Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 163 What is an international superstar? (tactical fallback.jpg)

"Welcome to our Quidditch match! I am your old friend Lee Jordan! Next, I will bring you today's Quidditch match commentary! Today's duel is between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff !”

It was the day of the Quidditch match again. On the Quidditch commentary stage, Li was actively mobilizing the atmosphere, and then...

"Pepper! Pepper! Pepper!"

Uniform shouts rang out on the court, as if a superstar had arrived, and the shouts of the little wizards resounded through the sky.

There seemed to be a thundercloud gathering in the middle of the stadium (although it was a very small one), and then a Pikachu came out of the thundercloud! It floats in the air, with its little paws on its hips, leaning back tactically, accepting everyone's worship!

"Pepper! Pepper! Pepper! Ah -" This little thing flew back and forth between the stands, and every time it came to a stand, it would be greeted by the screams of the girls, just like an international superstar. .

"The first person to appear is our academy's treasure - Pepper! Today's Pepper is in the shape of Pikachu. Oh, Professor McGonagall, stop, no, no, no, Professor McGonagall, calm down, Pepper will not affect the game. , it’s our new scorekeeper! Could you please put down your wand?”

"Hahahahaha!" xn

Today's Quidditch pitch is much more lively than ever, because our Quidditch game has a new scorer - a cute Peeves, who attracts many people to the Quidditch game that he didn't like to watch before. Quidditch girls, of course, these girls may not be attracted by it.

"Now entering the court is the Hufflepuff team! This year the Hufflepuff team has a new Seeker - Cedric! Cedric is a very skilled player, I can testify to this, The Hufflepuff team looks very confident heading into today’s match!”

"Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff!"

As the house with the largest number of people, Hufflepuff also has the most basic fans. The little wizards of Hufflepuff cheer hard for their house team.

"Then the next one came in. wwwwwwwawow! What did I see!? It's the Ravenclaw team! Oh! My little sweetie! What's going on with this broomstick?! Why! Why! Why can their broomsticks be so handsome! !”

The players of the Ravenclaw team caused a sensation in the audience when they came on the court one after another. Their broomsticks all had dazzling tails. They circled back and forth on the court, attracting everyone's attention!

"What a cool broom! So handsome!"

"I also want to join the Quidditch team! I really want to ride on that broom!"

"Ah~ it's Connor! Your Highness Connor looks so handsome riding a broomstick!"


"The introduction of the Ravenclaw team is really amazing. The Ravenclaw team has added two new players this year, Roger the Beater and Connor the Chaser! I have already heard that Connor is preparing for the team. New type of broom, I didn’t expect their broom to be so cool! Huh? Pepper seems to know something? What!? Are you saying that this new type of broom is called [Star Dream]? It will be officially released on New Year’s Day!? This is really good news, I think I will buy a broom like this at one o'clock!"

Jordan advertised for Connor a little stiffly. In fact, Connor promised that if he advertised for Star Dream in the game, he would give him a brand new Star Dream, so... ahem, it's all a routine, it's all a routine.

"Well, the game had already started when we were distracted. The first one to grab the Quaffle was the Ravenclaw team! The one who got the ball was the third-year Da Kelusi! He was rushing in! It was a fake move! Pass! He passed the ball to Connor! Connor got the ball! Nice turn! Connor got rid of Tony from Hufflepuff! He was moving forward quickly! Oh! Damn it! This broomstick is too fast. !”

Jordan was frothing at the mouth when he explained: "Connor shook off the first round of attacks! In front of him is the Bludger! Two Bludgers were approaching Connor at the same time! It seems that now Connor can only pass the ball to deflect the ball. What! Connor is still accelerating! Connor is still accelerating! I can only see the afterimage of a snowflake! Connor made three quick swings and directly left the Bludger behind! This broom is too scary! Connor burst into the penalty area! He shot! It was Leo Rosa's fake! He fooled the goalkeeper! The ball went in! Ravenclaw scored the first ten minutes of the game in less than two minutes!"

"Connor! Connor! Connor! Ahhh——"

The Ravenclaw girls screamed wildly, and Connor raised his fist in a cool gesture!

"Well done! Connor!" Connor high-fived captain Bruce and fist-bumped with Daklos.

"This is before they can react. It won't be that easy next time." Connor had already taken a stance and waited for the opponent to serve.

"Steal! Ravenclaw wins the ball!"

"That's a beautiful pass! Ravenclaw scores another ten points!"

"Connor has shaken off three attacks in a row! Goal! 100-0! Ravenclaw dominates the field!"

There was no suspense about the next game. The game lasted for an hour, and Ravenclaw had already pulled the score to 210-30. It could be said to be a crushing duel, and Hufflepuff's morale was destroyed.

"Wait! Cedric moved! He discovered the Golden Snitch! Ravenclaw's Aveline also moved! They discovered the Golden Snitch at the same time! They were all charging! Oh! This speed! Aveline's The speed is too fast! Oh my God! Is Star Dream really that powerful? Cedric was overtaken! Is Aveline going to catch the Snitch?! Bludger! The Bludger flew towards Aveline! Aveline doesn’t seem to care about the Bludgers, she only sees the Golden Snitch!”

"Another figure is also speeding up! It's Roger! A beautiful blow! He knocks away the Bludger, which scares Cedric! Hufflepuff palms the ball! Hufflepuff scores! Wait! Wait - Aveline! Aveline caught the Golden Snitch! The game is over! 360-40! Ravenclaw won a beautiful victory! Let us give the applause to Ravenclaw!"

"Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw!" The eaglets cheered throughout the arena.

Connor and his teammates hugged each other. Their first game ended perfectly. The celebration party tonight is going to be lively.

After falling to the ground, Connor and the others met Cedric. Cedric smiled bitterly and said, "Connor, you are so shameless. Your broomstick is a bit foul."

"How can you call it a cheat? This is our secret weapon!" Roger said with a proud smile.

"Hehe, don't worry, the next competition is in February, and you can also use our Star Dream by then." Connor hugged Cedric and whispered:

"Look at this broom, its looks, its speed, and its special effects. Aren't you tempted? It's better to act than to be tempted. You are my brother, so of course I will give you a discount."

The reporter secretly arranged by Connor has retired, and the promotional case for Star Dream has been settled. It can be expected that the new year will be another year of making small money...

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