If it weren't for your idea, we don't know when we'd be able to get out of the cage. You are like a bird with long wings, using wisdom to clear the fog before our eyes.

Lu Changkong smiled: You blame me too much. In fact, you are the driving force behind the change here. I've just come up with a little idea for you, and the rest is up to you and the villagers to do the rest.

Roy raised his head: That's why this help of yours means more to thousands of people.

Her sincere eyes moved Lu Changkong. Roy said, "Come on, share this joy with us."

Lu Changkong 517 finally agreed with a smile. So the two walked side by side on the dance floor, danced with the happy villagers, and shared the warmth of belonging.

Since then, Lu Changkong has also become a part of this family.

After the celebration, Roy accompanied everyone to clean up the venue. Lu Changkong walked outside the village alone and looked at the bustling small village.

The evening breeze of early summer is blowing in the face, and it is refreshing and fresh. Lu Changkong looked at the bright lights of the houses in the village, and still remembered the depression and depression that people showed in the midst of a thousand things when this land was still a forbidden area at the beginning.

Now everything has changed, laughter and singing (BGAA) come and go, and everyone's face is filled with joy and hope. Lu Changkong couldn't help but squint his eyes, and there was an indescribable sense of joy and pride in his heart.

It was I who came up with the idea of peaceful liberation, and if it hadn't been at that time, what would have happened to the people here? Maybe they would still be haunted by the difficulties and constraints that they can't get rid of.

And I thought of Roy's sincere and credible eyes at that time, how much she longed for the freedom of this land. Finally, when I reached a preliminary agreement with the military, she was very excited.

Such a change, looking at the big picture, may still be a modest contribution. But if it brings real light to this land, then I am honored to be a participant.

Lu Changkong took a deep breath, and the love in his eyes seemed to warm this land full of life.

The next day, when Lu Changkong went to the town to run errands, he happened to meet Gai Yan and Xina, who came to visit.

"How did I meet you here?" Lu Changkong asked with a smile.

Sheena said, "We heard that the living land has finally been liberated, so let's come and see Sister Roy." She's worked so hard, and we're here to congratulate her in person. "

"It just so happens that I'm almost done with my business, why don't we go to Roy's village to deliver good news?" Lu Changkong proposed.

The three of them happily returned to the living ground. Roy was ecstatic to see them: "Just come."

The villagers were also very happy and hugged each other and greeted each other.

When the noise subsided, Lu Changkong said: "The living land has grown too fast, and the future development prospects are promising." It's safe now, I want to settle here, educate my children, grow up with you. "

Roy was impressed: "Of course welcome this is your home"

As a result, the land has a few more resilient guardians. The exchange of contacts and knowledge has made this place more and more prosperous.

As long as he has friends by his side, no matter what the hardships lie ahead, Roy will never be alone again.

Lu Changkong took firm steps, and his face was full of confidence and hope. On his way to the town on his way to run errands, he stumbles upon Gai Yan and Sheena, who are on their way to visit Roy.

Why did I meet you here?" Lu Changkong asked with a smile.

Sheena replied, "We heard that the living land is finally free, so let's come and see Sister Roy.

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