In the garden of the Royal Palace of Lordaeron, a sixteen-year-old boy was sweating to his heart's content, practising his swordsmanship with a naked upper body.

Unlike many teenagers who practice with wooden swords, he is holding a real iron sword in his hand.

Although at his age, it is still difficult to dance it smoothly, but he still perseveres. He never regarded himself as an ordinary child, because he knew that for the sake of his country, he had to be strong, even though no one around him had been demanding of him.

The sun shone on his body, and the fine beads of sweat made him look like he was coated with oil. Although his muscles were still developing, he could still see that they were firm.

Just as he was exercising himself, a much smaller boy trotted over.

"Varian, I knew you were here. You still have the time to practice your sword, and you missed the excitement ahead."

Hearing the noise of the children who came in later, the young Varian hurriedly put down his sword and grabbed a long brown-black hair.

"Alsace, is there another battle report from the south? Where has our army recovered?"

Life under the fence of others is not good, and thanks to such a prince in Lordaeron's palace who is six years younger than him, Arthas's active and free personality makes Varian's life not so gloomy.

"That's not true. Didn't Marshal Lothar say that this time is the final battle with the orcs? If there is news, the war will probably be over."

After hearing such an answer, Varian was a little disappointed, picked up his sword again and sent an invitation to Arthas.

"Arthas, take a wooden sword and exercise with me. The besiege of Lordaeron by the orcs a week ago reminded me of my hometown. I really hate myself for being weak and unable to fight the orcs on the battlefield! "

Varian's words made Arthas take it seriously. The battle situation a week ago was really dangerous, and his father went to direct the battle himself.

Although he was only ten years old, Arthas believed he would never forget what Varian looked like when he first came to Lordaeron two years ago. At that time, Varian had a solemn expression all the time, and he often woke up at night. This situation did not improve until two months later.

Arthas nodded and turned around to find his wooden sword, but he suddenly thought that he had something to tell Varian.

"You have to change the subject, I mean something new happened ahead, my father met with a group of trolls!"

The sword that was about to be swung, because of Arthas' words, made Varian almost dodge his waist, but Varian obviously couldn't care about it.

"His Majesty Terenas received a group of trolls?!"

Varian had never seen a troll, but from Lothar he had heard a lot of legends about trolls, such as their brutality, filth and ugliness, and the horrible custom of cannibalism. How could King Terenas meet such a fellow?

"Are they the Amani trolls who are making trouble in the East Weald?"

It's not that Varian has always been deaf. He has some knowledge of the details of the war, knowing that the orcs have united with Amani to deal with the alliance.

Now it was Alsace's turn to be proud.

"No, if those dirty trolls are nothing new.

These trolls are from the sea, what are they called... Zandalari trolls, not only are they not dirty at all, but they are also very beautifully dressed. And also understand our language, I saw it in the side door.

And I also heard that they are here to help us deal with the enemy! "

This time really aroused Varian's curiosity. On their side, what kind of civilization trolls who can speak Common language must be?

"Are they still ahead now?"

Arthas shook his head.

"The meeting is over, but they haven't left Lordaeron. They were arranged by their father in the inn beside the palace. Do you want to go out and see?

If you want to see it, I suggest that you better look at it from a distance. After all, I don't know if they will also eat children like the legend. "

Varian was amused by Arthas, although the two children had a good relationship. But sometimes Varian really felt that the other party was a child, and many of his ideas were too naive, and he had no common language with himself.

This is Lordaeron. Even if these trolls really have such bad habits, how could His Majesty Terenas tolerate them?

However, none of these Varians told Arthas. The other party was only ten years old, and even if he talked to him, he would not understand.

Putting down the sword in his hand, Varian decided to take a shower in the house first and change into clean clothes. As for whether or not to see those special trolls, think about it.

Ever since Marshal Lothar left Lordaeron with his troops, the one who assumed the responsibility of his guardian became Archbishop Alonthos Fao.

At first, the Archbishop treated him very kindly and tolerantly, but in the past six months, Varian found that the Archbishop was getting stricter and stricter with him. Although the attitude is still as amiable and cordial as before, but now even if you go out alone, you will be rebuked by the other party with sincerity.

Although Fao never said a single word to Varian, such a respected elder, spending half an hour or even longer to persuade, always made Varian overwhelmed.

But these are no match for the young man's temperament in the end, Varian actually hesitated for ten minutes, then changed into a clean and simple clothes, and sneaked out of the palace.

Having lived in Lordaeron for two years, Varian certainly knew where the inn that received foreigners was.

In Varian's mind, there is no concept of trolls. He only learned about the scales and claws of trolls from Lothar's mouth, so Varian put the image of the orcs he hated the most on the trolls, and then processed it extremely terribly, and it became The image of the troll in his mind.

So Varian really couldn't imagine what the monster in his heart would look like if he wore beautiful clothes.

Varian was also lucky. When he arrived near Guanyi, he happened to see Niebuhr negotiating with the management of Guanyi.

Normally, Varian can't see these outsiders, and Terenas can't let the trolls move freely on the streets anyway, which is bound to cause panic among the people.

The trolls couldn't get out of the inn, and Varian couldn't enter the inn. He could only say that it was a coincidence that he met Niebuhr at the door and talked to the management.

Now Niebuhr can communicate in common language with almost no barriers. Although he knew that he couldn't go out casually, Niebuhr was really curious about the human society.

In fact, it's not just Niebuhr who is curious, all the trolls are curious, what kind of society must be able to cultivate such amazing people as Teacher/Duhu?

But he couldn't go out. After stressing his discipline again, Niebuhr came up with a compromise solution. That is to entrust the management personnel to help buy some goods in the Lordaeron market, to open the eyes of everyone.

Niebuhr's plan was unanimously approved by everyone, and then began to collect money in twos and threes.

With the increase in Tanaris gold production, everyone gradually has money in their hands.

According to the regulations of the Protector of Hanhai, the standard of meals for soldiers is 5 silver coins per meal, and 8 coins per meal in wartime. From Niebuhr, Brad, to the uniform standard of ordinary The sand trolls who are used to long-term hunger, opened their mouths to eat in revenge at first, but after a long time, they became subconscious. I started to be frugal, and many times I didn’t spend that much on each meal at all, and basically there would be a surplus of monthly meal expenses.

As for the money, after discussion, everyone decided to use it to improve the meals at the end of each month, or to distribute it on average as pocket money. Therefore, these soldiers now have three or five gold coins in their pockets.

When Niebuhr approached the manager with the money he had collected, the other party was very scared at first. But when they saw Niebuhr talking to himself in fluent Common, indicating that he had asked for the money and then taking out the money, the managers finally felt less nervous.

After taking the money hesitantly, the manager said that this matter needs to be reported to the superior, Niebuhr nodded to show his understanding, turned around and returned to the hotel.

All this was seen by Varian in the distance. After seeing Niebuhr's appearance clearly, he first said something in his heart:

'It turns out that trolls look like this. ’

Immediately, Varian was extremely disappointed, because Niebuhr's image was far from the monster in his mind. But then seeing Niebuhr politely talking to the manager and seeming to take out some more money, Varian had a second thought:

"It doesn't seem that there is much difference between trolls and people. Why are trolls so scary in Marshal Lothar's mouth?"

When Niebuhr returned to the inn, he disappeared from Varian's field of vision. The young prince felt that there was no need to stay here, so he turned and walked back with three points of disappointment, five points of doubt, and two points of thought.

But at this moment, a vague figure appeared behind Varian, reaching out his hands and grabbing at the back of Varian's neck!


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