Seeing Lin Hao getting up to leave, the director from the distant Beijing TV station who came to interview him immediately gave a few instructions to his assistant. At the same time, reporters from various TV stations were also in a commotion.

"Lin Hao, you have received your award. Where are you going? Why don't you go shopping in the capital?" Song Xingwei and Lin Hao walked side by side and said with a smile.

"No more shopping. I haven't had much to do these days, but I've been in Shangbin since I was a child and haven't left much. I'm not used to being out for too long, so I packed up and went back." Lin Hao said, handing the trophy aside. staff of.

The trophy was quite big, but it was too ostentatious to hold it in Lin Hao's hand, so he asked the staff to send it back to Shangbin's home by mail.

Lin Hao and Song Xingwei chatted casually for a few more words, and then walked out of the door side by side.


As soon as he walked out of the door, a series of flash lights illuminated the place like daylight. Lin Hao narrowed his eyes. Mr. Song Xingwei was startled and almost fell down. Fortunately, the staff behind him helped him.

"Mr. Lin Hao, may I ask 26 how you practiced Go?"

"Mr. Lin Hao, how do you manage to run a game company and a network security company while still having the energy to do mathematical research and have such a strong Go ability?"

"Mr. Lin Hao, I would like to conduct an exclusive interview with you. Do you have time?"

"Mr. Lin Hao, our TV station has a variety show, I hope you can come and participate!"

As the questions were memorized one by one, countless microphones were handed to Lin Hao's mouth.

After hearing the content of the reporter's question, Lin Hao's lips twitched and he understood what was going on.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have played Go at the venue. How could this be photographed?"

Lin Hao had a headache. What he wanted was to be low-key, low-key!

The current situation is almost the last one Lin Hao wants to see.

Lin Hao ducked and wanted to leave, but the way out was blocked. Even though the security personnel were trying to open the way, Lin Hao still couldn't get out for a while.

Behind Lin Hao, the leader who presented the award walked slowly over and couldn't help but smile when he saw this situation.

"It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic about scientific and technological progress. I have never seen so many reporters." The leader seemed very pleased.

But he has no idea that this is not the same thing!

"Mr. Lin Hao, just say a few words!"

"Mr. Lin Hao, look at the camera and say hello to our audience!"

The reporter's flashlight made Lin Hao's eyes dazzled. Song Xingwei on the side also smiled bitterly and joked: "Good guy, this is the first time I have seen this formation. Lin Hao, please wish yourself well."

Lin Hao had a dark look on his face. Although he had made big splashes before, he had rarely been surrounded by reporters.

After all, in Shangbin, Lin Hao had drivers to pick him up and drop him off when he came in and out. That didn't give reporters a chance at all, but it was different here in the capital.

In addition, there are already many reporters for the National Science and Technology Award, so doing this will directly create a trap for Lin Hao.

Interview, it is impossible to interview!

He doesn't have the patience to play with these reporters here.

Lin Hao glanced to the side from the corner of his eyes, and then with a quick step, he stepped over a half-meter-high fence.

"Mr. Song, let's take a step first, and we'll talk later!"

Lin Hao said hello to Mr. Song and ran away.

Lin Hao ran away?

The reporters were dumbfounded.

They also forcibly interviewed some people who did not want to be interviewed, but this was the first time they ran away like this.

"Everyone, let's chase. Whoever gets Lin Hao's interview will definitely be top news!"

I don't know who shouted out, and all the reporters took steps to follow Lin Hao.

"These reporters are crazy!" Lin Hao was speechless for a while.

Is it worth it?

In fact, it’s really worth it!

Lin Hao is still unlucky today. Two major events have come together. Whether it is the National Natural Science Award or the World Go Championship, a lot of people are paying attention, not to mention that Lin Hao is the protagonist of these two major events. Reporters Can you not be crazy?

However, these reporters were all carrying things in their hands, so they couldn't outrun Lin Hao.

As he watched, Lin Hao was about to turn across the street, but suddenly he heard a sudden brake, and a Lamborghini Reventon suddenly crossed in front of Lin Hao.

Suddenly, Lin Hao's path was blocked, and the reporters behind him were getting closer and closer.

"Damn it, what's going on today!"

Lin Hao complained in his heart, but he saw the sports car's window rolled down and a woman in the driver's seat outside.


Originally, Xiao Ya lowered her car window to see if she was scared when someone suddenly ran out. After all, this was a corner of the street and her car suddenly ran across in front of someone else, but she didn't expect that this person turned out to be an old man. acquaintance!


Lin Hao secretly rejoiced, then hurriedly patted the car door and said, "Xiao Ya, open the door and let me in."

Xiao Ya heard what Lin Hao said and subconsciously opened the door. Lin Hao immediately stepped into the car door.


Lin Hao's voice fell, and Xiao Ya stepped on the accelerator, leaving the reporter far behind.

"My dear, with so many people chasing you, are you going to stage a biohazard?" Xiao Ya looked at Lin Hao, who was panting slightly, and joked.

"Don't mention it." Lin Hao calmed down his breathing and simply told what happened.

"Okay, Lin Hao, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you already won the National Natural Science Award 857 and the title of World Go Champion." Xiao Ya exclaimed while moving the steering wheel.

Lin Hao shocked Xiao Ya so much that Xiao Ya was not surprised that Lin Hao said such an "outrageous" thing.

"What about you? Why are you in the capital? I remember you said you went to Hangzhou?" Lin Hao asked Xiao Yadao.

Xiao Ya shook her head and said: "Nothing has been excavated in Hangzhou, and now the clue is in the capital.

"That's it!"

Lin Hao nodded and did not ask any more questions.

"It's so dangerous for you to treat guests now, why don't I send you back to the hotel first?" Shouya smiled at Lin Hao.

"Okay, please." Lin Hao nodded.

Lin Hao's hotel is the Capital Hotel, but as soon as they arrived at the door, Lin Hao and Xiao Ya were dumbfounded.

Outside the hotel, reporters were gathered on three floors inside and three outside. Obviously, the reporters also knew where Lin Hao was staying.

As soon as they saw Xiao Ya's car approaching, many reporters immediately paid attention to it.

"Don't stop the car, let's go first." Lin Hao said, holding his forehead. He did not expect the reporter's enthusiasm to be so high.

Xiao Ya snickered for a while, but she didn't expect that there are really things in this world that give Lin Hao a headache.

Xiao Ya calmly stepped on the accelerator, and the car passed by on the street. The reporters thought it was just a passing vehicle and paid no more attention to it. .

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