Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 127 The new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts

It was already late when Connor came out of Dumbledore's office, and Connor only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

There are always so many unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

A Templar knight appeared out of nowhere and completely disrupted Connor's school year plans.

He originally planned to get a House Cup for Ravenclaw this year. This matter is actually quite simple. As long as he scatters a lot of gold coins, he can buy a large group of highly motivated Glens. Findor Boy - Go and cause some trouble for Slanthlin at the end of the day.

In this way, the two competitors were eliminated at once, and Ravenclaw's Academy Cup was secure.

Who knows what kind of ghost Templar Knight might have appeared on the way, or was he here to inspect him?

Connor felt that if he did this, he would definitely leave a cunning and cunning impression on the knight professor. If he was unhappy, he would kill him, and the novel would end early.

Although Dumbledore told Connor to relax and not worry, Connor really couldn't rest assured.

The conversation between Connor and Dumbledore went like this:

"Professor Dumbledore, is this Holy See... very strong?"

"Strength is a given, and their Pope's strength is not far behind mine."

"Well, are they...very powerful?"

"Big, for sure. They have a lot of manpower. Your new professor is considered a popular candidate for the next leader in the Knights Templar, but they didn't just send him over casually..."

" is this new professor's strength?"

"He is very powerful. The wizards of the Knights of the Holy See receive military-style training. Basically, all their skills are used against the enemy. If you say it, you may be knocked down by him in one encounter."

"...Professor Dumbledore, is it still too late for me to suspend my studies?"

"This is not possible. Don't worry about the child. As long as I'm here, he won't do anything to you. The Vatican still has to give me my face."


"What are you afraid of? You are a good kid, otherwise I would not agree to his request for employment... You just need to study hard as usual and pay more attention. And I believe Sabele will be a good teacher. of."

"...But this is wrong, Professor Dumbledore. Since the Holy See is so just and powerful, why didn't they kill Voldemort in the first place?"

Dumbledore touched his beard and replied melancholy: "...Maybe, because they haven't heard of him."


"This is not surprising. The wizarding world in England actually doesn't have much contact with the outside world. Back then, Voldemort was only dominating the country, but your little card has been sold to Jerusalem."


...Finally, Dumbledore asked Connor to participate in more activities this year, such as Quidditch and the like, instead of always hiding and studying magic by himself. After bragging about it for a while, he released Connor.

Connor walked back to the Ravenclaw common room, his mind wandering.

Connor felt that he still knew too little about the world. This magical world was not as simple as it seemed in the movies.

The stage of the HP movie world is still too small, and the camera never leaves England from beginning to end. This inevitably gives Connor the illusion that... the wizarding world is just like that.

And Connor is really living in this world now, and everything happening around him shows that this world will not play out according to the script in the movie.

Connor, this little butterfly, has stirred up trouble...

It seems that we need to understand this world more deeply.

Connor thought again of the respected Professor Binns, who was obviously a ghost but could still pick up things. He had to find a way to get close to him. How about a ghost Facebook?

Connor's mind was full of wild ideas. When he returned to the Eagle Ring, he was suddenly stunned because there was a person waiting for him here.

"Connor! You're back!" Penello stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Penello? Why are you here?" Connor was stunned and said smoothly: "You were asked by Eagle Ring again?"

Penello blushed, stamped her feet and said anxiously: "No! I was waiting for you specially!"

"What are you waiting for me to do?" Connor shrugged and walked towards the eagle ring: "If you have anything to do, you can wait for me in the lounge..."

"Ahem, Connor! Um..." Penello grabbed Connor and said, "Um... can you... exchange Facebook with me?"

"Oh, this, okay, here it is." Connor took out his Facebook page, which still had a few free spaces, removed a mirror, and handed it to Penello.

"Thank you!" Penello smiled happily.

Connor answered Eagle Ring's question skillfully and found Penello still standing there. He asked: "What's wrong? Aren't you coming in?"

"Uh...well, you go in first, I'll wait...and then go in later, haha...haha" Penello held her Facebook and looked around.

Connor tilted his head and looked at her doubtfully. Penello was still laughing dryly, taking a few steps back while laughing. Connor shrugged, ignored her, and walked up the steps behind the door.

...But as soon as he walked into the lounge, a group of girls surrounded him.

Connor finally knew why Penello didn't follow him in. It's possible that Nizi never returned to the lounge at all and was squatting outside all the time.

Penelo, you are indeed the one who understands women best, right?

Connor sighed while dealing with the group of girls in front of him - they all came to beg show his favor...

The first week of school this year was pretty uneventful, at least for Connor.

Charms class, Transfiguration class, and Potions class were all simple courses. Connor didn't learn any new knowledge, except that he got to know the buried ginseng fruit - mandrake in the herb class.

On Thursday, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Connor had been waiting for for a long time finally came. The young wizards from other grades said that the new professor taught very well.

But when I asked them carefully where the lesson stick was, they smiled and shook their heads and refused to say anything. They looked mysterious and made the little wizards who had never taken lessons curious.

Although Connor was a little worried about being targeted by the professor, he was still looking forward to this class because Connor liked to learn interesting magic knowledge. In this regard, Connor was no different from other young wizards who looked forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Today, Connor and Roger arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom early (it was always the same classroom), and then they discovered that... there had been a big change here.

The students' seats were divided into two rows and arranged neatly, and in the center of the podium stood a huge... cross with Jesus tied to it.

At first glance, Connor thought he had entered some small church. It was really strange to see a cross in Hogwarts.

Our new professor, Mr. Robert de Sable, is dressed in white robes and stands under the cross with his back to the little wizards. He looks like a praying priest.

This style of painting... is really out of place...

The little wizards came one after another, and sat down with their mouths wide open. No one spoke in the classroom, and you could hear the drop of a pin.

Roger raised his eyebrows at Connor: Connor, this atmosphere is so weird!

Connor also raised his eyebrows and responded: I don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Then Roger nodded with deep understanding.

Soon after, the little wizards finally arrived. Professor Sablay turned around. The lines on his face were very straight, giving people a very serious feeling, unsmiling and full of aura.

He glanced at the little wizard below, but did not look at Connor more. Like a real professor, he said in a clear voice:

"Students, I am your new professor Robert Sablay. I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the next year."

Then Professor Sablay turned sideways, revealing the giant cross behind him.

"As you can see, I am a famous priest..."

"…At the same time, I also work as your professor part-time…"


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