City: Develop Skills And Make Money By Setting Up A Stall With Qingmei

Chapter 139: This Is Not A Milestone, This Is The Pinnacle! (4/5)

Beijing, a private house!

"Xiao Lei, are you playing games?"

An old father approached his child's computer with a smile.

While Xiao Lei was operating, he turned around and said with a smile: "Dad, didn't you go out to play chess?"

"Hi, all the chess players are busy today." Xiao Lei's father waved his hand, then looked at Xiao Lei's computer screen a few times, his expression changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "The picture quality of this game is so good? This is Sun Wukong ?”

"Yes, this game is called "Black Myth: Wukong"!" Xiaojia said with a smile.

"My dear, this Ruyi Golden Cudgel, hey, it's authentic!" Xiao Lei's father was also attracted by the game and sat beside Xiao Lei, "I'll go, this is the sea, do you dare to drill down?"

"I have Ding Shuizhu!" Xiao Lei said.

As he spoke, he took out a precious phantom, and the surrounding seawater immediately dispersed.

"This game is even better than the Journey to the West broadcast on TV!" Xiaolei's father exclaimed in surprise.

Xiao Lei smiled. His father often told him the story of Journey to the West when he was a child. Unexpectedly, today, he would have the opportunity to take his old father to travel around the world of Journey to the West.

"Hey monster, hit him!"

"Let me go, how can you turn into a cricket? Call daddy a few times!"

Generally speaking, there is a generation gap between father and children. Even if they have a good relationship, it is difficult to play together.

However, I believe that all Xia people have deep-rooted childhood feelings about Journey to the West, even Xiao Lei's old man is no exception.

Gradually, a father and son are immersed in the world of the game. This game has too many memories for them.

Whether it is Li Kai, Chen Lan or Xiao Lei, they are just the epitome of hundreds of millions of gamers. At the same time, Xia players are shocked and excited by the world presented in "Black Myth: Wukong"!

"Black Myth: Wukong" is more than just a game for Xia players!

But the realization of a childhood dream!

As the players progressed, they discovered that the great thing about "Black Myth: Wukong" is not only the world-class picture quality and operating system, but more importantly, the game process is very thoughtful!

In the game, you can dive into the seabed to find the legendary Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. From time to time, you can see giant whales swallowing schools of fish. You can also see the giant spirit god as tall as a mountain. "Pick up the Ruyi Golden Rod and fight with him for three hundred rounds!"

If a game only has picture quality and operation, although it is a first-class game, it is definitely not a masterpiece.

Any good game, in addition to the game experience, can allow players to feel the fantasy world and experience different cultures, and "Black Myth: Wukong" does it!

"It's so awesome! This is my dream Journey to the West!"

"Have you reached the level of the Bull Demon King? One hundred thousand monkeys and monkeys fought against one hundred thousand Bull Demon soldiers. It's an epic scene!"

"This is not a game, this is a masterpiece! An absolute masterpiece!"

"I almost cried while playing, and my hands are still shaking now!"

The sales volume of "Black Myth: Wukong" continues to rise, reaching two million, five million, and eight million!

Within one day, the sales volume of "Black Myth: Wukong" reached 8 million!

In the Xia Guo game section of the Steam Forum, "Black Myth: Wukong" was directly placed at the top!

In just one day, "Black Myth: Wukong" has been recognized by Xia Kingdom game players.

When "Black Myth: Wukong" was originally released, many people called it the light of the Xia Kingdom game, but now, everyone has realized a problem.

This is not the light of Xia Kingdom Game, nor is it a milestone in Xia Kingdom Game’s phased attempts.

The quality of this game is among the best in the world. This is the pinnacle of Xia Guo’s game from its inception to the present!

"Damn it, is Lin Hao Wenren cheating?"

In the office of Leyou Company, Chen Gong was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

He just announced to the public that "Black Myth: Wukong" was far away, and the next day Lin Hao directly released the game?

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

There is no doubt that with the release of "Black Myth: Wukong", all official social media accounts of Leyou Company and even the official website platform have been spitted out.

"Ah, what kind of rhythm are you trying to slander "Black Myth: Wukong"! I think you are the worm in the real game world!"

"Damn it, Chen Gong, you are such a piece of shit that I believed your words and argued with people on the Internet that "Black Myth: Wukong" is a hype. Now everyone is laughing at me. I will never play your Leyou Company in the future. A little bit of something.”

...asking for flowers 0

"The truth is out. What you Leyou call "Original God" is what you really want to gain popularity. It's just your rubbish game. Why don't you see if you are worthy of it?"

Chen Gong successfully brought a wave of Internet rhythm yesterday. However, as the saying goes, if you lift a rock, you will easily shoot yourself in the foot.

Those netizens who were incited by Chen Gong have now realized that Chen Gong is treating them as gunmen!

Therefore, the angry netizens are now calling Leyou Company and Chen Gong to beat them up!

"Original God" originally sold less than 100,000 copies. Today, there is a wave of refunds. More than 90,000 people have refunded their money. The sales volume of "Original God" is only two to three thousand!


Lower than some low-cost domestic games!

In addition, the rating of "Original God" has also dropped to one, all of which are negative reviews!

Leyou Company still invested a lot of money in "Original God". For Leyou Company at that time, it was very confident that it would be able to recoup its capital and even make a big profit.

But now, not to mention the return of capital, the poor game sales and the extreme deterioration of player reputation have caused several shareholders of Leyou Company to call Chen Gong to put pressure on them and want to withdraw their shares.

Just because of a press conference, Leyou Company is now in a state of turmoil!

"Dong dong dong!"

At this time, the door of Li Gong's office knocked.

"Who? Don't bother me!" Chen Gong scolded.

However, the next moment, the door was pushed open hard.

"Are you Chen Gong, the legal person of Leyou Company?" Two people came in, both wearing uniforms.

Chen Gong was stunned for a moment and replied: "I am...what's wrong?"

The leader nodded and said: "We are from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. We have received a large number of reports saying that your company's game product "Original God" has serious plagiarism. This has already involved fraud. Come with us." .”

It turned out that angry netizens not only scolded Leyou and Chen Gong online, but also made concerted efforts to report Leyou's "Original God".

Now, the industrial and commercial bureaus are coming to help!

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