“My good governor, just say it, where the hell did you go poi”

Yuri pulled Lolo’s arm and shook it.

She couldn’t stand half of this kind of thing the most.

“Ahem, since Xi Li has asked you sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully.”

“To prevent the destruction of the world, in order to … Well, I mean, I just joined a place where you can connect with other worlds.”

Noticing Xi Li’s resentful eyes, Luoluo did not play treasures, but talked about what had just happened.

“Connecting to other worlds?”

Xi Li was confused when she heard this, obviously she knew every word, but she couldn’t understand why it was connected.


Lolo nodded in confirmation.

She did not hide Xi Li’s thoughts, and she did not even intend to hide it from everyone in the town guard mansion.

She has absolute trust in the ship girls.

It was as if the ship girls trusted her too.

“Wait, Lolo, are you sure it’s another world?”

“Is there really a presence in other worlds?”

Yu Li’s tone was very surprised.

The world outside the world, she always thought it was just fantasy.

Although hundreds of years ago, the shipwives of the Shipgirl Research Institute did discuss things beyond the world.

But in the end, it didn’t work.

Because not to mention the outside world, even the universe of this world has not yet been able to explore.

But there are also ship girls who have proposed the theory of parallel worlds.

“Yes, I will take Yu Li to other worlds to play with me in the future”

When the number of chat groups reaches ten, you can open the group traversal function, and then you can go to other worlds to play.


“My good governor, Yuli likes you so much!”

Xi Li was surprised when he heard this.

She felt that she picked up Luoluo home, which was definitely the luckiest thing in her life.

“Oh, Yuli, you are so heavy, don’t press it”

“Where there is, Luoluo will talk nonsense, I am old and light”

Between the two fighting, a ship lady came over over over the sea of flowers.

She has long gray hair, a graceful appearance, and always a gentle smile on her face.

“Luoluo, Xi Li, we are ready, go back quickly!”

Lexington shouted when he saw the two who were still fighting.

Hearing Lexington’s voice, the two immediately looked up and stood up.

“Here, sister Lexington, what are we going to eat tonight?”

Lolo asked when he saw Lexington striding up to her.

Yu Li also walked over with her.

“It’s all Lolo likes to eat, but didn’t Lolo say that he would call me Lexington in the future, so that Lolo looks like a governor.”

Lexington said as he reached out and rubbed the top of Lolo’s head.

“Hehe, it’s okay, it’s all the same”

Luoluo’s mind was all on dinner, where else did he care about this.

For today’s dinner, she deliberately left her stomach at noon.

Wait for the meeting to open up to eat.

“Well, today Loloco is our protagonist”

Lexington said and took Lolo’s hand, and the two walked towards the town guard mansion together.

“Hey, wait for me!”

Xi Li’s helpless voice sounded.

Luoluo, this guy, forgot his friends when he had good food, and his soul was about to be hooked away.

She wondered if the Deep Sea Qiji could abduct Luoluo with food when he came.

“Xi Li, hurry up, the banquet is about to begin.”

Luoluo shouted back as he walked when he heard this.

Xi Li also quickly followed.

After crossing the sea of flowers, the three returned to the town guard mansion.

Although they have been living for a while, Lexington and Yuli have a warm feeling every time they walk into the town guard.

This is their home.

The three arrived outside the dormitory building.

Xuefeng, Yixian and the big mackerel are all here.

They placed a table outside the dormitory building and brought all the kitchen tools from the dining room.

There were already more than twenty dishes on the table, and some were boiled in the pot without putting them on.

These dishes are converted into ingredients using four resources through resource converters.

It is then processed, and by the way, the first chef in the town guard is Yixian.

At the same time, Yixian is also the only scientific research ship girl in the town guard mansion.

The other few can basically be said to be able to eat except for fighting.

The big mackerel is especially named, obviously just a submarine, but the food intake is higher than that of Lexington, which is an aircraft carrier.

Therefore, the big mackerel is also called dry rice fish by them, although the big mackerel himself is not convinced by this.


When the big mackerel saw Luoluo, he immediately pounced on it.

Luoluo had to reach out and catch her, otherwise this little girl would have to fall to the ground.

“Now you have to call the Governor, you know, or the commander!”

Lolo grabbed the big mackerel and knocked it on her forehead.

Tomorrow is not small, and it is still so frizzy.

It really worried her as a governor.

“Yes, yes, then our beloved Sister Tidu should take a seat, everyone is waiting for you.”

The big mackerel said and pulled Luoluo to the table and sat down.

She had been hungry for a long time, and now Luoluo was there and could finally start cooking.

After Luoluo sat down, all the ship ladies also gathered around.

Yixian poured fuel into everyone’s cups, then raised the cups and said.

“This cup is a tribute to our lovely little Governor Lolo, and to all of you here, who can gather here in a hundred years.”

Yixian’s words made the shipwives smile on their faces.

Yes, since they were defeated a hundred years ago, they never thought that there would be another day when they could gather here like this.

It’s really time to celebrate.

At this time, Luoluo also raised his cup and said: “Although I don’t understand it very well, I believe that more and more ship ladies will come here in the future, and everyone will definitely be able to reunite.”

“The Governor is right”

“Respectful Lolo Poi”


Everyone clinked glasses and drank the fuel together.

After that, Luoluo continued: “I want to tell you one thing next, I hope you don’t mind”

Saying that, Luoluo’s expression was a little tangled.

She thought about this for a long time, but she still felt that it was better to explain it clearly with everyone.

Just take this opportunity to explain it to everyone.

“Lolo, you say poi”

Yuri also thought that Luoluo was talking about her ability to connect to other worlds.

But Luoluo’s next words shocked everyone.

“That, actually…”

“Actually, I was a human in my last life, and although my memory has been blurred a lot, I can’t remember my name, but there is definitely nothing wrong with being human.”

Luoluo said and lowered her head, she did not dare to look at everyone’s expressions.

Because Luoluo knows that everyone hates humans, which is why she is so entangled.

A large part of the defeat of the prototype ship girl was due to human arrogance and suspicion.

If not, how could the war, which lasted for nine hundred years, be so completely defeated in just a few years.

Luoluo was afraid that after they knew that they were human in their previous lives, they would also hate her.

But Lolo felt that he should not deceive everyone.

Just when Luoluo was worried about whether he would be hated by Xi Li and them, he suddenly felt that he was being pulled into a warm embrace.

When she looked up, she saw Yu Li’s face full of smiles.

“I thought Luoluo was going to say something, it turned out to be just this ah poi”

Xi Li’s appearance made Luoluo a little surprised.

How did Yuri seem to care about her former human appearance at all.

Luoluo looked around, everyone’s expressions were similar to Xi Li, and there was not half disgust on their faces.

“Luoluo, what do the things of the previous life have to do with this life, we only know that you are our governor, the youngest child among us, Luoluo”

Xuefeng also walked to Luoluo’s side, reached out and rubbed Luoluo’s head and said.

“Xuefeng is right, Luoluo will always be our Luoluo”

Yixian also agreed: “What’s more, what we hate is the humans of this world, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be so completely defeated, but this has nothing to do with Luoluo.”

Speaking of this Yixian is very unconvinced, if it weren’t for being dragged down in the first place, how could Deep Sea Qi Ji win against them.

“That’s it, I thought Luoluo was going to say some big news, it turned out to be just this kind of thing, compared to this, I think it’s more important to eat first.”

The big mackerel never left the table as she spoke, and this kind of trifle could not interfere with her appetite at all.

“Luoluo, don’t worry, neither we nor the ship lady who will join the Deep Blue Town Guard Mansion in the future will not mind.”

Lexington also explained: “People are not so stupid, they will anger Lolo because of what happened a hundred years ago”

“Or it’s too late for us to thank Luoluo, how can we hate Luoluo”

Hearing everyone’s words, Luoluo was also moved in his heart.

She also thought that everyone would mind a little even if they didn’t hate it.

Unexpectedly, he persuaded her not to take it to heart.

“Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered”

Xi Li suddenly said at this time: “I think Luoluo was a little strange before”

“It’s obviously a ship, but even the detection device won’t be used, and the shooting is a mess”

Speaking of this, Luoluo buried his head and whispered: “Don’t mention this kind of thing again, Xi Li, I, I’m just not used to it.”

This can’t be blamed on her, she was just an ordinary person in her previous life.

Suddenly turned into a ship girl, it is strange to get used to it.

“But it’s been three months, Luoluo hasn’t changed at all, sure enough, Luoluo is a stupid poi!”

“No, I just didn’t exercise! If I practice for a while, it will definitely not be worse than Xi Li.”

Lolo defended that she was not an idiot.

“Hahaha, okay, Naluoluo will attack with me tomorrow morning, let’s find a few deep-sea training POIs?”

As soon as Xi Li finished speaking, Luoluo shook his head frantically.

“No, no, no, I think, don’t be in such a hurry~”

Luoluo didn’t want to leave the town guard mansion, and she was not ready to fight in the deep sea or something.

Although his mouth is tough, Luoluo also knows that he is estimated to be lucky with all his talents.

Really let her fight with the deep sea, not to mention whether she can fight or not, whether she can fight or not is a problem.

But…… With such good luck, is it possible that the deep sea will hit your own shells?

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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