Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 235 Elective courses for third grade

Let's go back in time first.

1991.9.2. It’s Monday. Unfortunately, the freshmen of this class have to go to class on the second day after entering school. Of course, the senior students are not very happy either. No one is happy about having class at the beginning of school. It’s a holiday. People with the syndrome know no borders.

Third-year students have elective courses starting from this semester. Students have to choose two from the five courses of Muggle Studies, Divination, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures. To be more precise, they are Choose one of the first three doors, and choose one of the last two to study.

Students taking the same elective course are all in the same class, regardless of college. Elective courses are held twice a week, and the first three classes and the last two classes are held at the same time.

In fact, Connor also thought about taking all the classes. He was very interested in all the knowledge, but he gave up in the end because he didn't have so much energy.

When Connor chose courses, he focused on practicality. For example, the Muggle Studies course was prepared for wizards who had little contact with the Muggle world. Connor passed it first.

As for other courses, Connor once consulted Dumbledore on the choice of elective courses - he asked Professor Sybill Trelawney if he was a magician.

Dumbledore told him that Trelawney had the blood of a prophet, but her "gift" was not very good.

Divination is a knowledge that requires a lot of talent. If you don't have [Sight], there is no use in taking this course. The ability to see things that ordinary people can't see is very useful. Rarely, Connor unfortunately did not have this talent (which can be seen through a person's magical aura), so Dumbledore did not recommend that Connor take this course.

So out of three courses to choose from, Connor was left with Arithmancy.

As for the other two courses - Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes, Connor chose Ancient Runes.

The Magical Creatures Protection class is basically a collection of learned and memorized knowledge. Taking the class is just one more opportunity to have close contact with magical animals. For [Kang·Forbidden Forest Overlord·Na], there are many such opportunities. , so in comparison, he still prefers ancient magic texts.

The first class of the third grade on Monday morning was to choose one of three elective courses, and in the afternoon, they were to choose one of two. In the morning, Connor went to the Arithmetic Divination classroom alone (Roger chose Divination). There were very few students who chose this course. , there are fifty classmates in Connor's class, and only thirteen people have taken this course.

But Connor still saw many familiar people, such as the twins, Cedric, Alice and Emily.

Connor was about to walk in the direction of the twins when a prim and serious voice stopped him.

"Please sit with your classmates from your college."

Connor turned to look at the podium. A witch with a stereotyped face was writing something at her desk. She was Setima Victor, the professor of arithmetic divination. She was a middle-aged witch who was very professional in arithmetic divination. , graduated from Ravenclaw House.

Hearing this, Connor had no choice but to turn around and change direction, and sat next to Emily. Alice cast a fiery gaze towards her, and she seemed to be in a mood again.

"Hi, Connor." Emily greeted Connor happily.

"Hi, Emily, I didn't know you chose this class too." Connor remembered that at the opening dinner last night, she said she still hadn't decided yet.

"Well~ I just finalized the class schedule with Professor Flitwick last night." Emily blushed slightly and said, "Originally I also wanted to take the Divination class, but gave up after listening to Penello's opinion."

Connor nodded and took out the textbook from his pocket. At this time, people were almost here, and Professor Victor on the podium put down his quill.

"Thirteen people. It seems that there will be many outstanding figures among this class of students. Of course, there may not be any." Professor Victor glanced at the people below. Her serious expression reminded Connor of Professor McGonagall:

"I am the professor of your arithmetic divination class, Setima Victor. Before starting the class, I must tell you that arithmetic divination is a rigorous subject. It is different from those pretentious divination. Arithmetic divination has its own characteristics. There are traces of profound magic, it is very profound.”

"You will be exposed to the concept of magic patterns in the Charms class this semester. If you also take the course of ancient runes, then after this year of study, you will have a deeper understanding of magic. You will know, and then you will understand - whether it is graphics, text or numbers, they all have [magic]."

"This [magic] is reflected in many places. Magic patterns are closely related to the casting of our spells. Magic words have the power to communicate with the world, and numbers can predict the future for us."

Seeing that the students were listening attentively, Professor Victor nodded with satisfaction: "This course is very difficult, very difficult. If you want to gain something in arithmetic divination, you must invest more energy." , today’s first lesson, I will teach you what real [divination] is.”

The arithmetic divination class was very interesting, at least Connor thought so. He also understood how the Marauder's Map was made, and the magic of numerology was used in it!

Connor believes that as his study deepens, it won't be long before he can make a [Map of the Marauder's Forbidden Forest]. In addition, the secret function of the Marauder's Map also uses the knowledge of ancient runes. , this is what Connor discovered after listening to the afternoon class...

In the afternoon, Connor went to take one of the second elective courses. This time there were more than twenty people in the classroom. Although it seemed like a lot, Penello said that half of their fourth grade students had already taken the magical beasts elective. .

Ancient Runes is one of the most difficult electives at Hogwarts.

Bathshedda Bablin is a professor of ancient runes. She is also a witch and graduated from Ravenclaw. She is a professor who likes to preach. During class, she saw so many people choosing to take her course. class, looking very happy:

"I am Bathsheda Bablin, your rune professor. First of all, I am very happy that the students have chosen the ancient rune course. Believe me, believe me! You will never regret choosing this course in the future. course, ancient runes are very wonderful, yes, very wonderful! I have to emphasize this point, ancient runes are closely related to the origin of our wizards, if you, as a wizard, do not understand ancient runes at all , others will laugh at you!"

"...This year, in your Charms class, you will be exposed to the concept of magic patterns. By then you will understand how important runes are! Let me ask a question, which student can use basic elemental magic? ?"

Connor didn't say anything. He knew that he would definitely not win the Academy Cup this year, so he was too lazy to do the useless work of answering questions to get points. The other little wizards were waiting for Connor to raise his hand to answer questions (they were used to it) , but Connor did not raise his hand. They also doubted whether they really knew this magic for a while, and they did not dare to raise their hands to answer.

"Oh my god! Can't none of you know how to do it?! Smarter first-year students can also learn [Burning Flame]! You are third-year students! Isn't it true that no one can use elemental magic? No! Right? No?!"

Professor Bablin said exaggeratedly, dancing with joy. In fact, it is not strange for ordinary young wizards not to know elemental magic if they don't understand it, but this professor obviously doesn't think so...

Seeing that no one said anything, Connor had no choice but to raise his hand.

"Very well, very well, Mr. Lake, come and demonstrate elemental magic to the students, any kind will do."

Connor probably understood the professor's intention. He decided to do it in one step. He stood up and waved the wand. Without chanting a spell, a ball of flame appeared on the top of the wand. Then the flame seemed to have its own consciousness and turned into a ball as thick as a finger. The fire snake flew in the air for a while and then formed a shape that looked a bit like a "Ψ" - this is the basic flame magic pattern.

"Oh! Very good! Very good! Perfect magic control! Ravenclaw plus five points! Look at this beautiful symbol! Mr. Lake, lend me your magic."

Professor Bablin said excitedly. She waved her wand, and the "Ψ" hovering in the air floated in front of her. She held up the flame text with her hand and said: "Look! Students, this is the symbol that represents flames." Runes! A complete, independent, self-contained magic pattern!"

"Each rune may represent a piece of magic. Ancient runes are words with magical power! And the purpose of our course is to understand, learn and study these runes?"

"The study of runes has always been one of the most profound subjects studied by our wizards. I hope students can fall in love with this course, fall in love with runes, and fall in love with magic!"

"In this class, let's first introduce to the students the 33 known runes that have been deciphered. Students open the textbook to page 233."

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