“Luoluo, do you feel any discomfort in controlling the ship?”

Yixian asked while taking notes.

“No, it’s the same as before, or it’s smoother”

Luoluo felt it and said.

Compared to the previous ship suit, the current version of the ship suit is obviously more “advanced”

“That’s good, it shows that the energy conductivity has indeed improved”

Yixian is very satisfied with this result.

In general, the shipbuilding modification is perfect, and then it can be copied in batches as long as the instrument is debugged.

That is, each transformation requires a lot of resources, and the existing resources of the town guard government may not be able to hold on.

But fortunately, the oil mine brought back by Luoluo can produce a lot of resources every day, and it is still enough to save up.

Then, Yixian pulled Luoluo to do a lot of tests.

Judging from the results, Lolo’s data is generally about double compared with before.

This is beyond Yixian’s surprise, in her calculations, it should be an increase of about 50%.

However, the increase in growth is also a good thing, and Yixian did not struggle much.

“By the way, Yixian, since the research on nanomatter has ended, let the forced wave armor go first.”

“Tilbitz and Bismarck have been waiting for our welcome banquet.”

Luoluo felt that Yixian should also take a break.

I stayed in the research room for more than ten days, even if the ship lady was made of iron, I couldn’t stand it.

“This… All right”

Yixian couldn’t resist Luoluo, and she estimated that if she didn’t promise Luoluo, she would forcibly pull her out of the research room.

It was just this banquet to announce the good news to everyone.

Then, Luoluo left the research room, and she went to find Xi Li to tell her about the banquet.

Yu Li informed everyone in the town guard mansion.

As night falls.

Just like the last banquet, this time it was still in the open space in front of the dormitory building.

By the way, the north also came, and it was still pulled over by Luoluo.

Originally, the north did not want to participate in the banquet of the ship girl, but Luo Luo did not give her a chance to resist, and carried people down.

Unfortunately, everyone in the chat group can’t come, otherwise it would be better.

This time, it was Yixian and Tilbitz who cooked.

It didn’t take long for delicious dishes to fill the table.

The big mackerel is almost drooling.

When everything was ready, everyone took their seats.

Bei and Yuri sat beside Luoluo.

At this time, Lolo said: “Hello everyone, today let us welcome Bismarck and Tilbitz to join our Deep Blue Town Guard.”

“At the same time, I have something important to announce.”

Luoluo said and looked at Yixian.

Everyone actually guessed when they heard this, after all, Yixian Cat has been in the research room for more than ten days.

Suddenly came out today, the probability is that the research has achieved results.

“That is, Yixian’s nanomaterial technology has been conquered!”

Luoluo’s words silenced everyone for two seconds.

Like the calm before the storm, cheers followed.

They naturally knew what Yixian was busy with during this time.

The emergence of nanomaterials can greatly alleviate the current situation of prototype ships.

Only the north is confused, what is nanomaterial.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with her anyway.

“Yixian, are you really putting out poi?”

Yuri asked Yixian.

“Well, and the transformation of Lolo has been completed, and after replacing it with nanomaterials, Lolo’s overall data has been nearly doubled, and the wall that has always restricted us has disappeared.”

Yixian nodded in confirmation

The wall she was talking about was called the Prototype Ship Barrier.

That is, the “level ceiling” of the prototype ship girls.

Since their strength reached the peak, even Sükhbaatar has only strengthened them through transformation technology.

And did not break through the barrier.

The emergence of nanomaterials has really broken through this barrier.

“Great, if you say so, the Deep Sea Qiji is nothing.”

Xuefeng said happily, if her data can be doubled, then she must not be beaten by the deep sea qiji.

As for Yixian transforming Luoluo, everyone did not doubt it.

They thought that Yixian had already had absolute certainty.

Luoluo also said to Yixian about this, don’t tell others.

Especially Yuri, otherwise she would be finished.

“Okay, okay, nanomaterials aside, we mainly welcome Tilbitz and Bismarck today”

Lolo said that the matter of nanomaterials will be discussed tomorrow.

“Lolo is right, welcome Tilbitz, welcome Bismarck Poi”

“Although this welcome is a bit late poi”

Xi Li said and complained, it has been more than ten days.

No way, who let Yixian indulge in research.

“My sister and I are very happy to join the Deep Blue Town Guard, Governor, everyone, thank you.”

Bismarck was quite moved.

She had never imagined that a hundred years later, they would be able to come together as they do now.

“Say thank you and give birth to Bismarck, welcome”

Lexington also said gently.

Then the banquet began, and our dried rice fish was already eager to eat.

She didn’t eat any snacks and deliberately left her stomach.

As for the north, her food is all made by Luoluo himself, all seafood.

At this time, Beibei pulled Luoluo beside her, and she asked: “Luoluo, what is the nanomaterial you just said?”

The north is very curious, is there really such a thing that can double the data of the prototype shipw?

If this were to popularize all prototype ships, they might be able to counterattack the deep sea.

“Well, it’s okay to talk to the north, but if you listen to the north, it is estimated that you will not be able to leave the Deep Blue Town Guard Mansion in this life.”

Luoluo didn’t plan to hide it from the north, because the north couldn’t leave the Deep Blue Town Guard Mansion if he knew it.

“Hmph, Luoluo said as if the north can go if you don’t know”

Beibei clasped his hands in front of him and skimmed his head, looking gambling.

She had been prepared for a long time.

As long as Luoluo and them are still alive, they will most likely not be able to go back.

Unless the Deep Blue Town Guard Mansion can become the overlord of the sea, it naturally doesn’t matter what the deep sea is.

“The North said the same, then I will explain it to the North”

Luoluo talked about nanomaterials to the north.

The more the North listened, the more surprised it became.

Does this kind of thing really exist?

It is extremely malleable and can break the barrier of prototype shipwrights.

Data can be doubled just by retrofitting it.

In other words, if it is a battle-hardened ship girl like Xi Li, the overall strength has increased at least several times.

The north suddenly felt that the sisters were so pitiful.

Where the sisters don’t know, this group of ship girls is about to start hanging up.

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