Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 209 The increasingly popular Lake comics

"Connor, why is there Pikachu in the Muggle world?"

"Because Riker comics are so popular."

"Like Comics? What's that?"

"The comic company my dad manages."

"No, I asked what comics are?"

"...You are too stupid, I don't want to talk to you."

"I asked Connor! I didn't ask you!"

"Connor doesn't want to deal with you idiot."

"You are the stupid one!"

Blanche turned her head and ignored Ivan. Ivan was helpless and furious, so he could only run to Connor and complain in a low voice: "Connor, she is so annoying."

"Evan, Blanche is your cousin, you can't hate your sister." Connor had no choice but to deal with Ivan.

"You just learned it a year earlier than always pretend to know everything..." Ivan whispered...

These two brats have been arguing here all day, and Connor didn't even know that their relationship was so bad.

After Ivan returned from visiting the horse racing festival, he showed a strong interest in the Muggle world, mainly because he saw many familiar figures on the streets of Liverpool - such as Pikachu.

Because Connor has been staying in the laboratory, it is difficult for Ivan to disturb him, but today Blanche suddenly came to visit, and Ivan got into Connor's studio as he wished in the name of "taking his cousin to visit Connor's workshop" middle.

However, these two brats seem to dislike each other...

"So what exactly is the comic? Connor?" Ivan asked curiously.

Connor had no choice but to stop what he was doing, put his hands on the table and pushed, and the roller chair he modified slid to the other side of the room: "Forget it, stop working, I will take you to visit my [Treasure House]."

Connor has always determined to be a good older brother.

"[Treasure House]?" Ivan looked at Connor in confusion.

Blanche also looked over curiously.

"Yeah, it's the tower next to it. It's full of treasures that I made in the past ten days..."

Connor rummaged through the bookcase and found a Facebook page and a few comics, and threw them to Ivan.

Ivan hurriedly took it and asked a little confused: "What is this?"

"Comics, and animations that I asked people to help record."

"Animation? What is that?"

"Anime is a cartoon that can move, just like the promotional posters for our monster cards." Connor shrugged.

Ivan first opened Facebook, and there was a painting that moved like a magic painting, but... the painting was so ugly, and why was it the same as the photo? Don't these people know how to speak for themselves?

"Mobile suit gundam [Mobile Suit Gundam]? What is this? The painting is so crude, and why does it look weird?"

"This is an animation created by Muggles on an island far, far away from England. It's an old story from more than ten years ago. It's older than you." Connor smiled and touched Ivan's head:

"I'll give it to you. The story is quite interesting. Blanche, do you want to read it?"

"I've seen it. The animation on your Facebook was recorded by me." Blanche said, "My dad said that we will start broadcasting animation soon."

"Well, that's right. I heard that the comic has received a good response. The animation should be even more popular after it is released..." Connor nodded. The audience for comics in Europe is still very wide. "Dragon Ball" is very popular in Europe. Kang It doesn’t take much effort to buy it and take a look.

European comics also have many excellent works, such as "The Adventures of Tintin" and so on. The comic soil here is fertile, so Lake Comics also has a large market in Europe.

"But none of the people in these animations can speak for themselves. This is not magic at all..." Ivan was still mumbling something, but was interrupted by Connor's slap on the head:

"Come on, I'll take you to visit my figure tower."

There was a passage connecting Connor's laboratory to the tower, and Connor led the two imps directly into the tower.

As soon as he entered the door, Ivan was shocked: "What...what are these?"

On the first floor of the tower, beside the ring-shaped tower wall, there is a life-size robot placed every few meters. Each robot is surrounded by light beams and looks majestic, and these robots...

Ivan raised the Facebook in his hand: "Connor, have you made the puppets in these animations?"

"That's not a doll, it's a Gundam!" Connor waggled his index finger and corrected it: "How about it? According to the evidence, these Gundams of mine are highly restored. Not only can they talk, they can fly, and they can also grow bigger!"

" Isn't this normal?" Ivan, who has a very magical outlook on things, couldn't understand what his brother was excited about.

"..." Connor patted Ivan's shoulder heavily with a gloomy expression: "Ivan, I'll give you a task. Go back tonight and finish watching this animation for me!"

"Oh...oh." Ivan shrank his neck and agreed submissively.

"Ivan, you have to understand that although we are wizards,..." Connor walked to the blue and white machine, patted the mecha and said, "...Gundam is the romance of men!"


Facing his silent brothers and cousins, Connor waved his arms exaggeratedly: "Don't you understand?"

"This, Gundam! After getting bigger, I can enter his belly! I can become a real pilot!"


Blanche said calmly: "You, a robot, can you also launch missiles like in the animation?"


"Can you fly out of the earth?"


"Can I fight the wizard?"


"Then what's the use of it?"

"..." Connor shook his fist angrily: "This is a dream! A dream! Do you understand the dream? Don't you think this mecha is cool? Isn't the reason of being cool enough!?"

"Blanche can't understand meaningless things." Blanche replied coldly.

Connor cast his hopeful eyes on Ivan.

Ivan scratched his head in embarrassment: "This... is okay. Although I think these... robots are very good-looking, I still prefer flying dragons."

Connor crossed his arms: "Oh, you two brats can't understand the fun of adults."

"?" Ivan: Is this brother broken?

"!" Blanche: It turns out that Connor also has such a childish side, ah! so cute!

"Connor, are all these robots on your floors?" Blanche asked without changing her expression.

"Yes, but since you are not interested, let's not watch it..." Connor said calmly, turning around to take the two of them away.

Ivan scratched his head. His brother didn't look very happy. Forget it, it's better to be obedient. Let's watch this anime carefully tonight, and then leave with Connor.

But... Blanche grabbed Connor's clothes.

"Connor, there's something else I want to see."

"Oh? Blanche is interested in this?"

"Well, although I don't understand why Connor made these models, observing such robots will help my painting skills." Blanche said in a factual tone.

"Is that so? Well, then, I'll show you my figures again, and I'll give you a good introduction..." Connor's missionary heart ignited again, and he waved to Ivan and said, "Ivan, just go back first. Come on, I'll take Blanche to visit upstairs."

Evan:? ? ?

Connor led Blanche up the circular staircase in the middle of the tower, laughing and talking as they walked upstairs.

"Blanche, are you having a conflict with Ivan?"

"No, he is too childish. I just don't want to pay attention to him."

"This is not okay. Brothers and sisters should get along well..."

Looking at Connor and Blanche leaving, Ivan, who stayed where he was, felt inexplicably...

It seems that I... lost a bit?

There are activities in the book club, _(:з」∠)_ I hope everyone will actively participate.

p.s. Recommend a friend’s book, Little Seedling, Infinite Stream, "Abyss Consultant", Portal →

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