“If you have to, then there’s nothing I can do…”

“But… If you lose, what price do you pay in exchange? ”

Thousand Hand Pillar said with a relaxed expression.

“If I lose… If I lose…”

“I’ll lend you the Vortex Clan’s sealing technique!!

After thinking about it for a long time, Uzumaki Mito could only think of this as a bet.

“Mito!! You!!! ”

I heard that my daughter wanted to block the sealing technique of the Vortex clan

Uzumaki Ashina just wanted to open his mouth to stop Uzumaki Mito loudly.

But think about it

He himself abandoned the idea again.


For the current Senju Pillar,

His strength has long been the first person in the entire ninja world!!


Uzumaki Ashina thought

The sealing techniques of their Vortex clan were not necessarily seen by him.

Look at the girl’s breathy look

The Thousand Hand Pillar only felt a burst of amusement in his heart.

I didn’t expect the daughter of the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan to be so cute

Directly use their family’s ability to press the bottom of the box as a bet!!

Thousand Hand Pillars know,

Although the whirlpool family has a strong physique, Chakra is also extremely rich!!

But they don’t seem to be proficient in combat

And the sealing technique seems to be the most famous ninjutsu of their Uzumaki clan!!

The Thousand Hands Buddha who was standing on the side also glanced at his old friend suspiciously

Before that,

He even raised it many times

In exchange for the ninjutsu treasured by the Senju clan

I hope to observe the sealing technique of the Vortex clan!!


Uzumaki Ashina refused to let go.

Didn’t expect it,

This time he actually agreed to allow his daughter to use this as a bet???

I felt the gaze of the Thousand Hands Buddha

Uzumaki Ashina knew what he was thinking!!

He was also very helpless in his heart

Although the Senjukuma verbally agreed to continue to form an alliance with their Uzumaki clan!!

But actually,

Uzumaki Ashina himself did not dare to guarantee whether the Senjukuma would abide by his agreement!!

The reason why the Uzumaki clan was able to have a firm alliance with the Senju clan before

The most important thing is that the strength of their Thousand Hands Clan and the Vortex Clan as a whole is not much different!!

The Vortex clan joined,

It plays a vital role in the Senju clan against the Uchiha clan!!

But now!!

The strength of the two families has long been in a state of imbalance!!

The Vortex Clan is of little value to the Thousand Hands Clan!!

And from the vortex Ashina saw the first time between the thousand hand pillars,

He found that the entire Thousand Hands clan had great respect for the Thousand Hands Pillar!!

Even the elder group of the Thousand Hands Clan

They also have great respect for the attitude of the Thousand Hand Pillars!!


When he was the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Buddha, he couldn’t see it at all!!

He was on the body between the thousand hand pillars

I even feel a strong sense of ambition!!

Coupled with the strength and prestige of the Thousand Hand Pillar today

Uzumaki Ashina thought

He must demonstrate the value of the Vortex clan!!

Make his attitude clear as soon as possible and take sides!!

Between the Thousand Hand Pillars,

Is it really possible for him to be the man who ended this troubled world!!

And according to Vortex Ashina’s many years of experience in knowing people,

The Thousand Hand Pillar is definitely not a soft-hearted person!!

Once he really has the power to end this troubled world

That blocked the enemy in front of him,

It will definitely be crushed by him without mercy!!

[Senjuma: Big brother… You better pray for mercy from the other of your men… If he is not polite to Mito, I am afraid that you will suffer…].

[Uchiha Madara: Hmph!! The sealing technique of the Vortex clan is nothing but that!! Compared with the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan, I don’t know how many times worse!! Between the columns!! You should make an alliance with Uchiha!! Marry a woman from Uchiha!! 】

【Uzumaki Mito: Senjukuma!! I’m telling you!! The other if I suffer any grievances!! I’m going to get it back from you a hundredfold and a thousand times!! 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Hey… What the is God’s back, what does this have to do with me…].

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinna: Naruto!! Look carefully, Grandma Mito is not an ordinary person!! She can be regarded as the person with the highest talent in sealing techniques in the Vortex Clan in a hundred years!! You take a good look, and when the time comes, it will also lay the foundation for you to learn the sealing technique!! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Huh? Sealing? Can I learn it too? I have such a talent? 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Huh… Naruto, your mother is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and you naturally have the blood of the Uzumaki clan flowing in your body!! Your clan is born with a talent for learning sealing!! 】

[Orochimaru: What a pity, Jiu Xinnai… Since you died, no one in the Vortex Clan’s sealing technique can completely use it… I have to say, it’s a pity…].

“This guy…”

Stand on the opposite side of the Thousand Hand Pillars

Uzumaki Mito felt his hair stand up one by one!!!

Her goosebumps are even more visible to the naked eye.

The thousand-handed pillar is like a huge black hole, bottomless

It gives people an extremely strong oppression.

Now, Uzumaki Mito knows

It turns out that the rumors in the ninja world about the Senju pillar are not false!!

Her father, Ashina Uzumaki, was already the strongest person he had ever met

It can be compared with the momentum between the thousand hand pillars in front of him

It’s just one by one!!

“You guy, be careful!!”

“My sealing technique is not an ordinary sealing technique!!”

“If I hurt you, I won’t be responsible!!”

I saw the empty door between the thousand hand pillars wide open

The look of standing casually.

Uzumaki Mito’s heart rose up with nameless anger!!

This is also too despising people!!

She is a well-known genius girl in the Vortex clan!!

Uzumaki Ashina even praised her as the strongest genius of the Uzumaki clan for thousands of years!!

“It’s okay, use all your strength…”

“I haven’t experienced what it’s like to be injured in a long time…”

“Hmph!! Since you said so, then don’t blame me for being unkind!! ”

Seeing that the Thousand Hand Pillar still did not make a defensive posture,

Uzumaki Mito decided not to say more!!

“King Kong Blockade !!”

Eight huge golden chains appeared from behind Uzumaki Mito!!

They rushed straight towards the Thousand Hand Pillars!!

This is the strongest ninjutsu that Uzumaki Mito currently masters!!

She wasn’t going to have any temptation

Make your own killing moves at the beginning!!


“You… You guy… You actually ??? directly with your hands ”

The right hand of the Thousand Hand Pillar gently waved forward

The eight chains shattered like foam.

“Your sealing technique… Is this tickling me again? ……”

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