Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 241 Conan’s Comics

Although the third-year courses have become a lot more difficult, they are still only moderately difficult. For Connor, the professors’ teaching progress is still slow and the difficulty is still relatively easy...

Connor can have more time to deal with his own affairs

Of course, it doesn't mean painting for girls. Connor is now a "married man". Ahem, he has become much more restrained in his actions.

He declined or declined invitations from all the girls on the grounds that he was busy with his studies, and after he passed the age of second grade, Connor no longer gave himself a "buff". He followed the Assassin's Creed and became low-key. Get up - it was actually Dumbledore who told him not to steal Harry's spotlight.

cut. Convex (\u003eDan\u003c) Convex

Connor now spends most of his time in the library every day, staying alone in the corner and studying his own things.

For example, divination, ancient runes and drawing comics.

Well~ Even though he is busy with studies, he can't let go of his old profession. If he doesn't draw for a day, Connor will feel that there is something wrong with him. It happens that the honest man Charles encounters some troubles again. Connor has an idea and plans to do something practical. (zang) things (huo).

Connor wants to be a copycat (it’s also strong to be irrational.jpg)!

Let’s first talk about the little trouble Riker comics encountered in the Muggle world…

Because Lake Comics does not adopt the traditional "small workshop" style of creation model, but Marvel's "assembly line" style of comic creation model - the editor organizes the story, and then several artists collaborate to draw the comics.

The main works of Lake Comics all follow this model, but of course a comic magazine cannot operate solely on the ideas provided by Connor. Naturally, it must also accept submissions from other cartoonists.

Now, the little trouble that comic companies have is that the cartoonists are dissatisfied with the company taking away their [authorship rights]. They always want more, and they were clamoring for the rights before.

Gee, what a bunch of greedy people.

Fortunately, with the help of Penello's father, a barrister, Charles was not too busy. As expected, a large company needs a professional team of lawyers, so that there will be no loopholes in the drafted contract and there will be no problems or disputes. Easy to solve…

Because many small artists are unwilling to accept the contract from Lake Comics and have left several of them, the number of serial works in comic magazines may decrease. In order to prevent his comic company from falling into the embarrassing situation of "no one submits", Connor Decided to make his own debut as a cartoonist (Fog).

Connor wants to be a moving (wen) transport (chao) worker (gong).

"Connor, are you drawing my story?"

In the corner of the library, Connor is drawing comics. He switched from oil painting to comics. It is inevitable that there will be some residues of professional habits, such as "the color of the picture is exaggerated, the dynamics are exaggerated, and it is very contagious" - which means that the painting style is a bit biased towards JOJO. (Araki switched careers from oil painting).

Although the style of painting is a bit strange, it’s not a big problem as long as the story is told well.

Connor is currently drawing the comic "Detective Conan".

In order to make the comics more in line with the "national conditions", Connor changed all the character settings, and then the story became:

[Jimmy Kudo, a top student at Eton College in London, is a high school detective. One day, he made an appointment with his childhood sweetheart, Molly Lan, to play in Thorpe Park. They happened to encounter the roller coaster murder incident. After Jimmy found out the truth and easily solved the case, he noticed two suspicious men in black. Jimmy secretly followed and witnessed the murder. Their transaction scene, but before Jimmy could call the police, he was knocked unconscious by a sap. When he woke up again, he turned into a seven or eight-year-old child.]

Well, it’s actually the first episode of Conan with the names and locations changed, but the content remains intact.

"That's right." Connor nodded and whispered, "What I drew is your story."

"It always feels weird." Conan murmured with his dead fish eyes, watching with his own eyes how he was "created". This feeling... well, Conan is just a painting, with no emotions and no feelings. .

"It's good to get used to it. Anyway, I'll stop drawing after more than ten chapters. Then you can still see your own story in the comics. Isn't it fun?"

Connor smiled and said that of course he couldn't spend too much time drawing comics. Lake Company was already looking for detective suspense novelists. There were many Sherlock Holmes fans in the UK, so it would not be difficult to find a few novelists. Wait. After finding these "screenwriters", the subsequent creation can be handed over to the company's "assembly line". Anyway, Conan is an endless series and can be drawn continuously.

After drawing Conan, I will draw another Yu-Gi-Oh!, plus Pokemon... With the support of these Gou Mingwang series, Lake Comics will not be able to fail in the next twenty or thirty years.

"." Conan didn't think there was anything funny about this. He was just a tool with no emotions: "I thought you would put more thought into the stairs and that drawing card."

Through long-term observation, Conan finally discovered a certain "pattern" in the movement of the stairs.

Conan was drawn by Connor at the end of September last year. His main task every day was to observe the movement patterns of the stairs in the castle.

Conan is a painter, and he has patience and energy that ordinary people don't have. It is perfect to leave the observation of patterns to him. But even so, Conan was only sure that he had found some pattern of staircase movement some time ago. .

Because this regular "cycle" is very irregular, the pattern Conan discovered is - [The movement pattern of the stairs in August is exactly the same as that in January] (without human interference), three in each of these two months. Every day for eleven days, the movement pattern of the stairs was the same.

Conan worked hard every day to find this pattern. It took him half a year to discover it. Regarding this, Conan just wanted to say that the person who designed the stairs was crazy, right?

Who is this staircase? Ahem, it seems that the staircase was designed by Ms. Ravenclaw. Forget it, pretend I didn’t say it before.

But your strange rules across servers are too broad, right? Who would stare at the stairs for half a year if they have nothing to do? ! This is obviously to make things difficult for me, Fat Tiger (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

Fortunately, Conan has done all this work.

Although Conan showed that he could not find any other rules except this one, Connor already had a certain degree of confidence. After that he had discovered a part of the rule, it meant that he had chosen the right direction! There really is some kind of secret hidden between the stairs!

"You haven't figured out the rules of the stairs yet, and this looks like a big project. There's no rush. As for drawing cards?"

Connor put down the brush and turned his left hand over. The golden card that sealed the soul appeared in his hand. Connor stared at the faint "broken marks" on the card and said, "I haven't decided how to treat this soul yet."

At this time, Artoria's voice sounded in Connor's ears: "I still can't believe that this is my other half."

"Saber, what is above this is indeed your other half soul. I injected my soul into the painting to create you. Now, you should accept this fact."

"." Artoria was silent for a while: "But I do have the memory of King Arthur. I am Artoria, not just a painting of yours..."

"Yes, it's precisely because of this that I find it difficult." Connor sighed and put away the card:

"If you inject a virtual memory into the painting and then merge it into the soul, this behavior is like forcibly grabbing a person from his original world. I will probably create another [time travel" like you and me. [laughter], this is not good.”

Yes, Connor and Artoria are essentially [travelers] - they suddenly came to this world with a broken memory, and this feeling of "suddenly coming to another world" is actually not pleasant.

"I can no longer be so selfish and impose my preferences on another soul, even if it is a soul without much consciousness." Connor lowered his head and muttered, and this is why Connor has not yet decided how to deal with it. The reason for this piece of soul.

".Your decision is right, Master." Artoria whispered in Connor's ear, her tone gentle.

At this time, Connor suddenly... saw a set of school uniforms and someone came in front of him.

Connor slowly raised his head. When he saw the fluffy hair, he heard the girl in front of him say:

"Excuse me, Senior Lake. I have a few questions that I don't understand and I want to ask you. Is it convenient?"

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