Conferred God: I, Who Just Wanted To Run Away, Was Overheard By The Emperor

Chapter 398 I, Yin Ze's Father, Must Not Be False

At dawn the next day, an imperial decree from Di Xin was sent back to Chaoge.

The lonely prince is going to marry the prince concubine, and the younger ones are quick to handle it. Everything is executed according to the highest, no, super standard!

At the moment, the army is in chaos. If the person who Di Xin gave to marry was not Yin Ze, the minister in the court would probably jump and scold his mother.

Dare to marry such a high-profile at such a time, it is purely for scolding, and in the future, the infamy of wasting national strength will be engraved on the tombstone after death.

In times of war, every grain of rice and every piece of cloth in the treasury must be used on the blade of a knife.

But if the person to be married is Yin Ze, then Wen and Wu of the Man Dynasty are not the ones who dare to gossip.

Just kidding, didn't you see the news from the front line?

From the rebellion of the princes in the four directions to the present, the military merits of all the generals of Dashang combined are not as much as that of the prince alone.

At this time, other people's marriage is sick, is a waste of national strength, is not enterprising!

But the marriage of the prince is to show the national strength, promote the majesty of the big businessman, contempt for the enemy rebels, and inspire the heart of the big businessman.

In addition, some senior officials in the court have also analyzed it, and they all said that the choice of the crown prince, the crown princess, was simply wonderful.

Letting a pair of pearls of Marquis Yulan be crowned princesses, it can keep Dashang Nanjiang worry-free for ten years, and make the rebel E Chongyu unable to invade Dashang's territory for ten years.

This kind of thing that can bless the peace of the country and inspire the military to show the prestige of the country, if there is anyone who dares to object, it is estimated that Di Xin will not need to deal with him.

Yin Ze's mother, Queen Huang, will bring those ministers who are loyal to the big businessmen in the court and throw them into the cannons outside the Nine Halls.

However, Yin Ze doesn't know anything about it yet.

Gongming on the left, Feihu on the right, and Prince Gou in the middle.

Yin Ze, who has made his debut with Zhao Gongming and Huang Feihu, is enjoying the spa at the Baixiangge branch in Sishuiguan. He has no idea that he will have a daughter-in-law soon.

By the time he heard the letter, it was already five days later.


Five days later, Yin Ze brought his uncle and eldest brother to Baixiang Pavilion to "work" as always. The two officials from the king's bedroom came out to buy shopping and passed by the door of Baixiang Pavilion. Yin Ze, the head of the business men's group, heard.

So, a terrified scream exploded from Yin Ze's mouth, almost overturning the roof of Baixiang Pavilion.



Why doesn't my client know!

Are you trying to prepare a surprise for me?

No, this is the kind that frightens and scares people to death!

The news he heard from the two inner officials was that the king gave His Royal Highness a marriage, and now the entire yamen in Chaoge City are going crazy.

Yin Ze broke out in a cold sweat at that time, and she didn't even bother to change her clothes, so she directly wore the big panty spa clothes of Baixiangge, and went to Chaoge as soon as the space door opened.

I really hope that the two internal officials are talking nonsense. After all, it is impossible for Di Xin not to discuss with him in advance for such a big matter of marriage.

But when it came to Chaoge, Yin Ze's heart suddenly cooled down.

I saw Chaoge City, red lanterns were hung on the door of every household, red silk was decorated on the trees, red carpets were laid on the avenues, and the festive ones followed the fire.

After walking around the city of Songs, Yin Ze's face became darker and darker. The people in the city didn't know who was going to marry him.

But Yin Ze thinks it doesn't matter who it is.

The important thing is that he doesn't want to get married.

Yin Ze has crossed over, but his soul is still the zhaizhai web writer with fear of marriage before he crossed over.

Fear of marriage is a difficult mental illness to deal with.

Even if she is not afraid of marriage, Yin Ze has no interest in marriage now.

Now he, this body is only eighteen years old, what a young and tender age, why would he want to get married?

Eighteen-year-old boy, married, this is an age that can make people fly.

Why form a pair with a woman who has never met, this is a trampling on a noble soul who yearns for freedom!

[Damn feudal society, God-killed Zishou, you deserve a kidney deficiency! 】

Yin Ze was extremely annoyed, what he yearned for was pure and sweet free love, arranged marriage or something, it was shameful, and he should put Di Xin in the cannon and purify it!

People A who eat melons on the side of the road: "Oh, I got the latest news about the prince's wedding!"

People who eat melon B don't know where to get a snack, and the dazzling Eight Trigrams gleams in his eyes.

"Tell me about it."

Commoner A: "The brother-in-law of Han Laosan's family next to my second aunt's house works in the Department of Internal Affairs. He has already seen the portrait of the crown princess. After my second aunt heard him, she told me that this time the crown prince can marry well. Not just one, but to marry two prince concubines at once, or a pair of twin sisters, who are not only beautiful, but also very virtuous and virtuous.

Commoner B: Uh... I'm so envious, eighteen is not too big.

Commoner C: oh... I'm so envious, the crown prince is so lucky.

Commoner Ding: Uh... I'm so envious, I also want to be a prince or a concubine...

Yin Ze, who was pretending to be a commoner, saw a red sign of danger on his head, and quickly flashed.

But all of a sudden, in my heart, I didn't feel so much about getting married.

Yin Ze found out that it is actually very simple to cure the fear of marriage, just need a pair of twin sisters as a drug primer.

[As a son of man, filial piety should come first, Yin Ze, Yin Ze, you can't be too rebellious, Shou Ge... Shou Ge is actually for your own good, isn't it just an arranged marriage? 】

Yin Ze so enlightened himself in his heart that he decided to be a filial son, and as soon as the door opened, he returned to Sishuiguan.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Gongming asked worriedly.

"Hey hey, it's alright, hehehe..." Yin Ze, who had only twin sisters in his head, replied with a smirk.

"It's not right, you're not right, your smile now is exactly the same as when Huang Feihu first came to Baixiang Pavilion." Zhao Gongming's eyes flashed with wisdom.

Huang Feihu gritted his teeth and lowered his head, persuading himself to restrain himself, this guy is a quasi-sage and cannot be beaten.

But should I say or not, Yin Ze's expression now is very similar to when he came back to Baixiang Pavilion for the first time.

"Hey hey hey, don't worry about this, uncle brother, well, you guys can play here slowly, I have something to do when I go back, girls, give them another three hours and put it on my account. ." Yin Ze smiled and waved his hand away.

He didn't want Zhao Gongming to know about marrying the Crown Princess or something.

After all, Comrade Lao Zhao came with a mission.

This prince's twin sister flower, must not die in the hands of the elder brother! no way!

Yin Ze walked briskly and jumped back to the Prince's Mansion. Di Xin can handle it, and if there is a good girl, he really misses his son.

That being the case, Yin Ze decided that he would go to give Di Xin two stacks of Finger Brother Cheng Steel Talismans to help him go forward bravely on the battlefield of beating the demon fox with the stick.

I, the father of Yin Ze, must not be false!

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