Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 228 Their unusual first encounter

(Originally, I wanted to post a passage from the original text here to make a transition ==, but it seems that the original text is not allowed to be posted. The two previous chapters have been blocked, but it won’t have much impact. If you still want to read it, please go to the book club to read it. _(:з ∠)_)

"Excuse me...can I sit here?" The youngest child in the red-haired family that I met just now knocked on Harry's compartment door. "Everywhere else is full."

Harry shook his head, indicating that there was no one sitting here, and the child sat down. He sat opposite, glanced at Harry from time to time, and then turned to look out the window, saying "I am very interested in you but I am embarrassed to talk to you." You talk" look.

Harry noticed that there was still a patch of dirt on his nose.

"Hey! Ron!" The twin brothers just now also came: "Ron, do you want to go to the middle car with us for a walk? We will take you to meet some old friends. Li Qiaodan drew a new monster card today [Insect] Queen], do you want to come and see it together?”

"No." Ron shook his head violently. He remembered that the card was a female spider.

"By the way, Harry, we haven't introduced you yet, have we? We are Fred and George, from the Weasley family, and this is Ron, our little brother. See you soon."


The twins just walked away. The deadlock was broken by the two brothers. Ron finally dared to talk to Harry: "Are you...really Harry Potter?"

Harry nodded.

"Oh, it's true, then you are really... where are you..." Ron pointed at Harry's forehead.

Harry lifted his hair from his forehead, revealing the iconic lightning-shaped scar, and Ron's eyes widened.

"This is the mysterious man..."

"Yes...but I don't remember anything anymore. I only remember a lot of green light, and nothing else." Harry replied, as if all the wizards seemed to be interested in this matter.

"Ah..." Ron stared at Harry's forehead for a long time, then felt that this seemed impolite, and quickly turned his gaze away.

"Are your whole family wizards?" Harry was also very interested in the child in front of him.

"Oh, yes, except my mother has a distant cousin who is a Muggle accountant...but we never talk about him..."

"Then you must know a lot of magic?"

"Um,'s okay...ha...haha..."

There was another sudden silence... Then Ron asked again: "I heard that you live with Muggles. How are they? Is it fun?"

"No, it's too bad. Of course, not everyone is like this. I mean. My aunts and uncles are all bad..." Harry muttered, "It would be great if I also had a few wizard brothers..."

"Five." Ron didn't look very happy: "I have five brothers. Bill and Charlie have graduated. Bill is the president of the Boys' Student Union, and Charlie is the captain of the Quidditch team. Today, Percy became a prefect. Although Red and George are naughty and mischievous, their results are top-notch..."

Ron's tone became even lower: "Everyone thinks they are excellent, and they all hope that I can be like them... But even if I do it, it's not that big of a deal, right? Because they have done it before me."

"And I also have to use their leftover things, such as this mouse." Ron took out a very fat gray mouse from his coat pocket: "It's called Ben, and Percy became a prefect. Dad gave it to him as a gift." He gave him an owl, so he left this mouse to me. I should have had an owl of my own, and it’s not like my family didn’t have money.”

"I can understand," Harry nodded with deep understanding: "I used to always wear my cousin's old clothes and never received a decent birthday gift. You know, I mean, my uncle's family doesn't actually have any Poor, but they are not willing to spend an extra penny for me..."

"What's a penny?"

"Oh, that's us Muggle money."

"My mother said Muggle money has no value because it doesn't have goblin marks on it and can be easily counterfeited."

"is that so?"

"Ron? Are you in there?" Suddenly, a voice that was somewhat familiar to Harry sounded outside the carriage.

"Evan! I'm here!" Ron stood up happily and opened the door. Outside the door was the boy Harry had met in Diagon Alley.

"Why are you here? Aren't you with Connor?"

"Connor asked me to come out to find you. He has been reading a book." Ivan smiled, and then he also spotted Harry sitting next to him: "Hey, hello, Harry Potter, do you still remember me? We met in Diagon Alley."

"Oh, of course, Eden Lake, right? It's nice to see you again..." Harry looked a little flustered.

"Evan! You actually know Harry Potter!? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"We just met once in Diagon Alley."

Ivan sat next to Ron and explained to Harry with a smile: "Ron and I are neighbors and we have known each other since we were children."

"Neighbors? Do you live on the same street?..."

"Of course not. In fact, there is a mountain between our two families."

"?Are all wizards' neighbors so far apart?"

"Probably...but we still have quite a few families living there, the Diggory family, the Lovegood family..."

"Eh? Who are the Lovegoods?"

"Don't you know? He is the owner of a newspaper."

"have no idea."

"Actually, I don't know much about it. His family is all weird. I just heard my grandfather talk about it..."

The three of them quickly became familiar with each other.

Harry was listening to them telling stories about wizards, and he would add a word from time to time. He found it very interesting. He was interested in everything new.

About half past twelve, there was a noise in the aisle, and a fat woman with a smile opened the compartment door: "Honey, do you want to buy some food for the car?"

Ivan stood up and said, "I happen to be hungry too, come on, come on, come and get it, I'll treat you."

"Hehehe, then I'm not welcome."

"Well, actually I am also rich..."

"Hey! Harry, don't be polite to Ivan. His family is so poor that they only have money."


They returned to their seats with a bunch of snacks in their arms.

"Look at this, Harry, chocolate frog. There are pictures in it, all of them are famous wizards. I have saved them all. This chocolate frog belongs to the Ivan family. There are also previous monster brand versions of chocolate frogs, but now they are all Out of print…”

Harry opened a box of chocolate frogs and took out a picture. It showed an old man with half-moon eyes and a crooked nose. The name under the picture was: Albus Dumbledore.

"It's Dumbledore," Harry turned over the card and read word for word: "...defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald...likes chamber music and ten-pin bowling...he is our headmaster, right?"

"Yes, we will see him soon. Connor said he is very familiar with the principal. We may be able to shake hands with the principal or something..." Ivan was eating Bibi's multi-flavor beans.

"Really?! But it wouldn't be surprising if it was Connor..."

Harry couldn't help but be curious and asked: "That... who is the Connor you are talking about? I have heard you mention it several times?"

"It's my brother!" Ivan said with a smile, with pride in his tone: "Those monster cards you bought were all drawn by Connor!"

Ron nodded and said, "Well, Connor is very powerful. There is never a problem that he can't solve. He is the person I admire the most!"

"Is he a very powerful wizard?"

"Wizard? Oh, he is our senior, third grade this year."

"Third grade!?"

"Connor is a person who was called a [genius wizard] by the Daily Prophet, hehe, but one day I will definitely catch up with him!" Ivan's eyes seemed to be ignited with fire.

"Ah~ the wizards in your wizarding family must be very powerful. What should I do? I don't know a single magic, so I won't be expelled." Harry originally had a yearning look on his face, but as he spoke, his tone dropped. What he was most worried about was returning to his aunt and uncle's house.

"Don't worry, Connor said that the content to be learned in the lower grades is very simple. The really difficult magic courses are taught after the third grade. Muggle-born children will not be left too far behind."

"Eh?! Is that so?" Ron showed a very shocked expression.

"Don't you know? Your brothers haven't told you about it?"

"No! They only told me that there will be a difficult test when entering school..."

"Connor has also told me about this, but I'm ready!"

Just as several people were talking excitedly, the round-faced boy Harry had seen on the train platform knocked on the door and came in: "I'm sorry... I want to ask if you have seen my toad?"

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged: "No."

The round-faced boy burst into tears: "I lost it. It always wants to escape from me."

Several people didn't know how to comfort them for a while.

"It always comes back," Harry said.

"Maybe you can ask the flight attendant for help." Ivan reminded.

"Okay, thank you, if you see..."

he's gone.

"I don't understand why he is so anxious." Ron shrugged: "If my pet was a toad, I would definitely lose it."

"It is said that in the past, many terrible potions used toads as potions. Toads are naturally magical creatures. However, most of those potions are now prohibited from being made, so toads are no longer used as reserve potions." Ivan said.

"Eden, you know so much." Harry said with admiration.

"Evan, you are studying secretly again... Do all of you in the Lake family like to study?" Ron lowered his shoulders and said.

"No, I don't like studying very much. I just happened to see it and wrote it down."

"..." x2 This sounds even more extreme.

"Let's play monster cards!" Ron suddenly suggested: "Harry, you haven't played monster cards yet, right? I'll teach you, I'm an expert!"

"Come on, Ron, I won't lose to you this time!" Ivan was also eager to try.

"Don't beat someone else after losing. You really need to change your bad temper."

"Nonsense! I have always been humble and peaceful!"

Several people packed up the seats on one side, and Ron asked: "Evan, did you bring a map?"

"Of course, I have to carry this with me."

Harry saw Ivan take out a small bag from his trouser pocket, and the mouth of the small bag was tied with a rope.

"What is this?" Harry asked.

"This is a small bag that has been casted with a traceless stretching charm. I asked my grandfather to make it for me. I can put a lot of things in it." Ivan said, unbuttoning the bag and reaching in to find something. Soon Harry saw his The entire arm disappears into the pocket.

"Found it! I haven't learned the Flying Curse yet. Once I learn it, I won't have to go to such trouble..." Ivan said as he unfolded the map in his hand.

Just as Harry was looking forward to what magical thing would happen next, the door of the carriage was opened again...

"Did any of you see a toad? Neville lost a toad."

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