“Because no matter how you look at it, the relationship between you two seems suspicious.” Sae Chabashira said with certainty.

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka rolled her eyes and said, “I think you’ve lost your mind by teaching.”


Chabashira Sae took a sip of beer, her eyes were a little blurry, and she looked like she had drunk too much. She wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth but didn’t say anything.

Nakahara Mizuki and Chabashira Sae, one is in charge of intelligence and the other is in charge of junior personnel screening. Neither of them are combat members. Although they have a certain combat effectiveness, it is only relatively speaking.

“Zero Zero Three” Alcohol is still a bit burdensome for their bodies, so after Nakahara Mizuki got drunk, Chabashira Sae seemed to be in the same situation.

“Forget it, Ruixi is drunk. I think you are about the same. Let’s call it a night.”

While speaking, Sae Chabashira’s half body was completely leaning on the stage, and her already very hot figure was about to come out under the pressure of gravity.

“Do you need me to provide return service?” Lin Yu said from the side.

“No, I still think drunk driving is safer than you.”

“Hahahaha, the same answer as Sister Shiyu. It seems that Lin Yujun, your image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.” Nishiki Chishu suddenly stuck his head out from the bar and said.

Lin Yu hit her forehead angrily, and Jinmu Qianshu immediately covered her forehead in pain.

“Children, stop listening to those nonsense words. How could an honest and upright person like me do something so tasteless? Everything is slander.”

“But Lin Yujun, I am seventeen years old. I seem to be a little older than you?”

Lin Yu: “…”

Calculated in this life’s time, he is indeed not seventeen years old, and he is indeed a little younger than Nishiki Chishu.

However, although Hiratsuka Shizuka said that he did not trust Lin Yu, he actually sent Hiratsuka Shizuka back in the end, and Chabashira Sae stayed in Hiratsuka Shizu’s home temporarily.

When she got home, Kangna had not rested. She was hunting in the game. What made Lin Yu feel subtle was that the target of the hunt was a dragon species.

He poured two drinks, sat next to Kangna, and hugged her.

“Kanna-chan, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?”

Kangna paused in her hands, and then said, “Where is Lin Yu going?”

Recognize’,zhun”,『.”;千;:”Xun,,”』,?中:;?Turn”;?skirt.:;2;!0,:6?”;8,;5??! 6,?0;.?5″.3″. .”‘:!Recognize?”Accurate?!!『…Younger!?Garden?.!』!”中’!Transfer:;; 5″‘.4.?;1!’8:?;4:!7!:0″;’2′,,0′!’ ‘;! :;Confirm::Accurate?!’『”;:天?’yi;:;』?.;中,!’turn:!skirt,:1!’0.!?3”3.!?0.;1;,;0?:5;!6′! 6, !.5,..1?’.7:?.7:’ “”.Go,;.Guang,,advertising,’die.?Mom “Let’s travel through time and space. It happens to be a holiday. I will take you out to relax. Don’t stay at home and play games all day.”

“Then I’m going too! Wherever Lin Yu goes, I will go.”

Kangna said in a calm tone, but the determination in it was unquestionable.

“Of course, I’m here to ask you because I’m going to take you there.” Lin Yu said while stroking her little head.

“When we get there, Kangna won’t have to work so hard to maintain her human form. It’s no problem to appear as a dragon. It must be very hard to endure here.”

Kang Na nodded and said, “The wings will be a little sore, but the rest is fine. Just get used to it.”

“Then we’ll set off tomorrow morning!”


Early the next morning, Lin Yu took Kangna all the way to the Well of Bones at Higurashi Shrine.

After previously investigating Higurashi Kagome’s affairs and confirming that it had nothing to do with the shrine and Lin Yu, this place has been completely sealed off as a private site bought by Lin Yu. Outsiders are prohibited from entering, and only staff are taking care of it regularly.

Although the person responsible for the care was surprised that the shrine was not open to the public, under Qian’s ability, all doubts were dispelled.

As long as you keep an eye on the door every day, you can get a lot of income. Don’t be too relaxed, no one will have trouble with money.

Since he had already had the experience of traveling once, Lin Yu found the space-time rift with ease. He did not need the Four Souls Jade at all, and based on the marks he had made before, he easily found the point where he had traveled before.

After passing through the starry sky-like space-time channel again, Lin Yu and Kangna appeared in the Bone Corrosion Well again, but this time the external time had completely changed.

Kangna obviously noticed the change and touched the wall of the well next to her in surprise.

“Time has changed…”

“Otherwise, how can we call it time travel?” Lin Yu said matter-of-factly, and jumped out of the well with Kang Na.

The surrounding environment is the same as when I came back last time. It is in a dense virgin forest. It seems that no one comes here on weekdays. Everything around it has not changed.

Kangna took a deep breath, her small body began to gradually grow bigger, and soon a huge feathered dragon appeared in front of Lin Yu.

Probably because of the contract signed with Lin Yu, which caused Lin Yu’s power to flow back, Kangna’s momentum and size were obviously much stronger than before. When her wings were spread out, some arcs of electricity could be vaguely seen flashing between the wings. .

The white wings shine brightly in the sun, seeming to have a sacred feeling.

“Oh, it seems that Kangna-chan has grown up a lot recently.”

After regaining her true form after a long absence, Kang Na was in a much better mood. She lowered her slender neck and rubbed Lin Yu intimately. Then she grabbed his clothes and threw Lin Yu onto her back.

“Towards the southeast, let’s set off!”

Lin Yu, who was a dragon knight for the second time, was also in a good mood. He pointed in the direction of Platycodon’s village and signaled Kangna to set off.

After receiving the instruction, Kangna let out a long roar and flapped her wings to create a strong wind, causing smoke and dust to rise all around. Static electricity crackled in the strong wind, making her look full of momentum.

However, Lin Yu seemed to have forgotten that the Bone Erosion Well 0.3 was not far from the village where Platycodon was located. Kangna’s roar successfully attracted the attention of people in the village, and also attracted the attention of Platycodon.

There is only one word to describe Kang Na’s appearance in this era, and that is monster.

When the villagers saw Kangna’s huge body, they were frightened and hid in their homes.

Kikyo ended her day of self-cultivation, took her bow and arrows, and prepared to fight the upcoming powerful enemy outside the village. She obviously regarded Kangna as a monster who came to seize the Shikon Jade.

Her eyes were solemn as never before. Although Kangna had not yet landed, her wings spread nearly a hundred meters wide, making her enough to be called a behemoth when facing ordinary humans.

Moreover, the spiritual energy flowing in that huge body was unprecedentedly huge. She had never encountered such a powerful monster before.

531. Half demon

Although it is strange that the opponent would come to covet the Four Souls Jade after he has refined his spiritual power to such a pure level, and the opponent is unprecedentedly powerful, Kikyo still intends to fulfill his responsibilities.

When Kangna showed her intention to land, she didn’t hesitate at all and shot out the magic-breaking arrow in her hand instantly.

The originally ordinary arrows, with the addition of the demon-breaking spiritual power, became extremely powerful and shot towards Kangna high in the sky.

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