At the press conference, several lights suddenly came on, gathering on a person who was preparing to flee. And this person is Zhu Zihao, and the reporter next to him also keenly pointed the camera and microphone at Zhu Zihao.

At this time, Zhu Zihao was already riding a tiger, whether he accepted this gambling contract or not, he was already ruined, and finally rubbed for a while and said: “Don’t go first, I’ll go to the toilet.” ”

Zhu Zihao’s life is ruined, and I don’t know if his position as an executive in the company can be saved.

All this that appeared in front of her was in Ye Yu’s plan, even if Zhu Zihao suddenly became bold and dared to accept this bet, Ye Yu would make her very happy.

But as Ye Yu expected, with Zhu Zihao’s temper, he did not dare to take over this gambling contract at all.

Zhu Zihao, they are really naïve, thinking that they can regain the initiative by relying on their mouths and framing, they don’t know whose IQ they are underestimating.

Ye Yu looked at Zhu Zihao who was hiding in the crowd from the beginning, looking at his face, and changed from ecstasy to livid blue. Watch your plan come true step by step. Until this situation, it was all very interesting.

But the farce was enough, and Ye Yu yawned. The rest is Yu Jun will deal with it himself, Ye Yu now thinks that he can only go home to sleep, but he forced his sleepiness and let the driver return to the company, and he also has to monitor the progress.

Ye Yu sat in the car and looked out the window intently. As the vehicle moved slowly, he slowly fell into the dream mirror.

The vehicle arrived at the company, but Ye Yu did not wake up. Yu Jun was about to pat Ye Yu on the shoulder to wake him up.

Stopped by Cheng Yiyi on the side, Cheng Yiyi said softly, “He’s too tired, let him sleep.” ”

When Ye Yu woke up from his sleep, he saw a beautiful picture.

She leaned on Cheng Yiyi’s shoulder, and Cheng Yiyi closed her eyes, her long eyelashes seemed to have a few tears hanging from her, her legs were bent, and her calves were folded together. The body leaned back slightly so that Ye Yu could sleep more comfortably.

Shu Yu suddenly felt a little distressed, took out a tissue and gently helped Cheng Yiyi wipe away her tears, but he didn’t want to wake her up.

Cheng Yiyi opened her eyes and said with a surprised smile: “You’re awake.” ”

“Why are you sleeping here?” Ye Yu asked

“I saw that you fell asleep in the car, and I couldn’t bear to wake you up, and I was afraid that you would sleep uncomfortably, so that’s it.” Cheng Yiyi said very plainly, as if he had done something that should be taken for granted.

“Why are you crying? Silly girl. Ye Yu said with a smile.

“If I say I’m moved to tears, do you believe it?” Cheng Yiyi said with a smile.

Looking at Cheng Yiyi’s appearance, Ye Yu stood up, walked to her side, rubbed her hair, and then used a standard princess holding posture to hold Cheng Yiyi in his arms.

Cheng Yiyi’s little face was red, but she didn’t want to struggle, she liked this feeling very much.

It wasn’t until he was stared at by the company’s employees that Cheng Yiyi reacted and struggled to get down.

How could Ye Yu let her get her wish, hugged her tighter and said, “Don’t move, stay here.” ”

But in the end, Cheng Yiyi still fell into the desert and fled, looking at Cheng Yiyi’s fleeing back, he suddenly said, “Yiyi, didn’t I say that I wanted to give us a vacation?” After the company’s affairs are dealt with, how about we go and have a good vacation? ”

Cheng Yiyi nodded shyly.

Walking into the office, Ye Yu found a group of people all looking at him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little strange, could these be handsome again?

As a result, a group of people all bowed and said in unison: “President Ye, you are really too godly. ”

Ye Yu realized that they were talking about today’s matter, and waved his hand and said, “It’s just a small thing, if you do this little thing well, you can become a god, then there are gods everywhere in this world.” Although Ye Yu was telling the truth, he had a new wave of pressing among the employees.

Originally, Nokia could make a big fuss about this matter, relying on the strength of its own old company. Huayu Company may really fall into a situation where everything is irreparable.

But Zhu Zihao never expected that this situation would be reversed by Ye Yu in a few words, and put Nokia in a very embarrassing situation.

Yu Junna reported that “since the end of this morning’s press conference, the sales of Huayu 2 have doubled or tripled. Nokia’s mobile phone is almost unnoticed. All this is thanks to Mr. Ye. ”

The employees of the company echoed with a voice: “Thank you Mr. Ye!!” ”

Ye Yu originally wanted to be flat, but as soon as they shouted, the blood in his heart instantly came out, and he said loudly: “Our goal now is to occupy all markets and remove Nokia.” ”

“If you really want to thank me, then the next road depends on your efforts!” I will also give you a satisfactory reward for your efforts! ”

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