Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Soul and Painting

"Of course you can learn it. I've always wanted to teach you this." Monet said cheerfully, "But you just can't learn it yet."

"Eh? Why?" Connor felt that his magic level was still somewhat good. Is this looking down on others?

"Because if you want to learn this magic, you not only need to be proficient in drawing magic, but you also need to have extremely deep knowledge of space magic. But now you haven't even learned how to apparate, so naturally you can't learn this magic."

"Eh? That's it." Connor was a little frustrated: "Then when can I learn this?"

Grandfather smiled and said: "Don't worry, Connor, it's useless for you to worry. This magic can't be learned overnight, or in other words, it can't be learned by ordinary people. Among the many patriarchs of the Lake family, Mr. Monet is the only one." People can use it, so you’d better enrich your magic knowledge first.”

"Hmph! A bunch of useless juniors!" Patriarch Monet scolded in a very shameless manner: "It's so shameful to be ignorant and incompetent!"

Grandfather was temporarily immune to his ancestor's verbal attack, and said to Connor with a forced smile: "Anyway, Connor, when you can see through the space magic of King's Cross Station, come and ask Mr. Monet for this magic. Now you have to There is still a lot to learn.”

"I understand, then." Connor nodded and brought back the question he had left for a chapter: "Can you explain why using one's soul to enter a painting is a forbidden technique?"

"Well, I don't think it's difficult to understand Connor. Think about it, what would you think if you were locked in a small room like this for a full hundred years?"

"Ah?" Connor was stunned: "Are you saying that those painters who sealed their souls in paintings in the past couldn't stand the boredom in the paintings and went crazy? This can't be done, right? It can be done in paintings Isn’t there a lot to do? And there are so many paintings to chat about, how could it be boring?”

Ancestor Monet shook his head and said: "Are you bored? You can also say that. You may not want to believe it, but they are really that crazy."

"The difference between painted souls and ghosts is that the souls in paintings have a clear perception of the world around them. As long as they are in the world of paintings, they are no different from normal people, and they can even do things that humans cannot. It sounds wonderful, but don’t ignore one premise: it’s in the painting.”

"They cannot affect reality. From the moment they become the soul in the painting, they are already [people from another world] that have nothing to do with the real world."

"Although the painting soul can do many things, it is only in the painting. They cannot affect reality. This means that no matter what happens in reality, they can only watch and are powerless. This is a big problem for them who were once human beings. It’s actually a great pain.”

"But ordinary magic paintings are different. Magic paintings have no soul, which means they have no emotions. For example, I have lived in Lake Manor for more than 800 years. In fact, every time I see a descendant passing away, I should It’s very sad.”

"But. I don't have a soul. I can't feel this [sad] feeling. I can only judge that I will be [sad] through the memories of my life, and then I show it like this."

Monet looked at Connor and said: "You have painted so many paintings. You should know that if the people in the paintings really have feelings, it is not luck, but more like a curse."

Connor thought about it seriously. If all his monster cards really have souls and feelings,

So those "monsters" who are usually carried around by their owners like treasures may be very happy, but those "monsters" who are used, outdated, and thrown aside and no longer care about are another kind of "monsters". What's your mood?

Connor probably understood what Patriarch Monet meant.

Imagine that you once lived as a person, but one day, you became the "person in the painting", no matter what happened in reality - whether it was someone eating instant noodles in front of you, or your husband's eyes*( Cross it out), you can only look at it through a mirror and can't do anything.

Then after decades and nearly a hundred years have passed, all the people or things you are familiar with have passed away, things have changed, and no one in the world can resonate with your feelings. At that time, will you feel that you are still lingering in this world? What is the meaning of the world?

This is not true immortality.


"Mr. Monet, if you inject your soul into my magic painting that can be materialized, wouldn't it not only affect reality, but also make you truly immortal?" Connor's eyes did not dim, but became brighter. .

Mr. Monet and his grandfather looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time. The grandfather said: "You are right, Connor, you don't know how shocked my heart was when you used this magic. Although it is not I don’t know what the actual result will be, but your magic is indeed possible to achieve the immortality our family has been pursuing for nearly a thousand years.”

"Connor, do you know about the Lich?" Mr. Monet asked with a smile.

"Ah? Is there really such a creature as a lich?" Connor said a little surprised.

"Well, our family does have information recording this kind of immortal creature. In fact, it is not difficult to become immortal. There are not a few old monsters in this world who have lived for hundreds of years, and there are not none who cannot die. But there is always a price to pay for immortality, so the difficult thing is actually how to minimize this price."

"Lich is a kind of [immortal art] that requires a high price. It is said that if you want to become a lich, you have to seal your soul into the phylactery in exchange for an immortal body. As a price, the lich Not everyone can accept the price of losing most of their emotions and becoming a zombie-like existence."

"Wait!" Why does this thing sound so much like Lao Fu? Connor's eyes widened. Could it be that Old Tom got his "inspiration" from the Lich? ? But how did he preserve his feelings? That's not right, who knows if that ghost thing still has feelings...

"What's wrong?" Grandpa asked curiously.

"It's nothing. Just keep talking." Connor didn't express his thoughts. No one is sure whether Lao Fu is dead or not.

"Well, we wizards are very rich in emotions. This is our characteristic and the source of our strength. Wizards who have lost their emotions are indeed worthy of being called lichs. Connor, you know Nico. Plum?" Grandfather smiled.

"Well, I know, the greatest alchemist, he refined the magic stone."

"Yes, this is also an example of immortality. He seems to be more than 600 years old this year. He is still alive and well, but he is just alive. Look at his appearance." Grandfather raised his hand, a skinny old man A vision appeared in front of Connor: "In my opinion, there is no difference between him and a lich."

"These are not the immortality our family is pursuing. We not only hope to live a long life, but also hope to live like a normal person, so..." Grandfather looked at Connor: "Your magic is very crucial."

"This magic from the Far East is like the last piece of the puzzle, making it possible for our family's dream to come true. Our family has the magic to put souls into paintings, and has the ability to build the world in paintings, but it cannot do it with paintings. Affects reality. Connor, now you understand what your magic means."

Connor understands, what else doesn’t he understand? No wonder the monster card caused an earthquake-like effect when it came out. Wizards all over the world seemed to be paying attention to Connor’s monster card. The old immortal must have thought of this at the time. Not a few.

If it weren't for the fact that the monster card was a semi-finished product - half of it was connected to the card, and his grandfather and Dumbledore had shielded him from countless pressures, Connor suspected that he had been captured by the legendary old monster.

Although Connor doesn't know what kind of old monsters these old monsters are.

Tsk tsk tsk, using the soul to enter the painting...immortal...a little excited, and a little excited...

Connor grabbed the hem of his grandfather's clothes and widened his eyes: "Grandpa, I also want to learn this magic, please!"

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