Comeback 1992

Chapter 500: grow in red star

  Chapter 500 Growing up in Red Star

  After returning to Jiangzhong, Han Songlin didn't pay much attention to the situation of thc company; of course, Han Songlin would pay attention to the development of the economic crisis.

  The situation can be described as very good.

  Actually, at this time, Han Songlin was more concerned about Hongxing Middle School's college entrance examination results this year.

  Red Star Middle School is known as the best high school in Jiangzhong. To be honest, there is nothing strange about it.

  Red Star Middle School District, the teaching hardware is very good, it can be said that there must be no better one in the whole Shuchuan.

  Han Songlin knows very well that parents can do a lot for their children's education.

   Wouldn't it be quite a speechless thing if talents left Xinghai Group because of their children's education.

  So, as a school for the children of Xinghai Group, it can be said that it has spared no effort in building Hongxing Middle School.

   Hongxing Middle School has been set up in Jiangzhong, Yanghe, Lechi and Yuzhou.

  In order to repay the local support for Hongxing Middle School, Hongxing Middle School will give a certain number of places for admission to the local area every year.

   Naturally, this quota cannot be said to be given randomly, but it is exempted from entrance examination in the name of the children of outstanding civil servants.

   As for how the places are allocated, Hongxing Middle School doesn't care.

   In addition, Hongxing Middle School also stipulates that if a student enters Hongxing Middle School through the quota of outstanding civil servants, and his parents are involved in corruption, violation of discipline, etc., Hongxing Middle School will refuse to allow their children to continue studying in Hongxing Middle School.

  Hongxing Middle School is very different from many schools in China. While paying attention to the performance of cultural subjects, it also pays attention to the cultivation of students' interests and hobbies.

  What art, music, etc. are the most basic; computer, astronomy, physics, etc. have special interest classes.

   Even martial arts are taught.

  Many boys have signed up for martial arts classes.

   Of course, the physical training of students is not relaxed.

  The school slogan of Hongxing Middle School directly has the slogan of barbaric physique and civilized spirit.

   For students' physical fitness, Hongxing Middle School is particularly important.

  Every Saturday, girls mainly take body lessons, practice yoga, and dance at school.

  For boys, physical training is all about the day.

  According to the school, men should take on the responsibilities of men. If you don’t have a strong body, how do you protect your loved ones, how to protect your country, how to protect the land where you stand.

  The boys in other schools are all white and clean, but in Hongxing Middle School, there are no boys like this.

  No, there are, students who are not suitable for strenuous exercise will not train.

   In addition, you can also apply for no training, but the prerequisites are difficult.

  In school, everything pays attention to grades, and Hongxing Middle School is the same.

  So, as long as the grades are good enough, you can apply for no training, as long as you meet the standards in the physical fitness test.

  For geniuses, always have to be more tolerant.

   But basically no boys apply for no training.

  Sunday is the rest time for the students, they can go home, or at school.

  The school's library, laboratory, art room, music, and dance classrooms are all open.

   This year's college entrance examination results, Hongxing Middle School is really good, the champion doesn't say anything, the first place in the country has not been won, but the top two and top three are all from Hongxing Middle School.

  Red Star Middle School has no repeat students, all of them are fresh graduates. It is good that fresh graduates can get the top 2 or 3 results in the country.

  In other words, it is relatively rare for repeat students to win top prizes in the country.

   There are those who are the top scorers in the college entrance examination, who are dedicated to repeating the exams, and then get the top scorers, in order to get rewards.

  For people like this, let’s not talk about it.

  Jiangzhong does not give any separate rewards for the champion.

   Instead, invite the top 100 students in the city's college entrance examination to have dinner together, and give each of them a red envelope.

   Of course, the top three must be better.

  Han Songlin commended the top 50 students in the Hongxing Middle School Exam.

   "It's only one point behind the first one, do you have any regrets?" Han Songlin was very curious, what kind of psychology the second student would have at this time.

   "There must be regrets, but if you think about it carefully, it's good to be second. Life is long, and you always have to leave room for yourself to improve. So, I think it's good for me to be second!"

  Han Songlin gave him a thumbs up. Being able to adjust himself is undoubtedly a very good thing.

   "Yes, people do have to give themselves some room for improvement. There are so many champions in ancient times, but how few can finally be named! Come on, I wish you a bright future and embrace all the good things in the world."


  Han Songlin patted the young man on the shoulder lightly. He really hoped that the young man will have a wonderful future, and his talent is also worth having.

   To get into a good university, you just need to work hard; but if you want to get the second highest college entrance examination score in the country, hard work is not enough.

  And Han Songlin firmly believes that students from Hongxing Middle School should perform well in college.

  Learning is something that requires perseverance, and they should not lack perseverance.

   "Little girl, I heard that you have applied for the military academy?"

  A beautiful little girl raised her eyebrows and pouted: "Doesn't Mr. Han think that little girls can't defend their home and country?"

  The little girl's name is Qin Yiyu. Once you hear the name, you can tell that there is a story!

   There is indeed a story.

  His father died before the little girl was born.

  Han Songlin laughed dumbfounded. He really wanted to rub the little girl's head, but he didn't say so.

   "I didn't say that. A woman can hold up half the sky. Today, you have half of it."

   "Qin Yiyu, we are all waiting for you to become a female general in the future, don't forget about your wealth!"

  Han Songlin watched with a light smile as a group of classmates were fighting, youthful, confident and flamboyant.

   This is the student Han Songlin wants to train.

   "Hmph, I should tell you this!"

  Hongxing Middle School encourages students to communicate with each other and be friends; don’t go to high school for three years and don’t know anyone except the classmates in this class.

   Even the classmates in this class, some people can't name them.

  In Hongxing Middle School, there are not many students who fall in love; but when there are students who fall in love, after the teacher finds out, they will not say to break up violently.

   Of course, it is certain to protect students with good academic performance.

  As long as it does not affect learning, everything is easy to say.

  If there is a significant decline in grades, then it should be demolished, and there will be no mercy.

  High school is not a compulsory education stage, and as a private school, Hongxing Middle School has no scruples about expulsion.

  The school directly said, love, what is love?

  Love is about being able to make the other person better, and also make oneself better. This is love.

  Love makes you fall behind, that's not love.

  Next, Han Songlin talked to other students. In fact, Han Songlin didn't recognize many students, unless they had special characteristics. For example, Qin Yiyu from before was remembered by Han Songlin because he applied for the military academy.

  (end of this chapter)

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