Comeback 1992

Chapter 729: The Beginning of the Copycat Era

  Chapter 729 The Beginning of the Era of Counterfeit Machines

  Sell the factory? Engage in real estate!

   "Brother-in-law, listen to me, making a mobile phone this time can definitely be done!"

  The middle-aged man is Luo Dabiao. He is in his early forties this year and has been working hard in Shenchuan since the 1980s.

  When I was thirty, I opened this factory.

   Married a beautiful daughter-in-law, gave birth to two sons, owns a car, a house, and some savings, and can be considered a successful person.

  In Shenchuan, over the years, some relationships have been established.

   Otherwise, I wouldn’t say that I want to engage in real estate.

"Hmph, you kid, think I'm stupid? To make a mobile phone requires technology, only our factory can make a mobile phone?" Luo Dabiao was able to create such a big business. If you want to say that he is stupid, he is the biggest person. Fool.

   Luo Dabiao also attaches great importance to his brother-in-law.

   Provided him to go to a university, and after graduation he came to work in the factory.

   "Brother-in-law, don't worry! It's like this, Synder Technology has launched an XDK platform."

   "What is that XDK platform?"

   "It's a solution for making mobile phones. They have done the most difficult technology. We bought their solution. We only need to purchase screens, casings, and buttons to make mobile phones."

  Luo Dabiao seemed to understand: "To put it bluntly, we just need to assemble it!"

   "That's almost what it means!"

  Luo Dabiao doubted: "What is Synder Technology that is so good?"

   Engaging in mobile phones is a very profitable business. Doesn’t Synder Technology do it by itself, let others do it?

   "People have already written it on the official website, and there can be fakes!"

  Luo Dabiao hesitated a little. He knows how profitable mobile phones are.

  Although he has been eating and drinking outside these years, he has also made a lot of wine and meat friends.

   During a drinking game, I happened to hear someone talking about the huge profits of mobile phones.

   "Make a test first, don't be fooled by others!"

  Fan Weipeng had been prepared for a long time, and directly took out a mobile phone that had never been seen on the market from his pocket.

  Currently the price of mobile phones on the market is high. Anyway, if you want to buy a mobile phone for less than 1,000 yuan, don’t even think about it!

  Why can counterfeit phones develop rapidly?

   To put it bluntly, there are two words: cheap!

  Let’s not talk about whether the quality is good or not, what we want is cheap.

   For a long time, people in Huaguo first solved the problem of availability, and then considered the quality problem.

  Luo Dabiao looked at the thing Fan Weipeng took out, which he recognized immediately.

  But everyone thinks it's so ugly?

"what is this?"

   "Mobile phone, I made it myself!"

  Luo Dabiao looked at Fan Weipeng suspiciously: "You made the phone yourself?"

  This is messing with me!

  Can you make a mobile phone by yourself?

   Talk about Liaozhai, right?

  He took the phone over with one hand, and he knew it was made by himself at a glance.

  Cases are not suitable.

   There are buttons, and I don’t know where to get them.

   The whole thing is just a counterfeit phone!

  Luo Dabiao still doesn't know the word copycat, but that's what it means anyway.

  It is crooked goods (bad goods, defective products)!

  Fan Weipeng proudly said: "Brother-in-law, if you don't believe me, you can call and try."

  Luo Dabiao was a little curious seeing Fan Weipeng's complacency.

   This kid, went to a university, and still learned some skills.

   The money he spent in the past is not in vain. This money is not in vain.

  That’s right, the university I went to was bad, but no matter how bad it was, it was still a university.

  Luo Dabiao didn't dare to press it hard anymore, for fear that it would fall apart.

   The call was from the phone in the office. After the broken phone rang a few times, the landline phone on the desk rang.

   This can really be typed out!

  Luo Dabiao picked up the phone on the landline and started talking.


  Fan Weipeng hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, you can turn on the phone's external playback!"

   "External release, what external release?"

   "Just turn up the sound!" Fan Weipeng also didn't know how to explain it, so he taught the operation directly.

  Luo Dabiao held the receiver of the landline phone in one hand and the mobile phone in the other.

  The sound of this phone is really loud.

  It must be good for people with deaf ears to hold this phone.

  Luo Dabiao hung up the phone, thought about it, and called home again.

  My wife was at home, and Luo Dabiao chatted with her for more than half an hour before he hung up the phone.

  This phone, despite its ugly appearance, has a really good call quality.

  The sound or something can be heard very clearly and very loudly.

   Really good.

  The more he watched, the happier Luo Dabiao became.

   If the appearance is done well, wouldn't it be possible to sell mobile phones?

   As for the need for approval to manufacture mobile phones?

   Now who cares about this.

  If you want to make a fortune, you have to be a little courageous.

   Those who hesitate, can't make a fortune.

   "Talk to me, is this phone difficult to make?"

  Fan Weipeng: "Brother-in-law, it's not difficult!"

   "Okay, then we will make mobile phones in the future. In this way, I will give you 100,000 yuan, and you and the technical department will make the mobile phone well." Luo Dabiao doesn't pay much attention to the technical department.

  If it weren't for Fan Weipeng's sake, he wouldn't have any technical department at all.

  Of course, having a technical department is also an advantage, that is, the products in the factory are indeed a little better.

  Fan Weipeng did not agree immediately, one hundred thousand yuan is already a lot in this year.

   "Brother-in-law, it's no problem to make a mobile phone. It's just that I need shares for this mobile phone."

  Luo Dabiao looked at Fan Weipeng in astonishment. After watching for a long time, he laughed at himself: "You boy, your wings are hard now! Okay, I will give you 20% of the shares."

   "Forty percent!"

   "Don't go too far, kid."

  Fan Weipeng didn't answer, he not only gave what he wanted, but also distributed it to the people in the technical department!

  Before, after watching Han Songlin’s interview, Fan Weipeng was thinking about a question, why the factory has been getting worse and worse in recent years.

   Smile and smile, the times will abandon you!

   This is not wrong.

  Changzi was abandoned by the times.

  If you want not to be abandoned by the times, then technology is a must.

  Technology will not fall from the world, it must be studied by someone.

   Now the mobile phone in hand may not look good in style, but they want to make it, and they have worked hard for a long time to get it out.

  Luo Dabiao took a deep breath, seeing that Fan Weipeng did not answer, he smiled and said: "Okay, forty is forty, brothers will settle accounts, then we have to talk about it properly."

  The news that a Dapeng mobile phone was established in Shenchuan seemed so inconspicuous in the tide of the times.

   Soon, a candy bar phone appeared on the market.

   Moreover, the price of this mobile phone is very cheap, and the shipping price in the market is only 800 yuan.

   And the quality is still very good, although this phone does not have a mobile phone license, who cares about this!

   Eight hundred yuan!

   If you sell it for only 1,000 yuan, then everyone will make a profit, right?

   Moreover, who will sell the mobile phone for a thousand now?

   Soon, a large number of such mobile phones began to appear in Fukagawa's market.

  Thousands of hundred can buy a mobile phone?

   Moreover, the functions of the mobile phone are not bad at all, and the quality is also good. I have nothing to say, so hurry up and buy it!

  Many people have a need for a mobile phone, but they are reluctant to buy it because the price is too expensive.

  (end of this chapter)

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