Comeback 1992

Chapter 493: car birth certificate

  Chapter 493 Car birth certificate

   After a while, Han Songlin's interview was finally broadcast on CCTV.

   I don't know if it's to increase the ratings or for the need of publicity, CCTV actually announced this event in advance at the end of the 7 o'clock news.

   It's just what people say, it's a record of the growth process of the private enterprise Xinghai Group.

  This time, CCTV can be considered to have pulled out all of Han Songlin's family history.

  From the time when Han Songlin opened his first small shop with his retirement money and family savings in 1992, he went out of his hometown to a small county and quickly occupied the stewed meat market in most cities in the south.

   Then to the acquisition of Fuller Wine, and began to advertise on CCTV.

  Fuller Wine's success made Han Songlin's business start to get out of hand. He acquired Xinxing Industry, which was about to go bankrupt in Yanghe, and established Fuxing Industry.

   Next, a series of mergers and acquisitions were completed in Jiangzhong, forming the Xinghai Group.

   Last year, it even acquired Yuzhou Special Steel, known as the mother of Southwest industry, in one fell swoop.

  Han Songlin's family sat in front of the TV and watched CCTV. The whole report, in terms of style, had the taste of a documentary.

   "I don't even feel it myself. In the past few years, our experience was so magnificent!"

  Han Songlin sighed a little, always felt that what was shown on TV was another person's story.

  Han Yufei was lying in her arms, the little guy was very clingy to Han Songlin, Liu Yuyan liked it very much.

  Liu Yuyan supported her head: "It seems that you have been set up as a model!"

  Han Songlin was very happy that CCTV released an interview with Lin Wei in the film. Among them, Lin Wei's income as a research and development personnel was naturally exposed.

   This point was specifically requested by Han Songlin.

   During the interview, the people from CCTV found out that Xinghai Group treated R&D personnel and technicians super high, and they were really envious and jealous. They wished they could come to work in Xinghai Group.

  If you can’t do research and development, it’s good to learn a technology and become a worker.

   In fact, in Xinghai Group, treatment and ability are directly proportional.

  The salary of ordinary workers is indeed higher than that of outsiders, and the benefits are also better, but it is not too exaggerated.

  Han Songlin suddenly realized what Liu Yuyan said.

  I seem to have really been set up as a model.

   "It's okay. Being a model is also a good thing. At least, in the future, you can bark twice in front of you if you are not a cat or a dog." Han Songlin wanted to keep a low profile, but his current strength does not allow it.

  Since this is the case, it is better to come to the front desk openly.

  The cutting-edge scenery of the era is also very good to look at.

  Han Ting's face was full of envy: "Dad, you are on TV."

  Han Songlin touched Han Ting's little head: "Well, it's on TV. In the future, you can also be on TV."

  Han Songlin is not worried at all about whether Han Ting will be able to appear on TV in the future.

  Han Ting nodded her head seriously and said, "Well, I will also be on TV in the future."

  Han Yumeng looked at her sister, then at Han Songlin, but said nothing. As for Han Yufei, she has no interest in going on TV.

  Whether it is deliberately set up as a typical model or not, for Xinghai Group, its development has not been affected too much.

   On the other hand, Fumanduo Supermarket has greatly increased the number of customers.

  The number of people applying to become supermarket members has also increased a lot.

  People at this time have not been bombarded by the Internet, and their minds are relatively simple. They think that Fumanduo Supermarket belongs to Han Songlin, so if you become a member and save some money in it, you will definitely not be hacked.

   In addition, Xinghai Group has become more relaxed in terms of recruitment, and a large number of talents have begun to submit their resumes.

   Now it is no longer the Xinghai Group looking for talents, but the talents are automatically delivered to your door for you to pick.

   Xinghai Group has naturally become stricter in the selection of talents.

   If you don't have any strength, you really don't want it.

  The personnel department is also very serious about screening people. For the personnel department of Xinghai Group, recruiting excellent talents is their performance.

  The recruited person has made achievements within the company, such as a breakthrough in research and development, and personnel will also be rewarded.

  Although it is not much, it can add up!

  That's why personnel affairs have a very high preference for all kinds of geniuses.

  Geniuses tend to have bad personalities, but it’s okay. For money, personnel will become quite patient.

   The Xinghai Group's rapid development is due to the contribution of the group's personnel department, which cannot be erased.

  After discussing the Xinghai Group for a while, people's attention was diverted by other things.

  For Han Songlin, the matter has just begun.

  For example, the production qualification of Furui Automobile's car.

  Before, Furui Automobile's production of sedans was already thinking about directly exploiting the loopholes in the rules.

  Of course, I thought so in my heart, but some things still had to be done.

  For example, apply to the relevant departments for the quota of car production qualification, but the application has been stuck all the time.

  Shuchuan also supports it with a clear-cut stand, demanding a quota for Xinghai Group's car production.

  Before, Shu Chuan had already strongly supported the Xinghai Group, so helping the Xinghai Group to obtain a quota was a very basic operation.

  At this time, Han Songlin was standing at the door of Fuxing Industry, waiting for someone.

  Yesterday, Han Songlin was drinking tea leisurely on the balcony, and then received a call from a province.

   Said that there are leaders from the central government who are going to inspect the Xinghai Group, and hope that Han Songlin can accompany them.

  The first stop is the factory of Fuxing Industry in Yanghe.

   No, Han Songlin just came here.

  Zhang Leping raised his eyes and looked at the sky. The sun was rising in the east, and it was already in the sky. Not to mention, standing under the sun in April, it was really hot.

  Zhang Leping is middle-aged, and he has gained a lot of weight recently, and he is more afraid of heat, and sweat is coming out of his face.

   "Boss, why don't you wait in a cool place first, I don't know when it will come!"

  Han Songlin turned around and asked, "What time is it?"

   "Boss, it's ten twenty-three!" A beautiful woman standing behind Han Songlin said hurriedly.

  The little girl's name is Wen Yue, from Heijiang in Northeast China, she is tall, fair-skinned and beautiful.

  Wen Yue studied in Rongcheng University. The year before last, she started to work part-time in Fumanduo Supermarket and performed very well.

  Last year, when Wen Yue was a senior, Fumanduo Supermarket officially invited her to do an internship.

  Wen Yue, who had been in Fumanduo Supermarket for more than a year, did not refuse.

   Fumanduo Supermarket did not arrange Wen Yue in the store, and arranged college students in the store as salespersons, wouldn't it be a waste of talent.

  So, Wen Yue entered the Rongcheng Company of Fumanduo Supermarket for an internship.

  Here, Wen Yue really got acquainted with how Fumanduo Supermarket operates, and got answers to many doubts before.

  Han Songlin wanted to recruit another secretary because Zhu Xiangping was left in Yuzhou.

   Then an internal selection notice of the secretariat was sent to the whole company.

  After that, Wen Yue became Han Songlin's secretary.

  Han Songlin was quite satisfied with Wen Yue. Wen Yue, who had lived in Shuchuan for many years, could understand Shuchuan dialect without barriers. Most importantly, her Mandarin was very standard and she spoke nicely.

   In terms of ability, don’t worry about this. Will the people who have passed the selection level be inferior?

  (end of this chapter)

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