Two hours, 110 million views!

As a top player, Han Renzhi himself would never dare to think of this data!

It’s really a bit too exaggerated!

"What is the origin of Fenglin Music Company?" Han Renzhi couldn't help but ask.

"It's the one who wrote "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"..." The manager looked helpless.

The last performance of Han Renzhi's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was unfavorable. Speaking of which, it is inextricably linked to Fenglin Music Company. The release of "Water Melody Songtou" caused the overall ratings of Beijing TV Station to be low, and now it is in trouble again. This happened

The most important thing is that the data of this single "Blue and White Porcelain" is actually much better than the data of Han Renzhi's entire album "I Want You to Beat". In the current situation, any fool knows what the Chinese music business will choose.

"There is only one way right now..." The agent's eyes flashed with light.

"What can I do?" Han Renzhi quickly stood up.

Twenty minutes later, Han Renzhi's Weibo was updated.

I saw that Han Renzhi deleted the Weibo that originally promoted his new album and published a long Weibo article.

"Just an hour ago, my album "I Want You to Move" was removed from the entire Internet, and all Chinese music platforms and record companies forcibly terminated their contracts with me!"

"I feel very sad about this. My intention in coming to 763 China was not to make any money, but to present my musical talent to everyone..."

"However, you don't have to complain about the music platform. As far as I know, this is China's Fenglin Music Company who was behind it. Because they were afraid that my album would affect the popularity of their latest single, they operated behind the scenes and terminated the contract. My songs..."

"I'm sorry everyone, now Chinese fans can no longer hear my songs."

According to Han Renzhi’s agent, this is the last resort he sells!

The record platform must be unable to persuade them, so they can only achieve their goals by putting pressure on Fenglin Music Company!

Sure enough, as soon as Han Renzhi posted this long post on Weibo, his Weibo went viral.

"It's so infuriating that this kind of thing is still happening!"

"I want to listen to Brother Renzhi's songs. Is this justified?"

"Brother Renzhi, I'm sorry that the environment in our country has disappointed you!"

"Our country does not deserve to have the best brother Renzhi in the world!"

"Boycott Fenglin Music Overlord Company. Such evil forces are simply (chfb) a source of pollution to the soil of Chinese music!"

"Yes, let's boycott together!"

Han Renzhi's fans were all filled with indignation and clamored for trouble.

Soon these ardent fans touched the single "Blue and White Porcelain" and began to abuse the audience in the comment area.

"You still listen to songs like this? This is so tasteless!"

"The woman singing this song has a terrible voice. Can such a person be a singer?"

"I almost vomited, it's so Chinese style, it's disgusting!"

Faced with the sudden attacks from Han Inzhi's fans, listeners on major music platforms also frowned.

However, since these fans look young when they look at their avatars and nicknames, not many people care about these Han Renzhi fans.

As a result, the fans' arrogance became even more arrogant, and a support group was formed on Weibo. Fans everywhere exposed the rumors about the so-called "black-hearted company Feng Lin Music"

"It seems that the effect is good, Renzhi, you still have a fan base in China." The agent looked at the data on the screen, took a long breath and said: "The next step is to continue to give maximum support Fenglin Music Company put pressure on and held a press conference..."

Halfway through the manager's words, his cell phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. The manager answered the call with joy on his face, "Fenglin Music Company has officially responded.

According to the manager's idea, it was to use Han Renzhi's fans to put pressure on Fenglin Music and damage Fenglin Music's reputation, so that Han Renzhi would have room to negotiate with Fenglin Music.

Originally, the manager wanted to hold a press conference to further expand the matter. Unexpectedly, Fenglin Music could not withstand just the bad comments from Han Renzhi's fans?

The manager opened the webpage with a smile, entered Fenglin Music's official website to check the statement it had just released, and translated the statement into Bangzi language. The manager's face suddenly darkened.

"You are the one I am suppressing. If you have any problems, come to me at the company!"

It’s hard to imagine that this is an official statement from a music company.

In fact, this is not the first time that Fenglin Music Company has used Lin Hao's original words to issue a statement, but this time Lin Hao's original words are even more simple and rude!

"Support Feng Lin Music, who is Han Renzhi? He actually talks nonsense about the Chinese people. This is because they are unreasonable!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Lin's words are too domineering, but I like them!"

This official reply from Feng Lin Music was also forwarded by major entertainment media, attracting many Chinese netizens to applaud.

It's true that the people in Bangzi Country have been too arrogant these days. After losing the Supervisory Committee, they continued to act recklessly. Han Renzhi simply instigated the idiot fans again, which made everyone feel angry.

Now Lin Hao's "rude" reply certainly makes many people feel comfortable.

Feeling comfortable!

However, in the eyes of Han Renzhi's fans, Lin Hao did something very wrong in this matter.

"The black-hearted company operated shady operations to remove our brother Renzhi's songs from the shelves. Are you still so vicious now?"

"Brother Renzhi, don't be afraid. I see that the person opposite you is of low quality!"

"I really want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. I guess brother Renzhi thinks that we Chinese people are so incompetent.

Fans' comments on Han Renzhi's Weibo are constantly coming out.

This is like chasing stars and losing their brains. In fact, even if Lin Hao didn't speak so aggressively, they would still be able to pick him out.

"However, Renzhi, since Fenglin Music Company is so rude, we can really go and meet their boss." The manager pondered.

"Really going to see him? Are you crazy?"

Han Renzhi swallowed and said, just from Lin Hao's tone, Han Renzhi could feel that this was not a very easy master to mess with.

And you took the initiative to see Lin Hao?

"Renzhi, we are at this juncture now, what scruples do you have? What we are doing is to sell out badly, what are you afraid of?" The manager frowned and said: "Besides, if you really go to Fenglin Music Company, don't you have any fans? Follow, there are so many people, what are you afraid of?"

Han Renzhi thought for a moment with a grimace, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm going to see what kind of person the boss of Fenglin Music is."

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