These netizens frantically posted in the post bar and forum, and for a while, Hao Shuai's popularity rose several times again.

"This officer Hao Shuai is simply too godly, not only is his marksmanship awesome, but he also has first-class ability to solve cases, I didn't expect him to be able to defuse bombs, and even more so handsome!

"I decided that I wanted to study hard, strive to be admitted to a good junior high school, and when I grow up, I will call the police school and become an excellent person like Brother Hao Shuai!"

"It's awesome, now this kind of real man is rare, the last time I saw his photo, I thought he was the same as those current male stars, a vase sissy, but I didn't expect him to go to a person to defuse the bomb for the safety of the public, regardless of his own danger! This is a real man!"

"I won't say what "five-five-0" is, tonight I will go to Hao Shuai's door to kneel down and confess, everyone, please bless me, by the way, I am a man. "


Under the heated discussion of netizens in the media's propaganda and momentum, Hao Shuai's bomb disposal deeds once topped the hot search list, and exceeded the popularity of the second place by ten times with overwhelming data.

Hao Shuai's number of fans once showed a geometric growth trend, just judging from the number of fans in the fan support group of Tieba, the number of active fans has reached an astonishing more than 3 million, which is close to the popularity of first-line stars.


Huafu Community, a private villa complex.

A glamorous young woman is wearing an elegant retro dress, looking dignified and elegant, with long and flowing black hair draped over her shoulders, the eyes of the fans ~ ren are flashing with autumn waves that make men crazy; melon seeds are covered with a layer of light makeup on their faces, and they are just right eyeshadow, the red lips of the water ~ gan demon ~ mei; a snow-white crisp ~ xiong is revealed under the low hook collar, which makes people look at the blood gushing.

In the arms of the young woman, there sat a little girl about five or six years old, she inherited the delicate and beautiful facial features of the young woman, her skin was crystal clear, her cheeks had a girl's exclusive pink ~ nen, and under the long eyelashes was a pair of big eyes that were as clear as water, the water was sparkling, clear and transparent, and she looked like a delicate porcelain doll.

The mother and daughter sat on the sofa and watched TV together, perhaps because the program shown on the TV was a little boring, and the young woman lazily stroked her daughter's suppressed hair, and then picked up the remote control to switch the channel.

Suddenly, a piece of news about the police's bomb disposal came into her eyes, and her slender jade hand holding the remote control stayed in mid-air, and the whole person's eyes were completely attracted by the TV.

And the little girl in her arms also looked at the content on the TV in surprise, and said, "Mom, isn't that Hao Shuai's big brother?"

"You should call him uncle. "

Yang Zilan said softly.

"No, no, no, big brother, he looks so young, so handsome, I'm going to call him big brother!"

Jiang Xinyan was coquettish, and her calves lowered indiscriminately in the air.

"Okay, it's up to you. "

Yang Zilan love~fu touched Jiang Xinyan's hair.

As the details about Hao began to be broadcast on the TV, Yang Zilan immediately stared intently at the TV.

Looking at the report about Hao Shuai's bomb disposal, she couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands, her face was full of nervousness, and after hearing Hao Shuai's successful bomb disposal, she took a long breath, and her beautiful face regained its brilliance.

"They seem to say that Brother Hao Shuai was defusing the bomb before, Mom, what is the bomb?"

Jiang Xinyan asked innocently.

"Bombs are a very dangerous thing that can hurt people. "

"Ah, is Brother Hao Shuai injured? "

Jiang Xinyan looked at Yang Zilan nervously, and her small~ face was also full of worry.

"Don't worry, your big brother Hao Shuai is very powerful, he successfully defused the bomb and was not injured. "

Yang Zilan said with a smile, she looked at Hao Shuai on TV, her eyes were full of bright light.

"Really! Brother Hao Shuai is so powerful!"

Jiang Xinyan excitedly hugged Yang Zilan's arm like a jade lotus root and said, "I miss Brother Hao Shuai, let's go find him, okay?"

Yang Zilan looked at her daughter's expectant gaze, and then looked at the handsome and heroic man image on TV, she suddenly smiled softly, like rippling blue waves......

"Okay, let's go find him!"


Hao Shuai didn't know at all, because of his bomb dismantling, there had been a gust of wind on the Internet~bo.

He ran desperately towards the public toilet, extremely fast, and after a while, he came to the public toilet, and the reporters behind him were carrying camera equipment in their hands, and they were suddenly left far behind by Hao Shuai.

Hao Shuai walked into the men's toilet, there were more than ten cubicles in a row, Hao Shuai shouted into the toilet: "Mr. He, are you in there?"

But there was no sound of answer.

Since there will be a toilet in every store in this nearby street, there are not many people who come to the public toilet conveniently, and the doors of the more than ten cubicles in the men's toilet are basically open at this time, and only one cubicle door is locked from the inside, revealing a red sign that someone is in.

Hao Shuai came to the door of this compartment and said again: "Mr. He, are you inside? I'm here to bring you paper." "

But there was still no sound of answer.

Hao Shuai frowned, knocked on the compartment door again, and said, "Mr. He?"

There was the sound of the toilet pumping from the compartment, and with the sound of a squirming of fastening the belt, the door of the compartment was opened, and a man with a shaved head came out of the toilet and said angrily: "Is there something wrong with you...... What do you keep shouting 0.5 Mr. He?"

After seeing Hao Shuai's face clearly, the expression on the bald man's face suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, and his attitude also took a 180-degree turn, he laughed and said: "Hey! You are that Hao Shuai! I remember you! I just brushed the headlines and saw the news about you!"

"I heard that you just defused a bomb in the bookstore on our street, and I was so excited that I didn't finish, so I hurriedly wanted to run over to see you, but I didn't expect to meet you in the toilet! Let's take a group photo! I adore you!"

After speaking, the bald man took out his mobile phone and wanted to take a photo with Hao Shuai, but in the blink of an eye, Hao Shuai's figure disappeared.

Dahan looked around with a confused expression, "This action is too fast, isn't it......?" No wonder it's so good at solving cases!"

。 _

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