Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 265 A Day in the Life of Artoria (Part 1)

I, Artoria Pendragon, am a swordsman.

I am a painting.

Or maybe not.

But there is no doubt that I am special.

When everyone thinks that I am a painting, then I should be a painting.

Although I am not willing to admit this, I prefer to believe that I am a "heroic spirit".

Because when I "wake up", I had the memory of my "past life" in my mind.

I am the King of Knights of Britain. In my previous life, I had a wife, a "son", and many loyal knights. I fought countless battles in my life and repelled countless invaders in order to protect my country. But in my previous life, In the end, my kingdom perished in the civil war...

Although these "memories" are very vague, I am willing to believe them, because when I woke up, what I felt most clearly was the deep-seated regret in my soul. I think that was my response to the subjugation of my country as an unqualified monarch. Regret, if I had a body, then this feeling would be unforgettable. How could such a deep feeling be fake?

But this feeling is indeed fake.

I came here to pursue the Holy Grail that can grant any wish, but there is no Holy Grail in this world, and there is no Holy Grail War. I am not a heroic spirit from the past that I thought I was... I am just... a painting.

I just draw a work from my master, a painting that is endowed with soul and memory.

Although I don't want to believe it, when all the evidence points to this sole fact, I can no longer deny it.

Because the world is completely different from what I thought, like... I can't imagine Merlin having a beard.

The land here is still Britain's land, but Britain is no longer my Britain.

Today, I am just a special magic painting with a soul. I am not King Arthur. I have no hatred of subjugation, and no wishes that need to be realized...

Maybe there really will be a King Arthur with a mission, but that person is not me, I am just a container named Saber...

"Saber, I'm going to the library to read today. You don't have to follow me. Let's go play in the Room of Requirement."

Hearing the master's voice, Artoria "woke up", her perception stretched out of the frame, and it was morning again.

Although Artoria is just a painting, she can also sleep, and her daily activities will also make her soul feel tired.

It is said that she is sleeping, but in fact it is just letting her soul return to the painting to rest. Because she does not have a body in the real sense, she does not have the ability to dream. Her consciousness is always awake when she is "sleeping", and it is normal to not be able to help but have random thoughts.

"Okay, Master." Artoria responded calmly, and the next second, her body appeared outside Ravenclaw Tower.

She is a magic painting and can move between Connor's paintings at will. Connor's paintings are everywhere in the castle, and it is just a matter of thought to return to Connor.

"Oh! Good morning, saber-chan!"

Arturia turned around, and a little girl ran out of the picture frame behind her, stretched out her hand from the picture frame and greeted her.

"Good morning, Arale." Arturia responded with a smile.

This child is Arale, a work that Arturia watched the master draw one stroke at a time, and was one of the main reasons that made her admit that she was a painting.

Arale is a new attempt by Connor. He wants to draw magic paintings that can freely travel between the real world and the ordinary painted world.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed. In the ordinary painting world (Conan's world), Arale's body can slightly affect reality like the "Brush of Eyes", but it is not the same as the physical magic paintings of Arturia and Gandalf. In the same "dimension".

Ordinary magic paintings, Artoria's physical magic paintings, and the painting world of the Lake family ancestors belong to three different "dimensions" and cannot be integrated with each other.

Artoria can borrow the passage of ordinary magic paintings, but she cannot enter their painting world.

"Saber should be happy today too, I'm going to deliver the newspaper!" After saying hello, Arale ran away laughing again. She would run around among the various paintings in the castle every day and say hello to different paintings. Then she completes her work - answering the call of the little wizards.

"Bye..." Arturia watched Arale laugh and walk away, and slowly put down her hand. Ordinary magic paintings do not have emotions. Arale has always laughed carefree. This... She has always been envious.

Arturia slowly hugged her knees and sat on the roof. This is where the Master often comes. Every time he encounters troubles, he comes here to quiet down. He said that watching the scenery from a high place can help relieve his troubles...

But Artoria felt that Master simply wanted to rest her thigh...

Arturia shook her head. Over time, she got used to it, whether it was her identity as a painter or staying by the master's side and obeying his orders.

Anyway, she didn't have any goals. She felt very relaxed by giving up thinking and just living according to other people's orders.

You can eat delicious food every day, play interesting arcade games with others, or watch the master being disgraced by those girls... There is no war, no need to fight, and no real need to go wishes come true…

Artoria felt that there was nothing wrong with continuing this kind of life. Although she could not find a reason to "exist", she lived happily every day.

The only thing she still cares about is...

If everything about me is fiction, then when I was born, what did that real, strong, and unforgettable feeling of "regret" come from?

"Ah, I want to eat."

Arturia puffed her lips and muttered. There was no one around, and she was too lazy to stick to her "king image." Anyway, no one saw her, so there was no point in keeping a straight face.

Arturia stood up and "got" into the picture frame behind her. The next second, she appeared in the round table office of the Room of Requirement. There was also a picture frame where she could "live", and there were many snacks...

Artoria walked to the long table, picked up a stack of magic paintings in the drawer, and shook out the snacks painted on them one by one. Connor would refill the magic paintings every once in a while. These are her "reserve food".

Arturia walked into the fraternity's activity room while eating cake. No one came to "seize the opportunity" this morning?

There are usually several arcade machines here that are not idle. Oh, by the way, today is the weekend. Those little wizards must have gone out to play, or they didn't get up...

emmm... I don’t need to follow Master, I’ve finished my snacks, and there’s no one to play the game console with me...

Ah, so boring.

Arturia straightened her back and sat on the sofa in a daze, the hair on her head slowly spinning in boredom. She suddenly had nothing to do.

"Forget it, let's go walk around in the castle."

Artoria entered the spirit state and appeared in the castle through the magic painting passage. She could not leave the Room of Requirement by walking through the wall because the space of the Room of Requirement was not fixed.

And the feeling of walking through the wall is very uncomfortable.

Artoria is already familiar with her body as a magic painting. Although her body is a painting, her emotions come from her soul, and the soul does not feel good when it passes through real objects.

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