Looking at Sayuri who took the contract, Chu Ye had a smile on her face.

Although Sayuri knew that Chu Ye had bad intentions, she had no choice now, for the safety of her daughter and her future safety.

That was all she could do.

After learning the truth about this world, Sayuri became very concerned about Eiriri’s safety.

Of course, more importantly, she wanted to use her first night to find the woman who lied to her. Even if she was a superior god, she would not fool her like that.

What happened to Yinglili back then almost caused a rupture between her and her family. In the end, her mother saved her and Yinglili in her arms.

Then she moved to Tokyo, gave birth to Eiri, and then pooped and peed on Eiri. This has been the case for 16 years.

Yinglili is everything to her.

For Yinglili, she knew Chuye had bad intentions, but she finally agreed to sign the contract.

Of course, there is also a woman’s intuition, which makes her believe that Chuye is not a bad person. In addition, Chuye’s boyish appearance gives her a very good impression.

Coupled with her daughter Ying Lili’s little action just now, she was willing to contract.

In a sense, Chuye has been listed as the future husband of her daughter Yinglili.

Yinglili’s marriage has always been a headache for her, but now, Yinglili can find someone she likes, and the opposite person is mysterious, and she already has terrifying power at a young age.

She was very relieved to let him be with Ying Lili.

It’s a pity that if she knew that Chu Ye was just here for her, she might not think so.

Under Chu Ye’s guidance, Sayuri signed the contract.

Because it was voluntary and came from the heart, Sayuri soon became a family member.

The moment she became a dependent, Sayuri disappeared and entered the Kingdom of God to accept the inheritance.

Every dependent who is born can receive a power inheritance in the Kingdom of God. The continued power depends on its own basic strength and compatibility.

As well as the deduction of the Kingdom of God, whether the growth rate is high or low.

Those with low growth potential usually reach seven digits like Yinglili, and eventually their growth reaches five digits.

The higher level is six digits, and the growth limit is also five digits, but it is also among the top five digits.

In the end, only with the growth potential of Na Yue and Chu Ye, the inherited power will start directly from the five digits.

I don’t expect Sayuri to be able to make five or six figures in the first night. Seven figures would be good. But according to her expectations, Sayuri is likely to start with six figures.

After all, he had a close relationship with the God of the Bible, so he might have been infected by him, and his growth potential might have been enhanced.

But in the end, it still depends on the judgment standards of the Kingdom of God.

I can only wait for the first night

…… the other side.

Sayaka Miyazaki just finished handling the matters in Shibuya District when she received a phone call.

Shaye Gongxin answered the phone.

Listening to the criticism from the other side, Shaye Gongxin could only keep cheering.

After being fooled, Shaye Gongxin immediately changed his expression to another one.

“What the hell!! TM said it nicely. If you have the ability, would you say it to those two people in person?”Even though she couldn’t help but swear.

Those people above know how to play dirty tricks all day long.

But they don’t think about it. The dirty tricks depend on the person.

Are they crazy? They actually want to Let her get information about those two people? It would be better if they could be conquered and used by the island country.

Sayaka Gongxin could only light a cigarette to calm down.

These mortal politicians, who can understand the horror of existence, are a little angry. They, they will not reason with you, but choose to speak with their fists.

After taking a few puffs of cigarette to calm down, Shaye Gongxin put out the cigarette. What she is thinking about now is how to get some from Na Yue’s mouth. Useful stuff.

Just when she was thinking about how to speak, the phone rang again. Sayaka Gongxin had a disgusted expression on her face, but she answered the phone quickly.

The expression on her face changed instantly.

“Tokyo branch, please tell me something.”Saya Gongxin finished her words.

A voice came from the phone opposite.”In view of the crisis in Tokyo, people from the Lion King Agency have been sent over and will report to you tomorrow.”

“Both of them are powerful sword wizards. At the same time, I have contacted the monsters in Kyoto and spent a lot of money to invite a big monster to Tokyo.”

“This is her contact information. If you have anything you can’t handle in the future, you can call her. Don’t bother her at ordinary times, I spent a lot of money”

“There is also a miko who has gone to your side and will be there tomorrow morning. She is a miko from the Warring States Period. She is very powerful and can also be your assistant.”

“It was decided above to form a department to deal with this special incident.”

“In the future, more and more people will join this department, and the code name is temporarily called the Hidden Magic Department. Dedicated to getting close to things that ordinary magicians and conjurers cannot solve”

“Onmyojuku has also decided to assign a genius general to join the Secret Magic Club.”

“But we don’t know which one it is yet. At the same time, the Tsuchimikado family will also send a daughter to join this department.”

“Every year, the Hidden Magic Department receives 100 billion U.S. dollars in aid. You have been asked to temporarily take over as the head of this department. You will not step down until a suitable candidate is found.”

“For a long time to come, Miss Saya, your mission will be very difficult.”

“That’s all. I’ll go to the other party and those old guys first, and I’ll contact you when I have time.”After saying that, the other person hung up the phone.

After listening to what the other person said, Sayaka Miyazaki couldn’t help but sigh. Among those idiot politicians, there are still normal people.

Fujiwara Chihide, the current provincial minister, is a politician of the times who has had a prime minister in his family.

And she was able to serve as the head of the Upper Tokyo Official History Branch, and he also took care of her.

“This time, thanks to his old man.”Shaye smiled helplessly.

“It seems that I can only thank him from his niece. Speaking of which, Qianhua is really cute.”

Thinking of that lively and cheerful child, Shaye Gongxin showed a smile on his face

…… the other side.

Chihide Fujiwara put down the phone and then looked at the noisy members and parties in the meeting.

The smile on his face dropped, then he resumed his political appearance and joined in the chaotic quarrel.


Yinglili’s house.

After disappearing for an hour, Sayuri appeared in the living room, covering her forehead.

Looking at Sayuri who had accepted the inheritance, Chu Ye showed a smile on her face, stretched out her hand and said:”Welcome to my kingdom of God, my third dependent.”

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