Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 211 The Secret of Ghosts

Connor let Alice go for the time being and walked towards the principal's office with Pepper. The Dark Magician Girl...Pepper was humming a tune along the way.

"You look happy? Pepper."

"Of course! I told you, I will be happy every time you come back to school!"

Connor had no idea that this sweet-spoken "girl" could be the Peeves he once was.

Connor wiped the non-existent cold sweat and asked: "Your... appearance hasn't been determined yet?"

Pepper had said before that he would eventually settle into one shape, but after all this time it seemed like it could still change at will.

"No, I can still change my appearance at will. Maybe... I will be amorphous in the future, hahaha."

"It's good. We all recognize you anyway."

"However, I think I also have a fixed appearance range. It should be what your monster card looks like. It would be very difficult to change into other shapes, but not into a card."

"Is this so..." Connor thought thoughtfully. He had already arrived in front of the principal's office.

"Are you going in too? Pepper."

"Of course, I'm going to bring you to the principal. Well, I was actually called. The principal seems to want to see me."

Connor nodded and walked into the principal's office together.

"Hi, Connor, and Peeves!"

"Oh, Fat Friar, I told you, my name is Pepper now!"

The Dark Magician Girl frowned and said dissatisfiedly to a pudgy ghost in the principal's office.

"Hahaha, they are all the same, no matter what their names are."

"Hello, fat monk." Connor also greeted with a smile. He did not expect to see this ghost in the office.

"Hello, Connor." The fat monk responded with a smile.

The Fat Friar is the ghost of Hufflepuff House. No one knows his real name. He always says that clergy should forget their names and so on.

Connor didn't know much about him. After all, he ran up and down every day. If he wasn't eating or going to class, he rarely ran downstairs. He had little interaction with the fat monk who was always active underground.

Except for asking the fat monk for information when he wanted to know about the church, the fat monk didn't provide Connor with any useful information.

So Connor's understanding of the fat monk is probably that he is a simple and honest ghost who claims to have been a Catholic clergyman and has always been dissatisfied with his failure to become a cardinal.

I don’t know why he is in the principal’s office…

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore, do you have any orders?" Connor asked.

"Well, Connor, how was your vacation?"

"Very good, Professor."

"That's good. Actually, it's the fat monk who wants to meet you. I have something I want to talk to...Pepper."

"Ah I?"

Both Connor and Pepper seemed a little confused, not knowing what was going on. Pepper floated hesitantly to Dumbledore, while Connor looked at the fat monk curiously.

"Fat monk, I don't know...what do you want from me?"

"Actually, I was entrusted by others to spread a message to others." The fat monk smiled and said:

"Connor, you know that the Holy See has been expelled from the UK, including your Professor Sablay."

"Yes, I understand." Connor nodded and looked at the fat monk in surprise. Unexpectedly, it was a matter related to the Holy See? Is the fat monk really a monk? ?

"Hahaha, don't look at me like that. I'm not from the Holy See. I was a heretic executed by the church back then."

The fat monk was still smiling and said the terrible words seemingly unconcerned.

Did Connor know that this fat monk was from the same era as Gryffindor, a student who graduated from Hogwarts and became a priest, and was eventually executed by the church but became a ghost in Hogwarts?

It looks like there is a big melon to eat...

"But the church in the past was not the same as it is now. Everyone back then would be happy to see what the church looks like today..." The fat monk sighed softly, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Anyway, I was once a priest. Because of this connection, your Professor Sablay asked me to pass on a message to you..."

"Oh, please tell me." Connor doesn't have much dislike for the current Holy See. It's just a special wizard organization. After knowing that they can't defeat a school even if they attack with the whole army, Connor doesn't care much about them. .

"It's like this. The Holy See hopes that you can add elements about the Holy See in future monster cards. The Holy See is willing to pay generous rewards for this. In fact, this is one of Sablay's main purposes, but it's a pity that he hasn't had time yet. He already left school as soon as he opened his mouth."

The fat monk said in a relaxed tone: "Of course, I am just passing on a message. Whether you answer or not depends on you. Whether you answer or not, the matter has nothing to do with me."

"Uh..." Connor was stunned. It turned out that the Holy See had such a plan to come to him to help them advertise? No wonder the pope was willing to help save Alice. Was he selling his own face?

This is not a big deal. I can handle the commission from the Egyptian government well.

However, the card... Connor couldn't help but look at Dumbledore.

I don't know what Dumbledore and Pepper said. After noticing Connor's gaze, Dumbledore also looked over and said, "You can decide this matter yourself, Connor. Don't worry about the elves. Your cards There should be no more elves born.”

"Eh? Why?" Connor asked in surprise. Are elves all one-time non-renewable resources?

"The [Mystery] of your card will be difficult to give birth to elves after this consumption. Of course, there are more specific reasons. I will tell you this later. In short, you don't have to worry about your monster card giving birth to a second elves. , as for whether to agree to the cooperation of the Holy See, the decision lies with you."

Connor hesitated and said, "This is a business matter. Let my grandfather decide."

"Okay, it's up to you." Dumbledore nodded and said to Pepper, "I'll leave this to you, Pepper."

"No problem! Principal." The Dark Magician Girl saluted cutely.

Regardless of the hidden deal the old coin had made with the Troublemaker, Connor had one thing he wanted Dumbledore to help with.

Connor stepped forward, raised his neck, and said, "Professor Dumbledore, can you help me untie this collar around my neck?"

"Oh? Alice hasn't untied it for you yet?"

"...That fool doesn't know how to break the spell."

"There's nothing I can do about it. The Chain of Destiny is a very powerful magic item and cannot be broken by force."

Connor lowered his head feebly. Just when he was about to accept the fact and fall into the dark abyss, a beam of light shone down.

"Chains of destiny? Are you talking about chains of destiny?"

Connor suddenly turned around to look at the fat monk who was speaking, and asked nervously: "Fat monk, do you have a way to untie it?"

"Huh? I didn't." The fat monk shook his head: "But I know someone who might be able to do it."

"Who! Please tell me!" Connor was so excited that he almost wanted to hug the fat monk.

The fat monk said with a smile: "Hehehe, you know this person too..."

"Bloody Baron, the ghost of Slytherin."

"The shackles wrapped around his body are the chains of fate."

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