[Watched by Joseph’s oppressive eyes.] 】

[Gagiru couldn’t help but lower his head. 】

[nodded silently.] 】

“That’s exactly what that guy said. “】

[“Also said…”]

[Speaking of this, Gagilu couldn’t help but pause. 】

“Also, if you don’t show up… He will not stop hunting all members of the ghost. “】

【”It’s all!”】

Gagiru’s words made Joseph’s expression more and more distorted. 】

[The palm of the hand clenched the corner of the table.] 】

[Accompanied by a crisp click.] 】

[The corners of the table made of alloy are directly shattered. 】

[Joseph’s expression was also terrifying to the extreme at this moment!]

[“That bastard of the leprechaun! How dare he!!?”

[Gagiru was silent and did not speak. 】

[Instead, a man with a strong figure and bandages on his eyes on the side made a sound like crying. 】

[“Grief … It’s so sad!”

[“I seem to have seen the moment when this arrogant son of the dragon is about to fall!”]

[“President, let me go!”

[An angry Joseph turned his head to look at the weeping man. 】

[Squinted his eyes slightly: “Even Mr. Gagiru was defeated, Ali “eight nine seven” Ya, are you really sure?”

[The head of the four elements, Alia of the Great Sky, still maintains a crying voice,]

[There were even tears that seeped through the bandages wrapped around the eyes and slid down the cheeks.] 】

[But his tone seemed to be extremely excited.] 】

“The more powerful the magician, the more serious the pain when the magic power is drained, which is an extremely sad thing. “】

[“President, I just need a chance!”

When Joseph heard this, he calmed his mood and sat down in his chair. 】

[The index finger tapped the arm of the chair regularly.] 】

[After pondering for a moment, he couldn’t help but speak. 】

“That damn guy can’t be fooling around him. “】

“Alia, Gagiru, plus Mr. Thor… By the way, and Bunny Pill is also together, you guys go and kill that guy. “】

[“Me again??”]

Gagiru pointed incredulously at himself. 】

“This time I have dispatched all four elements except Jubia to cooperate with you, Mr. Gagiru. “】

[Joseph’s gaze looked straight at Gagiru. 】

“But… You don’t even know how scary that guy is!”

[Gagiru’s head shook like a rattle.] 】

[“Anla, isn’t there me?” said Orochimaru on the side. 】

“You know, the one I specially restrained is the Flame Wizard. “】

“Not only that, but Mr. Alia is lurking in the shadows, and with proper planning, we can directly empty the magic of that fire dragon and then kill it. “】

[Thor echoed out. 】

[It seems that the lineup really restrained Henaz, so the shocked Gagiru didn’t say anything in the end. 】

Still, it seems to have remembered something, he added. 】

[“Anyway, I’ll put it here first, if the situation is not right, I will definitely be the first to run!

[Looking at Gagiru at this moment, Joseph couldn’t help but shake his head. 】

“This… Is it still the same Gagiru from before?”

He didn’t say it. 】

[Instead, he turned the conversation elsewhere.] 】

[Since that Henaz continues to make trouble like this, we can’t drag it out, and the operation against Fairy Tail must be launched as soon as possible. “】

“But… Most of our powerful Magi have gone to surround the Fire Dragon, do we still have the strength to deal with the Fairy Tail?”

[Thor of the earth couldn’t help but ask out loud. 】

“No problem. Joseph smiled confidently. 】

“That fire dragon made a fuss about this point, and it just gave me a reason. “】

Joseph had a smile on his face. 】

“One, a reason to be able to lure Makarov away. “】

“Next, as the leader of the Ghost Guild, I will ask the Senate to intervene and invite me and that old guy Makarov to the Senate to make peace. “】

“Of course, this me is not my real body. “】

“Mindfulness?” Gagiru looked at Joseph. 】

“Smart. Joseph smiled. 】

“Once Makarov is transferred to the Senate, that’s when we get our hands on Fairy Tail. “】

[As if fantasizing about something, Joseph’s face also distorted.] 】

[“This time, I personally took action, and when that old guy Makarov reacted, it is estimated that the entire fairy tail has been destroyed by me, right?”]

[“As for the main objective of this mission…”]

Joseph looked at the expressionless woman at the end of the room. 】

“Jubia, when we get started, Lucy will depend on you to get it back. “】


Jubia, who was called by name, slowly raised his head. 】

[Then nodded gently.] 】

[“No problem… Dripping and dripping…”]

[Okay, everyone, time is urgent, let’s start now, special is that son of the dragon. “】

“This time… I want you to come to me with his head!”

“Don’t worry, President!” Thor gave a gentlemanly salute gracefully. 】


[At the same time. 】

[Wizard Guild, Fairy Tail. 】

[The sound of the cup falling to the ground shattering was heard.]

【”What ?!!”】

[The exclamation from Makarov spread throughout the underground guild!]

[Cluttered basement. 】

Makarov looked at the newspaper in front of him in horror. 】

[A few words are marked in bold font at the top.] 】

【Extra! Big! Event!】

Lisanna leaned over and looked at the words in the newspaper. 】

[“Urgent news, yesterday the ghost headquarters in Oak City encountered a terrorist attack by unknown forces. “】

“So far, hundreds of ghost members have been killed, and more than one-fifth of the town has been destroyed. “】

“The Senate said that the evidence is currently incomplete and is fully investigating the matter. “】

[Below the text, there are pictures of the tragic situation at the scene, the most eye-catching…]

[It is the figure shrouded in flames in the endless ruins.] 】


[The moment she saw that figure, Lisana’s pupils also trembled. 】

[It’s really… This figure is all too familiar. 】

[Although it is completely shrouded in flames, that body type, the pair of golden pupils that seem to not be extinguished…]

[All this… It’s all too familiar. 】

[“Ghosts… Flames…”]

“This… Isn’t that Natsu?”

[It seems that even I think this speculation is too shocking. ] 】

[Lisanna couldn’t help but cover her mouth.] 0】

“It’s no longer a question of how it should be, it’s … Certain questions!”]

[Makarov’s face is ugly. 】

[The gaze looked at Lisana. 】

[Say, what about that guy from Naz yesterday?”

“He… He didn’t come back. “】

[Lisana’s voice is staccato. 】

[However, the words he said almost made Makarov’s heart stop. 】

“That guy… Did you really go?!”】

[Miraj took the bar newspaper from Lisana’s hand, just a glance. 】

[Brows furrowed.] 】

[“This guy…”]

Her hand clenched the press. 】

“Why didn’t you call me this kind of thing!! “】

[“Mira, don’t make a fuss at this time, okay? Elusha folded her hands and spoke in a deep voice. 】

“So, he really went to destroy the ghost??” Gray’s expression was also full of consternation. 】

“Hey… This kind of thing… It’s a little too shocking. Kana seemed to have forgotten about drinking. 】

[Staring at Makarov with dead eyes, Kana asked, “So, President, what should we do next?”

【”What to do…”】

Makarov frowned. 】

“What the hell is that guy thinking? He doesn’t look like the kind of person who will shoot regardless of it…”

[The more I think about it, the more solemn Makarov’s expression becomes. 】

[In the end, as if he had made some decision, he raised his head: “Everyone, until now, only mistakes!”

“It’s impossible to let it go, so we’re just going to follow in that guy’s footsteps now.”] “】

“This war … I can’t avoid it!”

[Lucy: “I don’t think it’s too serious, after all, didn’t the Council of Magic find out that Natsu did it?”

[Makarov shook his head: “You underestimate the Senate, this picture is almost engraved with Natsu’s name.] “】

“How could they not know, unless, they were pretending.”] “】5.6

[Speaking of this, Makarov’s expression suddenly stiffened. 】


Makarov’s eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.] 】

[The word kept coming out of his mouth.] 】

[The more I think about it, the more possibilities seem to be.] 】

[After half a ring, he raised his head sharply.] 】

[“So it is… Originally…… Those guys aren’t as spineless as I thought!”

[Thinking of this, everything became transparent, and Makarov couldn’t help but laugh bitterly twice. 】

[“It turns out that Natsu guy has always thought about this, so he does things so unscrupulously…”

[Shaking his head and looking at the newspaper handed back, Makarov muttered: “Sure enough, it’s me who is old, and no young man has a edge…”

[At this moment, the magic carrier pigeon flew into the guild of Fairy Tail. 】

[Brought a letter to Makarov.] 】

[Open the letter.] 】

[Glanced at the past ten lines.] 】

[Makarov raised his head slightly, his expression solemn. 】

“Did something happen?” asked Lisanna. 】

[“Letter from the Council of Magic. Makarov said. 】

[Immediately, some incredulous openings.] 】

“Joseph’s old fellow… Summed?”.

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