Before you know it, it's approaching the third watch.

"If you are free, you go to Xiaoye Lake and tread water to practice light exercises. In case of emergency, there is no master around to protect you, don't care about anything, and thirty-six plans are the best plan. "

Don't worry, this girl can't do anything else, and she is still very good at escaping!"

"Okay, let's go and rest."

Huang Rong nodded and looked outside.

"At this time, the purge of those beggar gang traitors has ended, right?"

Huo Nan didn't come back, it should have been no accident, I'll go and see it tomorrow.

"Won't this even more irritate some

people to rebel?" Li

Qing smiled, "Definitely! Many people regard it as an internal purge, and it is inevitable that people will shed blood and die, and I just want to wash the beggars up and down, from head to toe."

Huang Rong didn't say anything more, turned around and went back to the house.

It's slimy, and she wants to take a beautiful shower first.

Huang Rong washed, undressed, and went to bed.

When she closed her eyes, she felt a little sleepy, and suddenly felt a hand lift the quilt and touch her.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately met Li Qing's eyes.

"You, why are you in my room?!"

"Rong'er, last time you left, didn't think I did?"

Huang Rong's cheeks were hot, and there was no master of the six gods for a while.

"You get out of here!"

"I really can't sleep without asking, I can't sleep for a long night, I want to hear the truth." In

fact, in this meeting, Huang Rong was threatened and rescued, and the two had already become ambiguous.

Li Qing held hands, she didn't refuse at all.

But if it is one step closer, then Huang Rong may have some other reactions, and I can't say for sure.

But tonight she just got two surprise gifts, as the so-called short hands eat people's mouths, and the defense line in her heart has dropped again and again.

Even when she opened her eyes and saw Li Qing suddenly appear in the room, some thoughts of male and female love popped up in her mind.

I thought, anyway, I gave it to him for the first time, and I liked him in my heart, so why don't I give myself to him?"

Rong'er couldn't help laughing, "Scoundrel!" "

Ken opened your mouth, then do you say or not?"

Li Qing said as his fingers already held the soles of her feet.

Huang Rong was suddenly excited, she had suffered this loss.

was made by Li Qing and shouted good brother.

"No, don't, let it go!"

"Then do you want to say it?"

"I said! I said, I think about you, I think about your bad, think about your scoundrel, and think about your cunning bastard, you big villain, you will bully ......"

Li Qing directly blocked Huang Rong's mouth.

Huang Rong's head suddenly buzzed, and her mind went blank.

The dry wood met the heat and burned brightly.

"What should you call me?"

Li Qing pushed a cart to plough the fields, like a hard-working ox.

"How bad are you......

" "Call me Brother Qing

!" "Don't!" "

Do you shout?"

The autumn wind swayed the window lattice, and the figures reflected on the wall were also swaying with the wind.

The wind does not stop, and people do not sleep.

Huang Rong slept until it was almost lunch, and then she got up.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned a few more times.

She got dressed and got up, and her eyes quickly fell on the table.

Li Qing left a note.

It reads - the aftermath is not gone, go and deal with it, you have a good rest.

The aftermath naturally refers to last night's encirclement and suppression.

There are leaders in several halls, including the law enforcement hall, who want to break away from the beggar gang, set up another mountain, and kill so many people in one go, so why don't the people below react

? Then wait patiently.

Huang Rong went to cook and cooked, and when she thought of what happened last night, her ears were already red unconsciously.

At this time, Shi Huolong's residence was in the courtyard.

Li Qingzheng looked at the dozens of corpses lying side by side on the ground.

Who would have thought that last night's purge would stimulate some people in the beggar gang.

They dared to storm the landlord's house with no fear.

Shi Huolong was found by Chen Youliang, and the nursing home here was also arranged by him.

In this sudden situation, all the guards were killed, and this group of angry people killed in front of Shi Huolong's residence in one go.

Shi Huolong was so frightened that he peed his pants on the spot.

The leaders who killed the door were stupid at the time.

I wanted to risk my life, but also to ask Shi Huolong to give some blood.

But who would have thought that it would be a soft egg!

As soon as I asked, I immediately asked that it was an impostor.

Everything is from Li Qing's hand.

Seeing that the truth was about to be revealed, thanks to the five poisonous boys, the black wind and the two evils also arrived at the same time.

The three of them washed the blood of the thieves in the mansion!

There were more than 30 people.

The fake Shi Huolong was directly scared sick.

It was when Li Qing heard the news that he immediately rushed over.

Chen Youliang was rarely serious, and looked at Li Qing's face cautiously.

"Li Gongzi, it's all my negligence. I didn't expect this group of thieves to be so desperate, I should strengthen my vigilance here.

Li Qing's face was neither angry nor anxious, he just asked calmly: "Are you sure that the person who pierced Shi Huolong is an impostor, and all the corpses are here?"

Chen Youliang was actually not sure, and turned his head to look at Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng.

Chen Xuanfeng said: "When we arrived, the front door and the back door were blocked, and the stinky woman was responsible for keeping an eye on whether anyone was taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

"I moved with the Five Poison Boys, and I also caught one alive and got a list.

Chen Xuanfeng said and handed over the list.

"This list was written jointly by the people who made the rebellion, and everyone had a bloody handprint, and Elder Peng had already sent someone to see these corpses just now, and they were all right.

Mei Chaofeng also said: "At that time, I ran over the wall, drilled a dog hole, or climbed a tree to hide, I did it all, and I can guarantee that I didn't let one go." Unless there's a hidden master here who can avoid my probe.

Chen Youliang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Huolong is an impostor, and if this matter spreads, it will be a lot of trouble.

At the end of the day, it's his job that isn't done well.

Quan Guanqing glanced at Chen Youliang a little gloatingly.

He was in charge of cleaning up the thieves last night, and the task was quite beautiful.

Now the stakes outside the helm are full of corpses.

Li Qing suddenly asked: "These people on the list who were originally the beggar gang have indeed been eradicated, but what if there are outsiders? Who can ensure that they rebelled and did not go to find some people from other sects

in the rivers and lakes?" "For another example, is there no inner ghost in the beggar gang? There should also be people with dual identities, have you considered it?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Youliang and Chen Xuanfeng all changed their faces.

Yes, what if there are masters of foreign sects?

This possibility is still there.

"You have to prepare for the worst in everything, what if someone outside soon spreads that Shi Huolong is a puppet and an impostor?"

Li Qing said, his eyes first looking at Quan Guanqing.

Quan Guanqing was enjoying Chen Youliang's panic, and was suddenly named, and his heart chuckled.

"Quan Guanqing, you can talk about it. "

This, this ......" Quan Guanqing thought for a moment, when he had an idea.

"I don't think there's any need to worry! Why? Because not long ago, the master, you just pretended to be Shi Huolong and brutally abused Chen Guyan, and this is obvious to all. The rumors of counterfeiters will naturally be self-defeating!

" Chen Youliang rarely echoed: "Yes, yes, it can indeed be used as evidence of a counterattack, I just need to deal with this side well, so as not to let people attack again, with the elder Huang girl in charge, it is not a big problem."

Chen Xuanfeng bowed and said: "If someone threatens and tries to challenge, his subordinates will try their best to block it." The two of us, plus the Five Poison Boys, should be able to handle it. Li

Qing didn't laugh and laugh with everyone at this time, and he had the coercion of a big leader.

That kind of aura can be felt by several people present.

"Last night's action, I originally wanted to reward it, but if this kind of thing happens, the reward will be forgotten. "

Chen Youliang, you can also hand over the matter here, and talk to Quan Guanqing." "


" "When the time comes, you will follow me to the Dazhi rudder."

When Chen Youliang heard this, he immediately became happy again.

"Understood, when are we leaving?"

"In six or seven days, let's see what the situation in Luoyang City is." "

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