Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 388: The process of solving

Fairy Sawagi also felt that today's progress was a little too smooth. Fairy Sawagi met Mr. Asahi at 10:00 last night to meet today.

Because the last few times Sawagi asked Mr. Asahi fairly, it seemed that there was no very suitable result.

Sawagi Fair, originally thought that this time would be closed, and was ready to make several more appointments, but to Sawagi Fair's surprise, Mr. Asahi agreed to his request in one bite.

After all, at this time, with this thief's heart already conceived, Sawagi Fairy was rather flustered.

Sawagi was fair and took a closer look at Mr. Asahi's recent interviews.

Sawagi was fair and found that Mr. Asahi's crystal restaurant was not as beautiful as they seemed on the surface.

The loss of this crystal restaurant is still quite serious.

Sawagi had a fair assessment of Mr. Asahi, and the reason why he agreed to him so happily.

It should be that he hopes to use his identity as a wine taster to help his crystal restaurant advertise more.

After figuring out this matter, Sawagi Fairy naturally had no worries, and Sawagi Fairy immediately started to work and did it.

Before going out at 8:30 this morning, Fairy Sawagi had already installed the muffler on the gun he was going to use to kill Mr. Asahi, brought his own car, and was ready to go into action.

When Sawagi Fair and Mr. Asahi met, Mr. Asahi didn't even have time to say a word to Sawagi Fair, and he was directly shot by Sawagi Fair.

After Sawagi killed Mr. Asahi, he began to think about how to deal with Mr. Asahi's secretary.

Mr. Asahi, as the big boss who owns more than a dozen restaurants, has three different secretaries under his command. These three different secretaries are responsible for different aspects of Sawagi's fairness.

In fact, as for the life management secretary, Sawagi Fairy was quite flustered, because every time Sawagi Fairy and Mr. Asahi had dinner together, the life management secretary would go to the appointed place.

Sawagi just knows that if he can't implement the plan before the life management secretary finds out that there is a problem, then all his plans will fall in vain.

In order to enable his own, this plan to be implemented smoothly, Sawagi chose a fair and reasonable method.

First of all, Sawagi Fair, through the chat with Mr. Asahi and the life management secretary, discovered that the life management secretary was not asking for everything.

Only when Mr. Xu called him would he come over and take the initiative to check the situation.

Sawagi used Mr. Asahi's mobile phone to simulate the way Mr. Asa usually speaks, and told the secretary of life management that he would be very busy in the next period of time.

And because he has already drank a lot of wine, he needs a temporary rest. I hope that the secretary of life management will not come over and worry about it. 1.0

After getting a very positive reply from the life management secretary, Sawagi Fair began to arrange all the next things.

Just when Sawagi Fairy was planning to start other arrangements, Sawagi Fairy did not expect that at this time, Matsuda Hiroshi would call.

But Hiroshi Matsuda's words made Sawagi fair and thoroughly understand what Hiroshi Matsuda was like.

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