Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 444 The unreasonable void becomes a talisman!

This square occupies a very large area, and a continuous group of buildings are located on the square in an orderly manner.

Zhang Xiao looked at where he was standing. Not far behind him was the broad street where he came from. The traces of the battle could still be vaguely seen on the street.

This was indeed the entrance, which meant that he returned to the starting point not long after walking inside.

A maze?

It was very interesting. Zhang Xiao simply sat cross-legged and suspended in the water. He was not in a hurry to get in. He was not a steel-headed boy.

Zhang Xiao was more curious about what type of maze it was than this one.

Or it can be said that Taoism has a high level of culture and a deep foundation. Our predecessors have already summarized it.

According to Taoist classics, there are generally three types of mazes in the world:

1. Ghost hits the wall

2. Physical maze

3. Sensory maze

The first is ghosts hitting the wall. This is the most common thing that ordinary people encounter. Most of the time it is harmless. Some people wander around blindfolded all night and cannot get out.

It was not until dawn the next day that I discovered that I was wandering in a very small forest. I could probably walk out only 10 to 20 meters in front of me.

In my previous life, I had a friend studying medicine in Japan. This friend was an authentic Shandong man. He loved fitness and was tall and tall. He liked to go to the anatomy building to rest in the summer because it was cool.

One day after taking a nap, he met a teacher in the anatomy building who asked him to go to classroom A2. He searched up and down the building several times, but he couldn't find A2. He kept going around and around. Go to the dissecting room.

The more he searched, the angrier he became. Finally, he felt that the kid was playing tricks on him, and angrily wanted to find an explanation from the teacher.

As soon as he left the anatomy building, his mind suddenly came to his senses. He remembered that there was no A2 in this building at all, and the man didn't dress like a teacher. Then he realized that he had encountered a ghost.

By the way, this guy is very cheap in Japan. He rented a haunted house at a very low price. But when he first moved in, the whole room was very dark, even though the floor-to-ceiling windows were very bright.

Then the 1.87-meter tall man from Shandong worked out in his room every day, and even recited two sentences from the Analects of Confucius loudly when he had nothing to do. Within a month, the room was so bright that the agent even suspected that he had replaced the glass himself.

According to Taoist teachings, a weak person is likely to encounter ghosts and fight against the wall, but if he behaves upright and sits upright, the gods and ghosts will naturally make things easier and all evils will not invade.

Don’t panic if you encounter nightmares like ghosts breaking into walls. Daoist sects have also done tests and found that reciting the Cross Sutra (Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun) works better than the Heart Sutra.

If it doesn't work, the international anthem and the national anthem are also useful. The important thing is to be brave.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and ruled out the option of beating the wall with ghosts.

I am not an ordinary person. A ghost hitting a wall can confuse ordinary people, but it is difficult to confuse myself. Not to mention my three-inch golden light spell, and not to mention the lightning strike wooden wand that I hold in my hand.

The spiritual sense alone is an obstacle that is difficult to break through, let alone the Dharma eye to detect illusions.

Let's put it this way, if you want to be able to confuse your own ghosts, you must at least have a strengthened platoon of gay coconuts.

If we are in China, if Heaven joins us, we will get a reinforced company.

What about the remaining two?

Zhang Xiao looked at the remaining physical maze and sensory maze and fell into deep thought.

Physical mazes are easy to explain. They are artificially constructed. For example, maze maps that are often encountered when playing games, naturally formed caves, etc. can be counted.

The sensory maze mainly relies on deceiving people's five senses, and people are easily deceived.

For example, dislocation, which is often used when shooting movies, is a typical visual deception. Also, if you walk with your eyes closed, the result will not be a straight line.

These obvious or hidden flaws and tricks have been mastered by some people, and they can use the flaws of the human body to create some very powerful traps.

Such as the Hanging Soul Ladder. (Structural diagram: Mouboquan)

This kind of ladder makes full use of the sensory deficiencies of the human body. It is almost a sure kill in a dark tomb.

If you don't understand the relevant knowledge, it's normal to be trapped until you die.

There is a similar one in the West, called the Penrose Stairs.

Zhang Xiao pondered for a while, but still had no clue. The main reason was that he couldn't use Taoist methods.

To deal with these two kinds of mazes, Taoism mainly focuses on being violent, either using strength to overcome cleverness and directly tearing down the walls, or setting up a altar and blasting the hell out of them.

At worst, you can still find a compass and calculate your birth position.

It's okay, I still have a stupid way!

Zhang Xiao stood up again. He looked at the entire building, but he never thought about going around it.

Since Dumbledore has set up this kind of level, it is best to play according to the rules honestly. You may be able to gain temporary advantage by being clever, but you will have to pay it back in the end.

Walking into the building again and reaching the first fork in the road, Zhang Xiao turned left and pointed with his wand, and an illusory talisman quickly sank into the ground.

In the Dharma Eye, a three-foot-high white light rises from the ground. This is the road sign. It is usually used to mark routes for fellow students. It can only be seen with the Dharma Eye.

This is my stupid method. Every time I reach a fork in the road, I immediately throw a mark. With such a mark, I can really see something.

Zhang Xiao looked at the dead end in front of him and was about to turn around, but he stopped. The wall in front of him seemed a little strange?

The wall was covered with moss, and it looked like a complete wall, but when you got closer, you found that it was actually made of two walls.

The two walls are one behind the other with a weird angle. At first glance, they look like the front wall. Only when you get closer can you find the aisle sandwiched between the two walls.

It's visual dislocation, which is very simple but very useful in an underwater environment where vision is inherently affected.

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?

Zhang Xiao raised his head, gently snapped his fingers in the water, and said silently in his heart:


As soft as the morning sun, light from unknown sources lit up in front of him. The light was not very bright, but it was enough to illuminate the way forward.

The visual deception that was originally achieved by relying on the environment lost its effect in an instant.

"Hmph! Done!"

Zhang Xiaozhi walked forward proudly. He also condensed a ball of light, which illuminated the road in front of him like a searchlight.

After squeezing through the narrow passage, there was a straight road in front of me, but it was still narrow, barely enough for two people to walk side by side.

Look, it's that simple! Isn’t this the way to find it?

With joy, just a few steps forward, the surrounding walls suddenly lit up.

The originally solid ground beneath his feet suddenly opened up, revealing a dark hole.

Zhang Xiao's face changed drastically, and he felt a huge force coming from his feet, pulling him down, and the hole was swallowing water crazily.

What a little heavenly master, in this unforgettable moment, several blue veins suddenly protruded on his forehead.

The realm of emptiness and clarity opened in an instant, and the dense bubbles on the surface of the body burst almost instantly.

He shouted loudly, and suddenly used the "Six Methods of Water Mandrill" in the Northern School's Extinction Flying Fish, using the powerful impact to force himself to temporarily resist the suction force.

Then he flicked the wand, followed by a dazzling transformation light.

"Choke!" The tip of the bright silver gun with a cold light was inserted into the wall hard, and the tail of the spear was also sharp, lying across the wall like a horizontal bar.

Zhang Xiao's body was filled with golden light. He grabbed the spear with both hands and refused to let go.

It seemed like a moment passed, and then it seemed like a long time.

"Bang!" At the entrance of the dark hole, several bluestone slabs turned up and closed again. The suction disappeared. Zhang Xiao slapped his chest, and the illusory water-proof talisman flickered.

The surrounding water was immediately drained away. Zhang Xiao gasped for air and mustered up the strength to turn over and sit on the spear that was still stuck in the wall.

After just a short while, his hands began to tremble slightly due to lack of strength, his heart was beating violently, and bursts of white light flashed in front of his eyes. This was different from usual battles.

Just now, I relied entirely on the strength of my body to resist the suction force.

Only then did Zhang Xiao have time to think about what happened just now?

If he hadn't reacted astonishingly and had enough tricks, he would have been sucked in.

Then what?

Looking at the aisle several hundred meters in front of me in shock, an idea suddenly came to my mind.

Could it be that there are all traps and traps along the way?

"Oh! Beautiful as always! Zhang's reaction was so fast that it was unimaginable, and he actually escaped!"

Ludo Bagman said loudly. At this moment, the warriors were gradually approaching the square. Because Zhang took a nap for more than an hour, the progress was caught up a lot.

But in terms of mental state, Zhang was definitely far ahead of them before he encountered the trap.

Dumbledore had a smile on his face on the competition stage, looking at Zhang Xiao who was obviously shocked, and he was a little surprised.

I thought that the sudden attack would definitely be successful, but I didn't expect that Zhang actually used several methods to break free from the trap.

But that's okay.

Dumbledore's smile grew brighter. He looked at the passage displayed on the curtain and remembered his arrangement on this road.

Suddenly, a sentence I learned while studying Chinese recently came to mind:

"Older gingers are more spicy!"

Zhang, this trail is the second level I give you. If you can pass it

Dumbledore's smile suddenly disappeared, and Zhang on the curtain looked at the aisle and suddenly raised the wand in his hand!

Zhang Xiao sat on his spear and looked at the trail in trance. He had a hunch that this road would definitely be difficult to walk!

Dumbledore didn't know how many weird traps he had set on this road.

Not to mention anything else, it was the trap with huge suction just now. I couldn't stand another one. It was too sudden and too powerful.

Recalling what happened just now, the entrance of the cave seemed like a bottomless pit, and the sea water kept rushing there, and the undercurrent it brought was extremely powerful.


Zhang Xiao straightened up, his eyebrows furrowed, as if he had caught something, a bottomless pit. The undercurrent of seawater pouring back into it was very powerful.


seawater! The undercurrent caused by the influx of seawater into the cave entrance is extremely powerful, so wouldn’t it be enough without seawater?

It wouldn't be a problem for me if the floor suddenly collapsed in a waterless environment!

After carefully observing the trail, the smile on Zhang Xiao's face became brighter.

He swam back a little lightly, stretched out his hand, and a trace of electricity suddenly shot out from the bright silver gun stuck on the wall.

Then it quickly shrank into a wand and flew back into his hand.

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, completely calmed down the previous agitation, and then shook it like a long whip.

Swinging the wand forward suddenly, illusory talismans shot out like raindrops, sinking into the wall and into the floor.


The seawater in the entire corridor was discharged three feet away by unknown forces in an instant.

Relying on the unreasonable method of forming a talisman from the void, this trail was directly transformed into a waterless environment!

On the walls on both sides, densely packed illusory water-avoiding talismans shone with light. This is the power of the talisman!

On top of Longhu Mountain, Head Zhou looked at Zhang Xiao's unreasonable talisman and refused to eat peanuts. He couldn't help but smacked his lips and took a breath.

"Old Zhang, you grandson, this method is completely unreasonable, even if this water-avoiding talisman is a basic ten talisman.

But this quantity”

Leader Zhou thought for a while, but came up with a more appropriate adjective.

"It's a foul! Yes, a foul! If it were replaced by fire talismans, this quantity alone would be enough for most people to drink a pot. He is not strong enough now. As time goes by, his cultivation will improve.

Various sects treat the talismans as treasures, why don't they let him throw them away as if they are free of money? "

The Heavenly Master was watching his precious grandson's performance with a smile on his face. Hearing this, he cast a sidelong glance at him and coldly snorted:

"What? Do you have any objections?"

Master Zhou shook his head repeatedly:

"Hey, am I that kind of person? The more successful my juniors are, the happier I will be, and Xiaoxiao is obviously going to succeed the Heavenly Master.

Of course, the stronger the Heavenly Master, the better. It is best to dominate the world from generation to generation. How could I not be convinced?

Just a sigh. "

Master Zhou was silent for a while and sighed softly:

"Our time is over."

Dumbledore's blue eyes reflected Zhang Xiao walking cautiously on the waterless path. Even the things he arranged only brought him some trivial trouble.

He just watched quietly as Zhang Xiaoshun walked smoothly through the narrow passage and entered the haphazardly arranged maze.

After a long silence, a relieved smile suddenly appeared on Dumbledore's old face, and he gently applauded Zhang Xiao's fantastic idea.

Even though he broke through the path that he had put a lot of thought into laying out so easily.

The smile on Dumbledore's face grew wider.

He suddenly felt that he should be able to retire in a few years.

"come on! Come on!"

"We're almost there-"

The voices of the little wizards at Hogwarts became more and more excited. They encouraged each other. God knows how many fights they had with all kinds of weird things in order to walk through these several kilometers of streets.

Seeing that the street had reached the end and the wide square was in front of them, the little wizards became more and more excited.

"When I get back, I will eat a whole table of seafood! I want revenge!"

Ron rubbed his cheeks that had circular marks like cupping, thinking of that nasty big octopus, he couldn't help but said angrily.

"I'll eat with you."

Harry's diving suit already had a big hole in it, which was left by the claws of a big crab. If Cedric hadn't reacted in time, Harry even suspected that his arm would have been clawed off by the hateful big crab.

Malfoy was limping on his feet and had an angry expression on his face. Unfortunately, he stepped on a large shell buried in the mud and jumped far away with a squeal.

Only Hermione was protected by everyone and did not suffer any harm. As the second team approaching the maze, their performance deservedly attracted the attention of Ludo Bagman.

"Okay, now the Hogwarts team has arrived at the maze level. The entire maze was designed by Mr. Dumbledore and is very difficult."

Ludo watched with interest as the little wizards dealt with their physical injuries and then began to explore impatiently, and then burst into laughter.

"Like Zhang, they circled back to the starting point in a daze.

oh? Good decision, using the "Show me the way" spell, first determine the direction, and then try one by one?

Although it is very stupid, I have to say that this method works very well——

They have reached a critical point. If the secret is not discovered, these warriors will find themselves in a dead end. After all, there are still many routes that have not been explored. Can they discover it? "

Bagman's voice rose, then dropped, and he shook his head:

"Well, they left."

The audience ate snacks, drank drinks, and watched the little wizards running back and forth like headless flies, bursting into laughter.

Finally, they returned to the wall hiding the passage again. This time the little wizards carefully inspected each wall, trying to find a way.

The little wizards have repeated this behavior many times.

"Hahahahahaha, they found it!"

Ludo's eyes were shining and he craned his neck impatiently. The audience knew what he was expecting.

Then I heard his excited and narrow laughter:

"Hogwarts Warriors - falling!"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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