Arrogance? What is arrogance, he is obviously humble and polite, if he really wants to be arrogant, it has to be Gilgamesh!

Suddenly fixed to the floor, Tosaka Tosaka's brain suddenly emptied for a moment, as if he didn't understand what was suddenly happening.

But feeling that his life was threatened, Tosaka Tokitomi didn't have time to think too much, and subconsciously wanted to use the last spell to summon Gilgamesh.

"With the order of the spell... Ah!!"

Before the words were finished, a flash of silver light flashed, accompanied by a bewitching blood line, and Tosaka Shichen's right hand was neatly split from his wrist in the next second.

"I—the power of my master!" "My eyes

seemed to burst out of their sockets, their foreheads were covered with fine sweat, and their lips were bitten hard by their teeth, and even wisps of blood flowed out.

He has been pampered for many years, and suddenly realized the feeling of losing his little right, and his willpower is amazing if he doesn't faint from pain.

His gaze shifted, and Tosaka saw clearly that what had cut off his right hand was just a dagger that was not good-looking.


Sitting in front of Tosaka Shichen, Lin Hao casually pulled the dagger out of the floor, and then gently shook it in front of Tosaka Shichen's eyes, attracting his gaze.

"How's that? just learned, how's it going?

[Projection Magic]... As long as you firmly believe that it is extremely sharp, you can really do it, alas, magic is really magical.

As if facing an old friend who had not been seen for a long time, Lin Hao shared his harvest yesterday with Tosaka Shichen with a smile on his face.

But it's a pity that Tosaka Shichen is not in the mood to chat with him now, the severe pain and the rapid loss of blood from the severed hand made him dizzy in front of his eyes, and he was about to roll his eyes.

"Alas-don't sleep, how do you sleep at your age?"

Seeing that the other party didn't care about himself and looked drowsy, Lin Hao suddenly turned on the intimate wake-up service.

The wrist was flipped, and the sharp tip of the knife was like a tofu, and it was easily inserted into Tosaka Shichen's shoulder.

The severe pain suddenly forced his brain, which was about to standby, to start again.

"Don't, don't torture me, kill me... But I hope you can spare my daughter, she really doesn't know anything. "

Even if he is not a doctor, but at this moment, no one can intuitively understand his current state better than Tosaka Shichen, if he can't get medical help, it won't be long before he hangs up at this bleeding rate.

At the end of

his life, he still thought about his daughter, although he was a little frightened, but he was not a beast at all.

“... Tosaka Tokitomi, I don't even know what to say about you, if you have been a magician for a long time, will people go crazy?

Sakura is my dear sister, how could I be unfavorable to her, as her father, how could I kill you with my own hands.

Looking indifferently at the dying man in front of him, Lin Hao didn't understand what he thought, he obviously loved his daughter, why did he let her taste the pain?

As a rune formed, a strong green light erupted in mid-air, and the turquoise color seemed to represent infinite vitality.

Tosaka Shichen's arms, shoulders, and head were dyed green, and he looked quite happy for a while.


coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood foam, Tosaka Shichen raised his head with difficulty, he didn't know what the other party meant, first disabled himself and then healed himself, is this fun?

But at the same time, feeling that his body function was rapidly recovering, and even the severed hand was connected at some point, Tosaka Shichen's heart was instantly full of shock.

This is definitely not something that modern magic can do, although there are healing magic now, but the effect is definitely not so fast and so strong!


The rune representing [healing], so many runes, this is the first thing I learned, do you say I'm good to you?"

patted Tosaka Shichen's shoulder vigorously, Lin Hao smiled with his eyebrows, as if he was a good child who went home after the exam to show off his results to his parents.

But his smiling face, in Tosaka's eyes, was as terrifying as a demon from hell.

The other party is a pervert, and Tosaka Shichen has no doubt about what he thinks at this time.

If it weren't for the pervert, how could it be possible to talk to yourself with a smile on your face after torturing yourself like this... If that could be considered a chat.

"Your Excellency... What does that mean? If there's anything you want or need me to do, you can say it, it's not necessary.

Hesitantly opened his mouth, at this time Tosaka Shichen also felt that the

other party didn't want his life, but he didn't want his life, what do you want, do you want money? The other party is a little pervert, and Tosaka Shichen didn't dare to say too much, lest any wrong sentence would stimulate him, let alone use the spell again, and he would have to be stabbed when he really did it.

"All I want is for you to feel this pain, am I going too far?

You said you were doing this to Sakura, but now, do you still think it's good?"

Standing up from the ground, Lin Hao patted the dust on his body casually, and the dense insects began to chrysalis forward as if they had received some order.

"What do you mean by this? What's wrong with my daughter?!"

Hearing Lin Hao's words, Yuansaka's heart tightened, and he roared angrily.

For so long, he had always thought that his daughter was a little lonely and lonely in the Jian Tong family.

He also wanted to go over to see her, but he thought again, since they had all passed to the Jian Tong family, what was it to go and see this by himself.

Is it distrustful? Since you don't trust it, why do you want to send it? What does this make Jian

Tong Dirty Yan think about himself? Therefore, he has been hypnotizing himself, it's okay, there will be nothing, he is not dead, where did Jian Tong Dirty Yan get the courage to be unfavorable to his daughter.

But what is going on with Lin Hao's tone? My own daughter was abused

?!" Tell me, what did that old thing do to my daughter?!"

For a while, the family affection and sense of responsibility as a father occupied Tosaka Tosaka's brain, and he didn't even care about the swarm that was about to approach him.


I don't know who you're talking about, but I've killed all but one named Kiri, and if you want to find him, you'll have to go down and look for him. "


After listening to Lin Hao's words, Tosaka Shichen blinked his eyes in a daze, and for a moment there was some overload of pig brains, which was really too much information, which made him a little unacceptable for a while.

Probably tidy up.,My daughter was wronged.,This young man doesn't know where to get out of the house and destroy the house.,And then because it's his own pot.,So I'm going to teach myself a lesson....

"I don't care if you can understand it or not, anyway, you will have a stable back in this pot, rest assured, soon, it doesn't hurt at all, and I will treat you in a while~

Then, please clench your teeth, I'm going to start!" The

last thing Tosaka Shichen saw clearly was Lin Hao's neat teeth, and in the next second, dense swarms of insects came from all directions to cover his whole person layer by layer.

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