For so many years, Zhang Yaqing has always been the most important concern of Zhang Guoxin, and he is thinking about his daughter all the time.

Just a while ago, my daughter, who was in some better health, said happily on the phone: "Dad, the doctor said that I don't have to go to the hospital every day for checkups, so I can go home to see you after a while, do you miss me, I'm going home, don't look forward to it......"

In order to welcome his daughter, who has not been home for more than ten years, Zhang Guoan, who has never paid attention to dressing up, secretly went to the clothing store to buy a neat suit, just to show his father's most handsome side to his daughter.

In order to surprise his daughter, Zhang Guoan also went to the jewelry store to pick out a necklace for his daughter, and until now, Zhang Guoan still wears that necklace with him......

"Xiaoqing...... Daddy's coming to pick you up...... This is the necklace that Dad bought for you...... I'll put ...... on you."

Zhang Guoan's voice was choked, as if he was crying.

His palms trembled~ Dou took out the necklace from his pocket, it was a silver white gold necklace, and there was a pendant studded with diamonds on the necklace, which looked very beautiful and generous.

Zhang Guoan carefully put the necklace on his daughter's head, but the necklace did not have any support, and sank straight to the bottom with a bang.

Zhang Guoan's expression was completely frozen in an instant, his whole person's blood seemed to be about to freeze, and his pupils were full of frightened looks.


Zhang Guoan shook his head violently, and then slammed his hand into the water full of flowers~ban.


"Where's the body, where's your body~!"

Zhang Guoan roared hysterically, his hands stirred wildly in the water, setting off one splash after another, but he couldn't touch ~dao Zhang Yaqing's limbs in the bathtub.


Zhang Guoan's eyes roared in blood-red eyes, and even the water in the bathtub seemed to be shaken.

"Director Zhang, are you looking for your daughter's body?"

Zhang Feng limped in from outside the door, and said with an almost change~tai smile on his face: "Don't you still understand? You have already seen your daughter......"

"Your daughter's body, young, beautiful............"

Zhang Guoan sat slumped on the ground sluggishly, looking at the body stitched under Yang Rong's skull!

It turned out that the reason why Zhang Feng dismembered Yang Rong and then stitched it was because he stitched Yang Rong's head with Zhang Yaqing's body!

All of this was a trap designed by Zhang Feng! When Zhang Quan handed Zhang Yaqing's kidnapped photo to Zhang Guoan, Zhang Yaqing was already dead!

Zhang Yaqing's cry for help on the phone is just a recording that has been recorded a long time ago!

Zhang Feng's purpose is to avenge his sister's revenge!

Zhang Guoan stared blankly at the pale head in the bathtub, his pupils lost focus, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, like a walking corpse.


Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Guoan's expression coldly, and his expression suddenly became hideous and distorted.

"But I'm desperate, far above you!"

Zhang Feng roared wildly: "Fifteen years, I have been waiting for this day for fifteen years! Director Zhang, even if your memory is bad, you should remember it, fifteen years ago today, my sister Zhang Xuan was given *** by three rich second generations!"

"And you! Zhang Guoan, a policeman, even changed his testimony for money! You are a policeman! My sister is so well-behaved, such a fragile girl, it is because of the greed of you brutes that those three brutes are at large, and my sister still has a bad reputation in the village!"

"Do you understand the despair that is pointed out by a thousand husbands? My sister is the victim! But you have forced her to death! She is my only sister, and she committed suicide at my doorstep! Do you understand my despair!"

Zhang Feng grinned, white saliva overflowed from his mouth, and the whole person looked like an angry beast.

In the past fifteen years, I have been planning revenge, the three rich second generations, Yang Rong, and you, Zhang Guoan, none of them can run away, especially you, I want you to feel that your daughter was framed by her own hands...... Lu Quan is already satisfied, for this reason, he does not hesitate to confess his guilt, just to teach Director Zhang a good lesson!"

Zhang Feng's words, like a giant hammer, hammered into Zhang Guoan's heart.

Zhang Guoan sat on the ground with a dead face, as if he had lost his soul, like a piece of wood, sitting on the ground and begging.

It turned out that the young and well-proportioned corpse on Yang Rong's body was the body of her own daughter!

I actually ...... He even took other men's things with his own hands, and housed his own daughter's ......

Zhang Guoan's whole nerves seemed to be pumping~chu, as if something was tearing him apart in his mind, and some memories were like a tide, surging through the floodgates of memory.

The image of fifteen years ago came to his mind.

Fifteen years ago, Zhang Guoan participated in the trial of a case as a witness, and the day before the trial, Zhang Guoan's testimony was:

"After examination, the victim Zhang Xuan had slight tearing marks, and it was obvious that Zhang Xuan was ....... "

At that time, he was still a forensic doctor, an unprofessional forensic doctor in the backward police force.

。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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