City: Develop Skills And Make Money By Setting Up A Stall With Qingmei

Chapter 210: Just Be Shameless And Refuse To Admit It! (5/5)

After welcoming the expert group from Bangzi Country, the group went into the Capital History and Culture Bureau.

The current 'Pastoral Wang Zhongshun Seal' is preserved in a temporarily established research laboratory of the Beijing History and Culture Bureau, with technical support provided by Gyeongsong University. This is why Professor Quan Xiaobin is present.

The group passed through many checkpoints and finally arrived at the research room.

In the research room, there are already more than 20 scholars, who are conducting research on the vassal Wang Zhongchun Seal.

"Is that the one..."

Jin Shunhao asked Zhang Huadong on the side, speaking in jerky Chinese.

Zhang Huadong nodded, "Yes, that is our Chinese Emperor who gave you the vassal Wang Zhongchun Seal of Bangzi Kingdom."

Jin Shunhao narrowed his eyes, and then began to take a closer look.

A group of experts brought by Jinshun "417" Hao also used special cameras to record the appearance of Wang Zhongchunyin without missing every detail.

After a while, Jin Shunhao raised his head, looked at Zhang Huadong and said: "Director Zhang, what you just said is too arbitrary. In my opinion, there is no evidence to prove that this seal is the vassal seal of your China.

"In addition..." Jin Shunhao continued unhurriedly: "What kind of title is Zhongchun? This has never been seen in the historical materials of our country."

Hearing what Jin Shunhao said, Zhang Huadong immediately frowned.

Looking for trouble?

This is just shamelessly refusing to admit it!

Even a layman like Zhang Huadong can see Jin Shunhao's attitude.

However, Zhang Huadong really couldn't fight with Jin Shunjie. After all, he didn't know much about cultural relics.

Quan Xiaobin coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Professor Jin, before you came, I could have imagined that you would have a very rigorous attitude, so in order to convince you, we will show you another discovery."

Although Quan Xiaobin said something polite, there was no trace of politeness in what he said!

With that said, Quan Xiaobin motioned to the scholars in the research room. After a while, a scholar pushed a transparent glass box over on a cart.

Displayed in the glass box are several fragments of ancient book pages.

"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict: In recognition of the achievements of the King of Goryeo in his life, he is now posthumously calling him king. His posthumous title is Zhongchun, and he is bestowed with the Zhongchun Seal...

Although the handwriting in the ancient books is incomplete and difficult to be completely legible, this sentence still appears clearly.

When Jin Shunhao saw the broken pages of the ancient book, his expression changed slightly.

"What was dug out on the outskirts of my capital city is not just a piece of Zhongchun Seal. This piece of cultural and historical information is also very important." Quan Xiaobin said with a wink.

Zhang Huadong looked on and smiled slightly.

The evidence is complete, what else is there to say?

Jin Shunhao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Professor Quan, I wonder if your carbon 14 results have been released?"

Carbon 14 is a commonly used method in cultural relic archaeology. It can determine the approximate time when cultural relics were unearthed, and it is also one of the mainstream methods for judging the age of cultural relics.

Quan Xiaobin was startled and then said: "The calculation results of the half-life of carbon 14 have come out."

With that said, Quan Xiaobin waved to the scholars in the distance, and immediately a young man wearing glasses came over with a tablet computer. On the tablet computer were the calculation results of the vassal Wang Zhong's pure seal and the fragmentary pages of ancient literary and historical books.

"500 to 150 years ago..."

Seeing the result of the half-life of carbon 14, Jin Shunhao smiled and said: "Whether it is the so-called vassal king's seal of your China or the literary and historical allusions, it is possible that it was made during this period. Since you cannot give an accurate time, then what? Why do we conclude that this was given by the Chinese emperor four hundred years ago?"

Hearing what Jin Shunhao said, Quan Xiaobin's face immediately darkened.

To an outsider, there is nothing wrong with Kim Soon-ho's words.

The half-life is from 500 to 150 years, which means that whether it is the vassal royal seal or the fragments of ancient books, it is possible that they were produced during this period.

If it was only made one hundred and fifty years ago, when China no longer had a vassal state system, it would be impossible to talk about giving it to the Goryeo vassal king. It might be a fake from later generations.

But in the eyes of professionals, this Jin Shunhao is just trying to quibble...

You should know that carbon 14 is widely used in the field of cultural relic excavation to determine time. The principle is that carbon 14 is a radioactive element with fourteen neutrons inside, making it unstable.

Then, as time goes by, carbon 14 will gradually decrease, from which the half-life can be calculated, and then the age of the cultural relics can be calculated.

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the half-life of carbon 14 is actually very long, more than 40,000 years, so a few hundred years is insignificant in the half-life of more than 40,000 years.

To put it simply, there is an error in the half-life measurement. For this cultural relic from hundreds of years ago, measuring the half-life of carbon 14 is a very unprofessional and meaningless thing.

But Jin Shunhao pretended to be confused and made a fuss about the half-life of carbon 14. How could Quan Xiaobin not be angry?

"Professor Jin, there is an error in the measurement of carbon 14. This is something that the international archaeological industry knows. Isn't it pointless for you to talk about this?" Quan Xiaobin said solemnly.

"Oh? Didn't Professor Quan just praise me for my rigorous attitude?" Jin Shunhao said: "This is an important item related to the history of China and our country, of course I have to be as accurate as possible."

Immediately afterwards, Jin Shunhao pushed up his glasses and said: "Unless you, the Chinese, can produce evidence that confirms the specific year of this feudal Wang Zhongchun Seal, 0.6, otherwise, we cannot admit the authenticity of this feudal Wang Zhongchun Seal and your ancient books."


Quan Xiaobin immediately clenched his fists. Despite Professor Quan's age, he was also an angry master.

He had never seen such a shameless person like Jin Shunhao, and veins popped up on his forehead immediately.

"Professor Quan..." Zhang Huadong was busy grabbing a handful of Quan Xiaobin.

This is not the time for conflict within the China Bureau of History and Culture.

"Let's go back and rest. Speaking of which, the last time I came to the capital was ten years ago. This time I come to savor the delicious food in your capital."

Jin Shunhao waved to the experts behind him and left directly with a group of experts from Bangzi Country. .

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