Comeback 1992

Chapter 764: two months of summer

  Chapter 764 Two months of summer vacation

   There are many families like Liang Anwei visiting Star University, which is not surprising. In the entire southwest region, the influence of Star University is quite large.

   Not only fresh high school students come to visit Star University, some families with good conditions will also bring their children who are in high school to come out to play during the summer vacation.

  If you come to Rongcheng, in addition to visiting the scenic spots in Rongcheng, visiting Xingchen University has also become a good choice.

  The entire Star University covers an extremely large area. After several years of continuous construction, it is now considered to have begun to take shape.

  You can come to visit, but it cannot affect the normal teaching order of the school.

  Once it affects the normal teaching order of the school, they will face expulsion.

  Liang Anwei's family was on the road and met many people who came to visit Xingchen University.

   It’s really easy to recognize.

   Those who walk in the school must come to visit.

  The one riding the bicycle must be a student of Xingchen University.

  In addition to bicycles, Star University also has internal means of transportation, electric vehicles!

   Four-wheeled and three-wheeled, as well as two-wheeled.

  Internal means of transportation are uniformly painted in color.

  This car can only be used inside the school, not out of the school.

  Each car has a special license plate.

  Electric vehicles are mainly used for transportation of school staff.

  After all, the school is so big, it is obviously unrealistic to rely on walking for everything.

   As for driving a car?

  In the campus, it is better not to drive, it is prone to danger.

  Using an electric car, even if it loses control and hits someone, it is generally not too dangerous.

   "Hey, that electric bike is good, can you ride it in school?"

  Liang Anwei shook his head and said: "Electric cars must be ridden by faculty and staff. As for students, they can only ride bicycles at Xingchen University. It's called exercising!"

  Star University attaches great importance to the physical fitness of students. At the end of each semester, physical fitness tests will be conducted on students.

   Once the standard is not met, it is over.

   As for going to the hospital to issue a certificate?

  Star University only recognizes certificates from Xinghai Hospital, and does not recognize certificates from other hospitals at all.

   Want to issue a certificate from Xinghai Hospital?

  Then the difficulty will be great.

  Once a false certificate is discovered, the doctor who issued the false certificate will have only one result: be fired.

  Being expelled from Xinghai Hospital is a very serious matter in Rongcheng and even Shuchuan.

  Because those expelled from Xinghai Hospital are basically those who have a bad medical ethics, that is, people who have a problem with human morality.

   Poor abilities can be tolerated, but moral problems cannot be tolerated.

  At this time, the undergraduates of Xingchen University are already on vacation. As for the graduate students, there are many laboratories in Xingchen University, all kinds of laboratories, and the graduate students are already doing scientific research in the laboratories.

   Just do the most basic things.

  So, the cost of scientific research in universities is the lowest; where is the low cost?

   Isn’t that what it is!

   Free students can use it.

  Of course, at Star University, students in the laboratory will be subsidized.

   It is mainly a living allowance of one or two thousand yuan.

  If you are good enough, you can get more.

  Liang Anwei stared at the stretch of laboratory buildings. This area is not allowed to enter.

  Han Songlin didn't notice what happened in Star University. For him, Star University wasn't a big deal.

  Everything is pretty good.

  During the summer vacation, Han Yufei didn't go to school anymore, but read books at home.

  Seeing this, Han Songlin thought about it, and decided to take the children out to play.

   It’s not okay to be at home every day!

  This time, I did not go to Dongmeng Mountain.

   It's a self-driving tour!

  Yes, just travel by car!

  As for the car he drives, of course it is a RV produced by Fuxing Industry.

  Han Songlin took a fancy to a RV. This RV is not ordinary. It is a RV built with a Fuxing Industrial truck as the chassis. The space is definitely large enough.

   In terms of power, it goes without saying.

  The most important thing is the off-road performance, all the potholed roads can be walked.

   After all, the chassis is a truck chassis.

  For power supply, in addition to diesel engine power supply, there are also solar panels.

   But after the caravan was built, it faced a very embarrassing thing.

   It doesn't look like a good sell!

   Domestic sales?

   Not many people buy this car.

   RV travel is not popular yet.

   Although this RV with super off-road performance is very suitable for the current domestic roads, no one buys it.

   As for foreign countries?

  People don’t need this kind of RV!

  The roads are pretty good.

   So, it's embarrassing.

  If you want to drive this car out, there is one more embarrassing thing, that is, Han Songlin is not qualified to drive.

  Han Songlin had no choice but to drive a small RV, which was enough for a family.

   In terms of design, the designer did a good job.

   Seat belts are all put on the seats.

  For this self-driving tour, Fang Qiang was naturally invited as well.

  Fang Qiang did not take the child with him this time, but drove an off-road vehicle to follow behind Han Songlin.

  Han Songlin didn’t say to go to a difficult place, but went all the way north, entered Chang’an, played in Chang’an for a while, and then went west from Chang’an.

  Go to see the neighbors and the desert, and then turn to Haiqing, to see Qinghai Lake!

  The entire journey is about 1,500 kilometers.

   Then take a plane directly back to Rongcheng at Ningxi Caojiabao Airport.

  It took a total of one and a half months.

  Even if he is outside, Han Songlin doesn't have to worry about not being able to receive work emails.

  There is a satellite receiving device on the RV.

   This is also a feature of the RV manufactured by Fuxing Industry.

  Going online or something, of course there is no problem at all.

  After playing for a while and returning to Rongcheng, the heat has subsided a lot.

  The freshmen of Star University have also enrolled and started military training.

  As for the old students of Star University, they have begun to return to school again.

   Star University officially started classes, and Han Yufei also returned to campus.

  Compared to going out to play, Han Yufei prefers to stay in the university, because it has everything she wants.

   "I'm a little worried, whether Qiuqiu will become a nerd in the future!" Liu Yuyan and Han Songlin stood at the door and watched Han Yufei go out.

  Han Songlin shook his head lightly, and said with a smile, "Qiuqiu, are you a nerd?"

  Han Songlin has never seen a pure nerd.

   Liu Yuyan resolutely vetoed it: "Of course not."

  My Qiuqiu, how could he be a nerd?

  She just loves to study.

  At home, Han Yufei is not the kind of person who doesn't touch the spring water with her fingers. She also helps with housework in normal times.

  Although Liu Yuyan generally refuses to let her go.

  Han Yufei can still brush her teeth and wash her face.

   And in terms of personality, Han Yufei is fine, and she often communicates with her family.

   "It's over. You, don't worry here."

  (end of this chapter)

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