak through the intercom.

Fleur turned around and found that her team members' faces were all abnormally pale, and the sound of chattering teeth could be heard from the intercom.

This discovery made her heart sink. She originally thought that as long as the breathing problem was solved, she would be able to sit back and relax.

But he didn't expect that the difficulties hidden in the deep sea were far more than that.

In the dark deep sea, even if you use a lighting spell, you can only see a small part of the surrounding area. The loneliness and the ubiquitous weak noise are constantly tormenting everyone's nerves.

The gate was covered with rubble, and together with the ruins not far away, a deathly silence that made people collapse and despair weighed on their hearts all the time.

And the most important thing is hypothermia.

In less than two hours, the girls, who were only wearing short-sleeved shorts, felt panicked and their hands were shaking. How could they, who often go skiing, not know that this was a sign of hypothermia?

Furong gritted her teeth and had no choice but to issue instructions through the earphones:


This scene not only happened to the Beauxbatons warriors, but almost at the same time, Ilvermorny, Wagadu, Durmstrang, etc. all chose to surface.

The unusual phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The noise became louder again, and the audience, who had not seen anything interesting for a while, kept shouting, wanting Ludo Bagman to quickly explain what was going on.

The staff promptly handed over another hand card, still in familiar cursive fonts. The content of this card came from Dumbledore.

Only he carefully checked the information and learned how many difficulties the wizards had overcome back then.

Ludo Bagman quickly glanced at the card in his hand and immediately said with confidence:

“Ladies and gentlemen, the tournament committee is not surprised that such a situation occurred, because they only focused their eyes and attention on how to breathe underwater, but ignored another potential danger.

That means being immersed in water with too low a temperature for a long time.”

Ludo Bagman talked a lot, introducing what would happen, and also pointed out that the cabin they set out from before was prepared for such a situation.

But the back and forth floating and diving will definitely affect the efficiency.

In the middle of speaking, Ludo Bagman suddenly got stuck. His eyes widened and he exclaimed:

"Hogwarts! The warriors of Hogwarts are pioneering in opening the room underwater, so that they don't have to float up and only need to return to the spherical room to rest.

They even have cots and coffee!

Did they already know what difficulties they would face underwater?

Incredible! "

Ludo's words immediately aroused heated discussion among the entire audience. Before that, they were all teasing whether the warriors of Hogwarts planned to spend the night under the sea.

But when the warriors from other schools surfaced and all they had to do was return to their rooms, those hilariously bizarre operations immediately became foresight.

Many viewers who had laughed at them felt their faces were getting hot.

In this lively and lively atmosphere, all the teachers and students of Hogwarts were watching the game in the auditorium.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, which was so quiet that one could hear a pin, I remembered the sound of brisk footsteps.

Click, click, the little leather shoes stopped on a blank wall, opposite the famous portrait of a giant monster dancing ballet.

Astoria Greengrass put her hands behind her back and looked at the door that slowly appeared on the wall with a proud smile on her face.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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