Although the process is a little tortuous, this speed is also really fast, so the final result is quite gratifying… Barely.

At least Chihana had originally imagined that he would arrive in the capital of the Elrod Kingdom before lunch.

The journey of three hours, which had been expected, took less than ten minutes to complete under the explosive advance speed of the mobile fortress.

The fly in the ointment is that Chika imagined that as soon as the Destroyer Fortress was conceived, he would go directly to the Adventurers’ Guild to receive the task, and then start today’s adventure or something, but in the end it failed.

Because the way to rush at full speed was too ghostly, Hikaru Sato still didn’t want to recall the name of that hellish acceleration mode.

In the end, when they arrived at their destination, all the people who ate breakfast vomited all but Chika, but those who did not eat breakfast… Also spit out a bunch of acid water.

In short, everyone is now hungry, and even thinks that the painful vomiting makes their legs weak.

In this state, let alone doing a mission, it is not easy to get to the adventurers’ guild well.

So in the end, although everyone still went to the adventurers’ guild in the capital of Elod, they did not rush to do the Rausch sub-mission.

Instead, I ordered a lot of local specialties to solve the problem of empty stomach first.


“Although there are some deviations from the plan…”

Nibbling on the tail of a desert lizard, Hikaru Sato looked at Chika, who was happily fighting with various delicacies, and his expression was very subtle: “But what about feeling that Chika is happier?” ”

“Hmm… I really don’t know why Qianhua still has an appetite. ”

Sitting next to Hikaru Sato, Megumi, whose face was still a little pale, looked at Chika with a rather envious gaze while poked the meat in the plate with a fork: “I don’t have any appetite at all now…”

“This kind of thing is a talent, you can’t envy it.”

Saying that, Hikaru Sato glanced at Megumi’s chest, and said in a somewhat pitying tone: “It seems that it is not entirely because of malnutrition.” ”

“Hey! Do you have any opinion about me!? ”

Megumi, who was a little annoyed by Hikaru Sato’s disrespectful gaze, directly raised her fork with steak to Hikaru Sato, and said in an unkind tone: “If you have any opinions, you can tell me, I promise I won’t hit you.” ”


After biting the steak on Megumi’s fork into his mouth and swallowing it directly after chewing it twice, Hikaru Sato smiled at Megumi and gave a thumbs up: “It tastes very good.” ”

“You guy!”

“As for your opinion.”

Pressing Megumi’s hand and using her fork to fork a carrot she hated the most, Hikaru Sato smiled and looked at Megumi: “Do you still not know if I have an opinion?” I didn’t love it anymore. ”

“You, you’re whining again!”

Taking advantage of the moment Megumi opened her mouth and quickly stuffed the carrot into Megumi’s mouth, Hikaru Sato ignored Megumi’s gaze that wanted to stab him and touched Megumi’s head.

“If you really care so much, don’t be a picky eater, eat well to grow up.”

“Hmm… Don’t treat me like a child! ”

Megumi, who swallowed the turnip, muttered dissatisfied, but finally did not continue the previous topic, and began to look down at the rest of the plate.

“I always feel…”

And Chris, who was sitting opposite the two, saw this scene, and her expression became quite subtle: “You guys get along in this mode… How do you look so much like a father and daughter. ”

Saying that, Chris looked at Hikaru Sato, and the look in her eyes felt like she was looking at some criminal.

“Sato, you’re getting more and more scum.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Hikaru Sato, who has become accustomed to giving up useless dignity and face, not only does not dislike Chris’s dislike, but happily treats it as a compliment.

“Actually, the scum is also very good, after all, how do you say that?”

Rubbing his chin, Hikaru Sato thought for a while before looking at Chris and smiling.

“By the way, that sentence is that as long as I have no morality, then others cannot morally kidnap me.” , In my current situation, as long as I admit that I am a scumbag harem man, then worldly ethics cannot hurt me. ”

Saying that, Hikaru Sato also gave a thumbs up to Chris, and showed a bright smile very proudly: “So in order to be able to give everyone happiness, even if I become a scumbag, why not?” ”


Chris, who didn’t expect Hikaru Sato to say this, rolled her eyes: “You are really helpless.” ”

Saying that, he didn’t bother to look at Zo (Li Mo Zhao) Fujimitsu again, and turned his head to condemn a certain scum with his little sister Daqnes.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Dakhnis was covering his cheek with one hand, looking at Hikaru Sato with a flushed face, looking at her blank eyes and panting, obviously thinking of some radical picture.


Seeing the appearance of the little sister, Chris exclaimed, and then turned her head to look at Hikaru Sato and said angrily: “You did it on purpose!” Saying these scumbag words in front of Daknes is actually trying to coax Daknes into putting himself on the trap, right! ”

“What are you talking about?” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

In the face of Chris’s accusation, Hikaru Sato shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: “I just said what I thought.” “。

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