Comeback 1992

Chapter 1179: variety show debut

  Chapter 1179 Variety show debut

  The program team naturally did not dare to disobey Han Songlin's request, and specially shot a three-minute promotional video for Star University. I have to say that, as the top 1 variety show in China, "Let's Run" has been able to do so many seasons and last for a long time, and its team strength is quite good.

  This has to be admitted.

   Shoot a promotional short film, the shooting is beautiful, and the editing is also very good.

  When recording the program, Han Ting also brought Han Yufei on board.

  When Han Yufei was introduced, the program team also showed great respect.

  All standing ovation welcome.

  Han Yufei put on light makeup when she went out, even so, in the camera, Han Yufei looked extremely fresh and refined.

  Pure as lotus, slim and graceful.

   "Thank you, Academician Han, for coming to our program!"

  Han Yufei looked at Han Ting: "Don't thank me, I came because my sister begged me."

  The camera was shown to Han Ting, and Han Ting said with a bitter face: "I tortured her for a long time before she agreed."

   As we all know, the program "Run" has sports characteristics, and the games played also require physical strength.

  Han Yufei's performance in the show is quite good, and those who need physical strength are not in vain.

  The little cheetah and the **** bull were all defeated.

  Han Yufei couldn't help but doubt: "Do you have a script, do you have to let me?"

   It is no surprise that the show has a script.

  But this script is also a script for some game settings.

   As for who wins the game and how they will play when making the game, these are all things that MCs can play freely.

  Little Cheetah and Da Hei Niu were speechless in the face of Han Yufei's doubts, and could only silently hug each other to comfort each other.

  Scientists in people's impression should be relatively poor in physical strength.

   After all, I spend every day in the laboratory, and it's normal to neglect exercise.

  Da Hei Niu said helplessly: "I have to make a statement. It's not that we didn't try our best. However, Academician Han is really too strong."

  Han Ting: "My sister has been exercising since she was a child, and her sports performance has always been among the best."

  Han Yufei's eyes were like crescent moons, and she said politely, "It's all because of their gentlemanly demeanor, let me go!"

  In terms of physical fitness, Han Yufei is really not bad.

  In the previous physical competition, it was obvious that Han Yufei still had some strength left.

  Han Yufei likes to exercise, and Star Academy also has requirements for scientific research personnel in terms of physical fitness.

   Points will be deducted if the standard is not met, but the deducted points are performance points.

   In order to deduct everyone's performance points openly, Xinghai Group also took a lot of thought.

   You have to convince everyone.

   It cannot be said that points are deducted for unwarranted reasons, that cannot convince the public.

   Let everyone exercise, this is okay!

  For the good of everyone.

   Point deduction is not the purpose, it mainly plays a supervisory role.

   There are many other ways to deduct performance points, such as research progress.

  Performance score is also related to promotion and demotion of rank.

  Once the performance score is not enough and the rank is downgraded, then I will be embarrassed.

  For the R&D personnel, Star Academy and Star University have given them all the treatment they deserve.

   If you want to dawdle, that won't work either.

   It is necessary to keep moving forward, and all kinds of spurs are definitely indispensable.

  The program was broadcast two weeks later.

  Han Yufei's variety show debut has attracted a lot of people's expectations.

  People know Han Yufei from the way Han Yufei stands on the stage of the Hall of Stars and talks with many top scientists in the world.

   Said words that no one could understand.

  Although everyone couldn't understand what Han Yufei was talking about, especially the various formulas, they were confused.

  It doesn't matter, I don't understand, but don't delay, I know she is awesome.

  When the program was broadcast, Han Songlin watched it with Liu Yuyan, Tang Yan, and Song Rong.

   As for Han Xuan, he went back to the house.

  Han Yufei is not interested in the show.

  Liu Yuyan: "Qiuqiu performed well in the show!"

  The special program group designed some math-related games because Han Yufei participated in the program.

  Han Yufei had an interesting expression when she knew about the game.

Very helpless!

   Then Han Ting gave an explanation, and directly complained about whether the program team could be more careful when designing the game.

   Also, can you kneel and lick too much?

   These games obviously don't want them to win.

  Han Ting often hates the program crew and director in the show.

   Of course, it's not random.

   Instead, if you feel that there is a problem, you will directly raise it, and then give a better solution.

  The program group is also kind, and good suggestions are adopted.

  Although it was Han Yufei's first variety show, Han Yufei didn't have any stage fright at all.

   Behaved very well.

   He even said some little golden sentences and the like. It can be seen that Han Yufei has a very cheerful personality.

  A cheerful and confident beautiful girl, how can she not be loved.

  This weekend, Han Songlin didn't go to work either, so he received a call.

  Han Ze called and asked if Han Songlin was at home.

   Said that Han Songqing and his wife came to Rongcheng and wanted to play at Han Songlin's house.

   After Han Songqing and his wife retire, they have a pension to receive, and Han Ze has a good job.

  Although the salary income is a bit low, who cares about the salary after entering the work unit?

   This is a question of social status.

  Han Ze can now be regarded as a leader regardless of size, and how many people can be managed by his subordinates.

  Life can be expected in old age and live a good life.

  Han Songlin hurriedly said to come over.

   Then ask Song Rong to prepare some food at noon.

  Liu Yuyan heard that Han Songqing and the others were coming, and said with a smile: "Third brother, this is the first time they have come to Rongcheng!"

  Han Songlin: "The third brother doesn't know, but the third sister-in-law should be."

  As a rural woman, Han Ze's mother went to the farthest place in her life to be with her daughter.

  What kind of travel and so on, naturally I have never enjoyed it.

   After Han Songqing and the others came, they naturally received them warmly.

   "Third brother, after you come to Rongcheng, you should live in Rongcheng!"

  Han Songqing smiled and said: "Forget it, let's go back to live."

  In the past two years, I spent a lot of money to renovate the house in the countryside.

   Just to say that after retiring, I will live in the village.

   "In Rongcheng, no one recognizes anyone, and they still live comfortably in the countryside."

  Han Songlin laughed a bit, and didn't persuade him much.

  In the city, although everyone lives on the first floor or even close to each other, they may not see each other very often throughout the year.

   As for chatting or something, it is even more difficult.

  When you meet, say hello, and then enter the door.

   Once the iron door was closed, nothing could be heard.

  It is different in the countryside. Families walk around with each other. During the slack season, they set up a team and talk about two or three things.

   After lunch and chatting for a while, Han Songqing said he wanted to leave.

  Han Songlin asked them not to eat dinner, saying that he wanted to go shopping in Rongcheng.

  Since we are going to go shopping, it is absolutely necessary to take pictures.

  Now the pixels of mobile phones are quite excellent, but taking pictures is only a function of mobile phones.

   No matter how high the pixel of the lens is, there is no way to give full play to its capabilities.

  Han Songlin gave a camera at home to Han Ze: "The old couple haven't taken any photos in this life, so let's take more photos when we go out to play this time."

  Han Ze took the camera. The camera is very expensive. Anyway, he doesn't know how much it is worth.

  (end of this chapter)

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