Comeback 1992

Chapter 298: pet

  Chapter 298 Pets

   After making a round of inspections, Han Songlin came home and saw Han Ting and the other three little guys squatting together, watching around a washbasin. There was water in the washbasin, Han Songlin saw it.

  Playing with water?

   Playing with water shouldn't be in the living room, right?

  Han Songlin couldn't help being curious while changing his shoes.

   Putting on slippers, Han Songlin walked over.

   Then I realized that there were actually a few fish in the washbasin.

  Basically crucian carp fry that are less than the width of the little finger, and one is slightly larger, with the width of three fingers.

  Han Songlin squatted down curiously, and asked, "Where did you come from?"

   I bought it, probably not.

  Fry fry are generally sold in special farms and will not be sold in the market.

   Unless, say, goldfish!

  However, goldfish are sold in the market, and they need to be **** wide.

  Too small, not easy to feed.

  Han Ting proudly said: "My classmate gave it to me!"

   Obviously very happy to have a child give her a gift.

  In the basin, there is mud spit out by fish, which shows that these fish have walked in the muddy muddy water once.

   "Han Ting, you won't go to the fields to catch fish, will you?"

  Han Songlin remembered that there was a paddy field next to Hongxing Middle School.

  At this time, it is not yet time to tidy up the paddy fields.

  Of course, the seedling fields and so on have already been done.

  For transplanting seedlings, it is basically from the end of April to the beginning of May.

   Well, it’s May Day, just in time to go home and plant seedlings.

  Han Ting quickly shook her head, the mud floor is so dirty, she won't go down!

  Liu Yuyan, who was folding clothes in the bedroom, heard Han Songlin's voice, came out of the bedroom, and said with a smile, "This fish was given to her by a classmate of Han Ting's class!"

  Han Songlin: "A boy?"

   "Only boys go into the water to catch fish, right?"

  Han Songlin raised his eyebrows, this is true!

  Children in the countryside have many fun things to do. On the way home from school, they catch fish, crabs and crayfish in small ditches, and dig eels and catch loaches in the paddy fields after the water is released.

  Not only boys play, girls also happily follow along.

   In other words, the little boys value the fruits of their labor very much and will not give it to others easily.

  Looking at Han Ting's small face, Han Songlin suddenly smiled, as if he understood something.

  Don’t think that children don’t know anything, they know how to please beautiful girls since they were young.

  Tell Han Ting not to accept gifts from others casually?

  Han Songlin opened his mouth, but did not speak.

   "Then how to make this fish? Fried or boiled?"

   Wrap it in flour and fry it in rapeseed oil. The taste Han Songlin remembers is very good.

   It tastes crunchy and old-fashioned.

   "No!" Han Ting shouted quickly, why is this little fish deep-fried?

  Han Songlin: "Then you are supporting them?"

   "Well, I want to raise it!" Han Ting's small expression was very sure, and she looked at Liu Yuyan with big eyes.

  Liu Yuyan smiled lightly and said, "Then keep it!"

  Han Songlin rubbed Han Ting's head, don't wait until the fish is dead, you have a bitter nose!

   Raising fish at home, how should I put it, is not easy to raise.

  Han Yumeng and Han Yufei squatted on the ground with curious faces. For them, they had never seen a fish.

  Han Songlin hugged the two of them up. They have been squatting for a long time, but it won't work.

   "Tomorrow, buy a fish tank and come back!"

  Han Songlin is very satisfied with the three children, that is, they are not noisy.

   Curious, but also obedient.

   If you say something you can't touch, you won't touch it.

   This made Han Songlin and Liu Yuyan much more relaxed.

   "Dad, I want Yuyu too!" Han Yumeng grabbed Han Songlin's hand, her face full of anticipation.

  Although Han Yufei didn't speak, it was obvious that she wanted it too.

  Han Songlin didn't know what to say at this time, he couldn't always say that he went to the vegetable market to buy crucian carp to feed, right?

  Feeding crucian carp as a pet fish seems a bit wrong.

  Maybe, wait until after feeding, and put it directly into the pot?

   I really did it like this, I don’t know if it will cause a huge blow to the child’s mind.

   "Isn't there sister?"

  Han Yumeng is very clear: "That belongs to my sister!"

  Han Songlin stretched out his hand to tease Han Yumeng's little face: "Okay, I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

   I don’t know if there is a flower and bird market in Jiangzhong.

   There should be, because Han Songlin has seen the old man carrying a bird cage in the park.

   There is a kind of leisure called playing with birds in cages; many retired old men want to find something to do after they lose their jobs, feed a bird or two, enjoy their old age, and have some spiritual sustenance.

  People, the most fearful thing is that the spirit has nowhere to rely on.

  The next day, when I was sending Han Ting to school, I also inquired about it by the way.

  There is really no special flower and bird market here in the middle of the river.

   But on the side of the street, Han Songlin saw a man riding a bicycle with a basket on the back seat.

  In the basket, there are several kittens.

  Han Songlin couldn't help but parked the car on the side of the road, and then walked over.

  The little milk cat doesn’t look big, and it can be held with one slap.

   Well, these are not important.

  In the city, it seems better to have a cat than a dog.

   After all, cats are much easier to organize than dogs.

  Cats tend to be clean. If they shit, they will dig a hole and bury it.

  Han Songlin also likes cats.

   "Boss, do you want to buy a cat?"

  Han Songlin stretched out his hand to tease the kittens in the basket, and there were three cats that seemed quite interesting.

  Seeing Han Songlin's hand approaching, he took the initiative to rub against it.

   What does it mean?

   It means that the cat is close to people.

   This orange cat belongs to the native species of Huaguo, and is usually raised in the house to catch mice and the like.

   "I am a cat cat, catching mice, very fierce!"

   With a chuckle on his face, Han Songlin quietly listened to him bragging about how well the female cat catches mice.

  He bought the cat not to catch mice, but to use it as a pet.

   "How much is this one?"

  The middle-aged man had a sly face, and subconsciously glanced at Han Songlin's car.

   "Fifteen dollars!"

  Han Songlin didn't think it was expensive either: "Okay, then I'll take these three!"

   Directly handed over the money. These three cats were Han Songlin's reaching into the basket, and came over to rub Han Songlin's hands.

  The man who sold the cat took the money and watched Han Songlin get into the car with the cat before he slapped his thigh.

  Here, have you lowered the price?

  If I knew it earlier, I should have shouted twenty.

  Han Songlin didn't know the psychology of cat sellers, so he put the fur on the seat and prepared to drive back.

   By the way, I also bought a fish tank.

   I don't know how long Han Ting's fish can be fed.

   I really have a headache, those fish will die immediately, what will happen to Han Ting?

  Crying a lot?

   Or tell Han Ting that life, old age, sickness and death are natural laws!

  Han Songlin came back with three kittens, which surprised Liu Yuyan, but also puzzled: "Didn't you go to buy fish, you bought these three kittens there."

   While speaking, he took the cat out of the fish tank.

   Really, how can you put a cat in a fish tank?

  Han Songlin: "I met it on the side of the road, so I wanted to buy it back!"

   "Just buy one, it's not easy to keep three cats at home!"

  In the countryside, there is a habit anyway, not to keep two cats in the house.

  (end of this chapter)

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