Lin Mo took two loot and returned to the top [real] universe of the game's world view of life.

The static space-time resumes its flow, and the stagnant world gradually elevates.

The agents of the Sixteen Races were confused when they saw Lin Mo holding an unknown creature in one hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great thing in life to have two friends who come to help you today!"

Le Zi Tiandao Jing does not intend to let go of [Yao] and [Fiber] easily.

The Harbinger Juggernaut is pinched into the shape of a toy ball and tossed in his hand.

The shape of [fiber] resembles that of a thousand people who is underbeaten.

The disgusting inverted stove thing makes people uncomfortable at a glance.

"Friend, Lin Mo, who are they?"

Miss Saillou, who is the most curious, wants to hit the head of the [Fiber] doll with a brush.

A keen instinct senses [Fiber's] undisguised malice and decisively abandons the idea of reading [Fiber's] mind.

"The toy ball is [Yao], and the one who beats his face with a yaw is [Fiber]. "

Lin Mo pinched the toy ball, and the dignified [Pioneer Dominator] emitted a loveless flash.

The puppet girl [Fiber] frowned, and she was about to squirt with her teeth bared.

Before [the Lord of the System] could start to smell bad, Lin Mo threw a forbidden word over, making his words stuck in his throat and unable to speak.

Assimilate by [Immeasurable] and become a Heavenly Dao Essence inside and out, [Fiber] can't do any resistance, and even speaking has become a luxury.

Confused, she seemed to be about to say something. "

Hughby, an upright machine girl, doesn't know how to lie.

"She was so impressed! she thought I was absolutely right, and I don't believe you. "

Lin Zhengren's gentleman Mo pointed at the puppet "760" puppet girl, and the dignified and diverse powerhouse couldn't control himself at all, and said with emotion.

"Yes! Mr. Lin is so right! I am born with a bad face!"

"In order to completely sublimate this worldview into a [Pure Land], I am willing to give everything I have!"

Sometimes truth and falsehood don't matter, life is rare and confused.

The agents of the sixteen races are naturally not stupid.

They all nodded their heads in praise and said, "Good enlightenment! I thank you for your efforts on behalf of all beings in this realm!"

Lin Mo patted the horns on the puppet's head with satisfaction, let go of the toy ball [Yao] held in his hand, and his sunny and cheerful smile made people shudder.

"[Yao], are you willing to do it yourself, or am I willing to help you?"

The ball of light intertwined with technology and civilization shimmered, and the mechanical sound of cold order sounded.

"In the heavens and all the worlds, the strong is the righteous, and the victor is the truth. "

"Thou art strong enough, and I am a loser, and I deserve thy mercy. "

After that, [Yao's] extraordinary appearance became dim, like a dusty pearl.

Countless layers of technological glow cover the blockade, and countless civilizations are mixed into locks.

Letting it happen doesn't mean actively cooperating, and before he died, [Yao] wanted to see Lin Mo's methods again.

Lin Mo chuckled noncommittally, waved his hand and coerced [Yao], who refused to cooperate, and scolded [Fiber] to the sea of core laws of the game's life worldview.

Only [1] is real, and the rest of [infinity] is all illusory.

From the false to the real, from the false to the true, this is the truth of [illusory infinity].

Fang Cai, who was also pushing the pioneer master and the master of the system, is now distorting countless perception and thinking parts all over his body, trying to steal Lin Mo's old bottom in order to reverse the unfavorable situation.

A diverse hunter who hunts the heavens and all worlds, no matter how difficult the desperate situation is, he will not give up survival and the unknown.

Lin Mo had lost interest in playing tricks on them, and letting them take a look before merging with them could be regarded as the mercy of the Heavenly Dao Spirit.

"Guys, have you read it? Let's hit the road. "

[Fiber] took the lead, and the [system] he had created so far, the protagonist he had cultivated, and the worldview he had seized were all fused into a divine light of law that tampered with fate.

The world is me, I am the world, destiny is taken!

The lore of [the master of the system] instantly covered the sea of laws of the game's life worldview.

After obtaining [Unreal], the volume of the multiverse-level high-level expands at an extremely fast rate.

The spider monster, which lost its form and entrenched in its law form, laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, [Immeasurable], you're careless!"

"Now I can do anything! You and I still don't know whether to win or lose!"

"Eat you, and go one step beyond [Infinity] and it will come true!"

Lin Mo clasped his hands in front of his chest, just like watching the clown on the stage, quietly watching the inflated puffer fish repertoire performed by [Fiber].

The light ball divine body distorted the look of the eyes, from surprise, to horror, to dejection.

The plurality of the strong distorts the thinking and cognition of the weak, which is very simple, it can be called a hand.

It is pure fantasy to distort the cognition of the same person and let him take the initiative to embark on the prescribed script.

What's more, the foundation of [Fiber's] enlightenment includes fate, which makes Lin Mo's methods even more terrifying.

[Yao] said with emotion: "Those who play with fate will eventually be played by fate." "

"What nonsense are you talking about![Yao], I have helped you isolate the [immeasurable] pollution, and quickly join forces with me to defeat Him!"

As soon as he said this, [Fiber] sensed that something was wrong.

His cognition, His thinking, His intelligence, His personality, all became strange and familiar.

This is the thinking logic of Long Aotian, Ye Liangchen, Zhao Ritian, and Mary Sue?

How could I be tainted by dross!!

Billions of tentacles, arthropods, and giant faces that have been piled up on countless faces screamed in fear.

"Why, why can't you stop?!"

The spider-monster struggled desperately, making waves in the Sea of Law, trying to escape the mire that was melting into him.


The arthropods and tentacles were broken, and most of the body was divided by [fiber], but it was still in vain.

The restless sea of laws activates and distorts, and the huge arms of the unreal and the real are condensed, dragging most of the broken [fiber] to the bottom of the sea and drowning.

"[Immeasurable], I curse! One day you too will be teased by fate!"

The unwilling dying curse turned into a black arrow, but when it flew in front of Lin Mo, it had already turned into a trace of Taiyi's immeasurable light.

"[Fiber] took the initiative to cooperate very well. [Yao], what about you?"

Lin Mo didn't have the slightest joy at killing the multiple hunters, and the corner of his eye glanced at the autistic pioneer master.

"So it was, from the moment we were impregnated with [immeasurable] by you, we lost everything. "

[Yao] thought that he had seen through Lin Mo's methods, and simply and decisively destroyed the civilization that had built existence.

Shattered energy fuses [to multi-level strategy with sweeping module].

Digital weapons, rule weapons, logic weapons, conceptual weapons......

Knowing the absolute gap with Lin Mo, there is no useless work for the grasshopper to shake the tree.

With the idea of maximizing the results of battle, [Yao] will point the spearhead of the light of infinite technology at the sea of laws that engulfs [Fiber] and restores calm!

"It's a little clever, but it's still pointless. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Mo commented casually, and in the moment of thought, the glow that burned everything was erased, and the civilization that had been extinguished was revived.

Only the ego of [Pioneer Juggernaut Yao] is gone.

"Two rare materials, filled in, should be able to complete the [Unreal Infinity] vision. "

High-end materials often use the simplest way to use, and Master Lin, who watched the two of them, began to sublimate the world.

First of all, the countless worldviews that have been polluted, destroyed, and cultivated by [Yao] and [Fiber] are all painted through [Immeasurable].

It's a multi-faceted hunter who has lived for a long time, and the accumulated heritage is still okay.

"Huh, [Three-Body Problem], [The Wandering Earth], [Star Wars], [Ready Player One], [Avatar], [Alien], [Godzilla], [Pacific Rim], [The Matrix], [Terminator], ......?"

Lin Mo received [Yao]'s collection and found that there were a lot of science fiction movie worldviews in it, and they were all quite interesting.

Behind all the mutations and disasters, there is the same mastermind.

Anyone who fails to meet the qualification line set by [Yao] will fall into a never-ending reboot of the worldview.

"Look at the treasure of [fiber] again...... Ha, how come it's all urban, supernatural, and catastrophic sand sculpture novel worldviews?"

"The protagonist with an intellectual disability in emmmm, the golden finger with bad intentions, and the outrageous plot, I really have you!"

Lin Mo's head was full of black lines, out of sight and out of mind, and he immersed himself in many worldviews that he had just arrived, and summarized and integrated them into the category of [immeasurable].

"Next, extract the enlightenment base of [Fiber] and [Yao] and fill the skeleton of [Illusory Infinity]. "

The lifeless spider monster, the dull and dead ball of light, was dismantled by Lin Mo. []

[Destiny] becomes the web that connects [Unreal Infinity].

[Create] the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow interface to become a [Unreal Infinite] player, as well as a reward feedback mechanism... 0

[Civilization] becomes the scoring mechanism of [Illusory Infinity], and the way of farming, hegemony, etc., varies.

[Technology] is modeled into a cleaning program for [Unreal Infinity].

Players who fail to pass the rating three times in a row will be reduced with his simulated civilization.

The framework of the basic game was arranged, and Lin Mo created 16 race servers on this basis, that is, 16 [Unreal Infinite] sprouts.

"Change, unknown, all in the uncensored closed beta game [Unreal Infinity]!"

"Here, you will become the creator of a custom civilization race, tap into wisdom and inspiration as you please, and pursue the infinite possibilities!"

"The best ones get feedback from the game, and it's not difficult to become a god in reality!"

"So, the [Unreal Infinity] game, from now on, begins!"

There is not the slightest hint of false propaganda that is integrated into the minds of all living beings in Disbod.

Believe it or not, the game treats them equally and sends them to their respective race servers.

The Unreal 1 universe, which matches the number of creatures, is bound to the original players.

Some people have the idea of giving it a try, shaping the stars, changing nature, and creating life......

Immersed in the unreal and real omnipotence, it is difficult to break free.

The exponentially exponentially swelling Unreal Engine 2 universe is bound to second-generation players.

The emergence of the second generation of players has spawned the Unreal Engine 3 universe that has swelled again.

And so on, Nth generation players will have an unreal N+1 universe that will never end.

The game is infinitely inflated, and the original players may have noticed the anomaly of the creation, but they all blamed it on the fun of the game, and they didn't have the idea of digging for secrets at all.

As everyone knows, the identities between players are not static.

n players practice fake and become real, and they can also gradually promote the first generation of players.

[Real] and [unreal] are completely blurred at this moment.

The same flesh and blood people have living relatives and friends, and no one will think that they are false, and they are born inferior.

In the original real universe, only Lin Mo and sixteen racial agents remained.

Even if there were laws and procedures that solved most of the problems, the small fraction left of each race would be a terrifying astronomical amount.

Lin Mo gave the corresponding permissions to the [Species Illusory Infinity] where the race agent was located.

The realms of different strengths and weaknesses were simultaneously raised to the limit value of level 11 supercells.

If they choose to fuse the concept of [species], they can be promoted to Level 12 Diversity at any time.

Become a guardian of the worldview similar to [The Principle of the Circle], where the defense is more than enough and the progress is insufficient.

Seeing the cases of Lin Mo, [Fiber], and [Yao], the girls' eyes 5.8 shine more far-reaching.

Lin Mo didn't delve too much into what the racial agent was thinking, nor did he hurriedly display it in the light curtain of the chat group.

He wants to test a conjecture, what is the end of the illusory?

In a flash of thought, Lin Mo came to the latest Xth-generation universe.

With each step, the iterations of the Unreal Universe will extend by [infinite] numbers.

As he walked, Lin Mo paused and suddenly laughed.

"The limit of illusory, do the transcendent path of subtraction and emptiness!"

He had set foot in the person of [Mixed Element] and could perceive that his existence was infinitely reduced and diluted.

If the volume of [real] is large enough, it is so large that it completely occupies a certain proportion of the heavens and all the worlds.

The [Mixed Yuan] strong man has brought [Illusory] to the end, and used his own [Reality] to pave the ladder of the ultimate leap, and there is no possibility of [detachment]!

[The prototype of the immeasurable Dao fruit is being mobilized——]

[[Detected] [Unreal Infinite Transcendent Path to Subtract and Seek Emptiness]——]

[Parsing - Parsing complete!]

[No Quantification Study in Progress - No Quantification Study Complete!]

[Integrate the [Illusory Infinite Transcendence Path into Reduction and Seeking Emptiness] and integrate it into the [Infinite Dao Fruit Prototype], and merge it-]

[Fusion completed![Infinite Dao Fruit Prototype] greatly improved!]

[Current Limit: Half-Step Daluo!]

"It's good that I can't help but not break through, [Illusory] alone is not enough, on the contrary, [Reality] must also have a path of transcendence!"

"It is difficult to succeed in a single path, and the combination of the strengths of the two may be the true meaning of detachment!"

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